
Some company made a program to create TV shows from scratch and trained a model on South Park and it's assets.

Overall it's about what you'd expect but considering it does it all from a single prompt is pretty interesting.

They even did individual episodes in real time about the tech journos who interviewed them to prove it wasn't faked or edited, using the audio content from their recorded interview, surprisingly funny as they cast the journ*list as an Anti-AI conspiracy theorist lol:

Couple highlights from the episode they made about their own idea for AI TV shows that includes mogging on the SAG-AFTRA strike along with Disney accidentally making a racist AI pig lol:

Articles, some with some minor sneed:

Kevin Mitnick has died

rip i didn't even know he was sick

orange site:

Reported by:
There is no bloat

Context: Someone linked an article about Kiwibots, a company operating small delivery robots which are controlled by workers in the founder's home country of Colombia.

The founder's name is Felipe Chavez. This r-slur skimmed the article, saw the name "Chavez", thought it was a reference to Hugo (who was Venezuelan), and declared the article is racist.

That's it. That's the post.

const axios = require("axios");
const { setTimeout } = require("timers/promises");

const HOST = "";
const REPLY_URL = `${HOST}/reply`;
const UNREAD_URL = `${HOST}/unread`;
const REPLY_MESSAGE = ":marse#ykys:";


async function execute() {
  while (true) {
    const config = { headers: { Authorization: ACCESS_TOKEN } };

    console.log("CHECKING UNREADS");
    const response = await axios.get(UNREAD_URL, config);

    for (const unread of {
      console.log("FOUND UNREAD\n", unread.author_name);

      if (unread.author_name === "SomeStupidAsshole") {
        const form = new FormData();
        form.append("body", REPLY_MESSAGE);
        await, form, config);
        console.log("SENT REPLY");

    await setTimeout(60000);

execute().then(() => process.exit(0));

If you don't know how to into Javascript, reply here. This site doesn't yet allow you to check DMs without marking them as read, so I won't see any DMs while this script is needful for me

Reported by:
  • pet : fricking nerd just install an easy stable distro (gentoo)
introducing: marseyMoji for linux!

For the past two days, I have toiled unrelentingly to create marseymoji! It is linux emoji font with several emojis replaced with marseys.

See the source code here:

lastly, credits to @chiobu for creating something similar before me:

Linux installation

Tried on endeavourOS+KDE

1. remove previously installed emoji fonts to ensure marseymoji will be used system wide by default

2. install the font:, then restart

Now the font should be used for emojis by default in most apps, including the desktop, chromium* and libreOffice! Additionally the font will be available to use in apps that support choosing fonts for whatever reason

3. on firefox, go to about:config. Search for and replace the value with Noto Color Emoji, then restart the browser. Now the font should also be used on firefox

Windows Installation

Unfortunately the font is a bit broken on windows, so do not expect too much

1. install the windows version: The preview will look like the emojis are blank

2. install the emoji polyfill extenision on a chrome based browser and restart the browser. The font should now be used for emojis however it's a bit clunky, the emojis will be replaced only after the site is done loading.

unfortunately, most apps including ms office will not support the font


same as windows installation

full list of emojis (I have accounted for all gender/race variations but they aren't listed here):

:0: = 0️⃣

:1: = 1️⃣

:2: = 2️⃣

:3: = 3️⃣

:4: = 4️⃣

:5: = 5️⃣

:6: = 6️⃣

:7: = 7️⃣

:8: = 8️⃣

:9: = 9️⃣

:a: = 🇦

:b: = 🇧

:c: = 🇨

:d: = 🇩

:e: = 🇪

:f: = 🇫

:g: = 🇬

:h: = 🇭

:i: = 🇮

:j: = 🇯

:k: = 🇰

:l: = 🇱

:m: = 🇲

:n: = 🇳

:o: = 🇴

:p: = 🇵

:q: = 🇶

:r: = 🇷

:s: = 🇸

:t: = 🇹

:u: = 🇺

:v: = 🇻

:w: = 🇼

:x: = 🇽

:y: = 🇾

:z: = 🇿

:marseyblowkiss: = 😗

:marseyblowkiss: = 😘

:marseyblush: = 😳

:marseybuff: = 🏋️‍♂️

:gigachadqueen: = 🏋️‍♀️

:marseyburn: = 🔥

:marseycapitalistmanlet: = 🤑

:marseycop: = 👮

:marseycry: = 😭

:marseyfacepalm: = 🤦

:marseyhacker2: = 🧑‍💻

:marseyhearts: = 🥰

:marseyhmm: = 🤔

:marseyill: = 🤒

:marseyvaxmaxx: = 😷

:marseylaugh: = 😂

:marseylenny: = 😏

:marseylgbtflag4: = 🏳️‍🌈

:marseynerd: = 🤓

:marseypleading2: = 🥺

:marseythumbsup: = 👍

:marseytrad: = 👩

:marseytransflag: = 🏳️‍⚧️

:marseywave: = 👋

:marseyworried: = 😟

:marseyxd: = 🤣

:soyjakanimeglasses: = 😎

:soymad: = 😠

:marseyrage: = 😡

:marseypepe2: = 🐸

:marseybeansick: = 🤢

:marseypickle: = 🥒

:marseynull: = 🐶

:marseytrans: = 🐕

:marseygoblin: = 👺

:marseysleep: = 😴

:marseywords: = 🥱

:marseydemonicgrin: = 👹

:marseydisguise: = 🥸

:marseydisgust: = 😒

:marseysteaming: = 😤

:marseybeanquestion: = 🤨

:marseybeandrool: = 🤤

:marseybeanimp: = 😈

:marseybeanmonocle: = 🧐

:marseybeanannoyed: = 😑

:marseybeanrelieved: = 😌

:marppy: = 🤖

:marseytroll: = 🧌

:marseylove: = 😍

:marseyoctopus2: = 🎣

:bigsmilesoyjak: = 😀

:bigsmilesoyjak: = 😄

:bigsmilesoyjak: = 😃

:marseystar: = ⭐

:marseysing: = 🧑‍🎤

:marseygun: = 🔫

:marseycloud: = ☁️

:marseymayo: = 👨🏼

:marseyclapping2: = 👏

:marseylickinglips: = 😋

:marseybrofist: = 👊

:marseydownvote: = 👎

:marseybountyhunter: = 🤠

:marseycheeky: = 😛

:marseycheeky: = 😜

:marseycheeky: = 😝

:marseybattered: = 🤕

:marseywink: = 😉

:marseyokay: = 👌

:marseysweating: = 😰

:marseysweating: = 😅

:marseyangel: = 😇

:marseyskull: = 💀

:marseyskull: = ☠️

:marseyezramiller: = 🧑

:marseyshrug: = 🤷

The state of tech “””journ*lism””” - ‘I put a mustache on my Mac Studio’ :marsoyhype::marsoy:
Orange Site has a struggle sesh over small cars existing.

If you don't know what a Kei Car is, it's a Japanese class of vehicles that are super tiny and limited to 63hp. They are typically cute and/or crazy and make affordable enthusiast cars.

Recently they've been very popular as cheap light farm trucks.

To import a car into the US it needs to be 25 years old because of stupid laws. Orange site cannot believe we would do something so dangerous as allow cars with outdated safety standards on the road - after all, you might hurt yourself! :marseypearlclutch2:

I feel like this sort of thing is a fantastic illustration of the irresponsible level which most drivers (in the US at least; can't speak to other countries) feel that they are just so so good at driving that they believe all these safety features are fine to go without.

Sure, this is presumably not your sole vehicle or daily driver. And sure, you're not going to be taking one of these on a 65mph highway. But a 30mph head-on collision with another vehicle will almost certainly kill you in one of these trucks. And I know if I was the driver of the other vehicle, and survived, even if I wasn't the one at fault, I'd probably need years of expensive therapy to get past it all.

If this is too :marseywords: for you, he's mad because he's afraid he'll need therapy after killing you because of your car choice.


This moron wants you to give up your fun car because he's afraid he'll need therapy. I just wanted to repeat that.

If safety was a primary concern for U.S. regulators, large consumer SUVs and trucks would not exist in their current form. As of ~2019 (the last such study I know of) trucks killed occupants of other vehicles at 2.5x the rate of cars and "SUVs" (an increasingly useless category as it includes everything from small unibody crossovers to enormous body-on-frame Canyonero-style monstrosities). I am not aware of any comparable headline figure for how pedestrians fare against them but I would put money on their pedestrian safety performance also being atrocious.

What is it will silicon valley and car-hate? :marseythinkorino:

I don't understand the anger and disdain from people about others potentially hurting themselves. The only thing I can think of is they are jealous of someone who doesn't have these sort of intrusive thoughts about safety all the time and how they get to do something cool like the OP every now and then.

Fortunately someone has a sane take.

A kei truck is still safer than taking a bicycle or motorcycle on public roads. Do you propose banning those?

Another refutation, what does the site think about this?

Nah, this is some terrible whataboutism. Stick to the topic.

He said the magic word that invalidates all arguments! :marseythanks:

Anyway I think much of the anti-kei sentiment is lobbyists trying to protect the truck market from affordable competition.


Can we get a jonathon blow crying while solja boy is laughing marsey?

Contest 5000mb reward: Whats in the box

!codecels what does the button do

We have a winner. Answer pinned

Awarding 500 per funny or great idea as judged by me

lemmy is susceptible to IP logging

“On Wednesday, users reported an account that had a slur as its handle. This handle was in violation of our community guidelines, and it was our mistake that allowed it to be created,” the company said. “40 minutes after it was reported, the account was taken down, and the code that allowed this to occur was patched.”

Hey Jay Graber, Paul Frazee, Emily Liu, Rose Wang you have an incredibly bad anti-blackness problem on your platform. It says you are hiring. Where is the posting for your head of Trust and Safety? Why is this such a big problem every week or two it seems? If you don't want to run a social media platform, split the company in twain and go focus on the protocol and fund the platform with another team that cares. Or do you not care about marginalized groups?

How have they STILL not said a word? Take accountability, apologize for how bad this was, and advise the specific roadmap plan and options of how they’re fixing it, request feedback from the Black users, and then make adjustments based on there. Having one space for my Black friends to be able to enjoy as much as I have been is worth everything to me and most of my friends.

I am shocked, shocked that the man who made Twitter a safe haven for Nazis and other white supremacist terrorists for years is back to his plausible deniability games.

Also, if these folks weren't able to figure out to block creation of account names featuring the #1 most toxic slur in the English language used against Black people? I think we need to understand that they didn't want to do it.


has some coverage but hard to find because it bans mention of Bluesky The users are tired. Apparently it's not just about nigger but also about sex workers and Nazis

Orange site

Bluesky now checks against this array of slurs when creating a username

Fun comment from that thread

There's an MLB player named Kiké Hernandez and there's been some fretting over his name, including calls for him to change it. Which is... something.

// Needs additional work to add more words that should be cought and regex added to catch common variations
const slurs = [

I don't have a Bluesky account. Is apparently invite only, mainly through reddit and Linkedin. I don't have a reddit account.

If someone wants to check in try to get account from /r/BlueskyInvites



:!marseybangfast: Why is Europoor internet like this :marseybangfast:

>Getting a high amount of paid internet traffic from Asia

>Server was hosted in :marseylibertyfireworks: and while there are some minor discrepancies in traffic received on my tracker :marseyspyglow!: and what is actually billed it's still within an acceptable range

>Did an oopsie on the server

>Decide to spin up a new one and randomly chose one located in Frankfurt

>"Shouldn't be an issue because it's 2023 and Frankfurt's probably closer to Asia in terms of distance :marseyclueless: "

>Traffic drops by like 50% while I'm still billed for the same amount as previously

>"Darn it I probably need to bid higher :marseyclueless: "

>Traffic still half of what I am paying for

>"Maybe I just need to optimise the configuration on the server :marseyclueless: "

>Still getting BTFO-ed

>"Guess I should pay more and upsize the server even though it doesn't make sense :marseyclueless: "


>For some reason ended up on some page that shows global ping statistics

>Frankfurt to Seoul 297.96ms Frankfurt to Tokyo 235.42ms Frankfurt to Hong Kong 202.29ms

>Portland to Seoul 115.82ms Portland to Tokyo 85.77ms Portland to Hong Kong 132.56ms

>:#pepereeeeee: :angrycomfypepe#: :#marseyraging: :#marseybangfast:

I know this has mostly been a result of my own stupidity but the company I was using for serverrs didn't have any presence in Asia and the burger servers were generally fine :marseybangfast:

But I didn't think that there would be so much difference in latency using Europoor servers vs Burger servers :marseybangfast:

FRICK :#marseybangfast:

Reported by:
im about to codecel this shit together :marseyhacker:

i'll publish it to when i'm done

San GAYcisco Footcels seethe at the carchads. :marseyrobot:


hedge fund stories :marseytypinglaugh:

I started working as an engineer in a HFT firm a few months ago, and all of the guys here love telling wacky and possibly-made-up stories to me so I thought I would share with my friends on rDrama :marseywhirlyhat:

In no particular order:

Testing schmesting

One team doesnt believe in testing, they just make a change and then hit prod to see what happens. I literally could not believe this is even allowed under regulatory laws, but then I found out they trade crypto so that explains that I guess.

This has resulted in, among other things, attempting to place orders for $3trillion, and submitting 40 thousand orders to the exchange with "🙂" as the execution ID due to char pointers pointing to garbage memory.


At one guys previous firm in the early 00s, they were running a fairly sophisticated prop trading business across the world (USA, Athens, Tokyo).

Because it was the early 00s, literally every machine relied on a single service, running on a box in the middle of the office :marseyretard2:

One day someone who sits next to this random computer decides they want the monitor for themself, so they ctrl-C the single process powering the entire firm and unplug the computer. This causes all trading (and cancelling, which is the scary part) to stop working for 25 minutes.

The next day when the guy came into work, every single key on his keyboard had been ripped out except for the Ctrl and the C keys.

Filing at the strip club

A LONG long time ago, one of the guys used to be a pit trader. This means that instead of electronic trading, you did your trading by waving your arms and yelling at a broker from across the room.

Old pit traders are easy to spot at any firm, since young traders are pencil-necked nerds :zoomer:, and pit traders are borderline-r-slurred gigachads :marseyretardchad: who can actually tell a joke.

Anyway, he told me about how one time he was making fun of one of the brand new electronic traders, and pressed a random button on the guy's keyboard as a prank. The way it was set up was that whenever a trade went out, it would make a little "beep" sound. There were a dozen or so computers, so there would normally be a beep every couple seconds (this was early days, so they did hardly any electronic trading).

After this :marseyretardchad: pressed the button, every single computer in the room started going "BRRRRRRRRR" non-stop, until someone could flag the brokers (who were in a different floor of the building) and beg them to cut the DMA link.

Afterwards they had 100s of pages of trades printed out, and :marseyretardchad: had to sit in the office with the brokers until 4am with a marker pen, crossing out individual trades one at a time.

At 4am, the guys decided to go out to a strip club, and they dragged :marseyretardchad: and the brokers with them, forcing them to sit at a table at the strip club and keep going through all the trades while everyone else had a fun time.

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