Libs of TikTok has been BANNED from Facebook!! :marseyparty::marseyrave::marseypartyzoom:

Here's a thread on her stochastic terrorism!

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The :marseytrain: who tweeted this has this on xher arm


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this one again lol

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She's single and ready to mingle, ladies :marseybutt:


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The letter i

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_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ E S S E S - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ S - _ I T _ - S E _ E N T _ - T _ O - _ _ _ S E _ S - I N - _ _ N N _ _ -- :marseyno: G

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Allah bless all dramatards with seventy two Marseys in jannah

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ahh, so close but not quite right

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I have a small part of it but can’t figure it out from there 😩

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You can guess again, friend :marseyexcited:

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A _ _ A H - _ _ E S S E S - A _ _ - _ _ A _ A T A _ _ S - _ I T H - S E V E N T _ - T _ O - _ A _ S E _ S - I N - _ A N N A H

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Allah blesses all dramatards with seventy two marseys in Jannah

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A _ _ A _ - _ _ E S S E S - A _ _ - _ _ A _ A T A _ _ S - _ I T _ - S E V E N T _ - T _ O - _ A _ S E _ S - I N - _ A N N A _

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Literally looks exactly like a normal woman

Remember, when rightoids say they can clock trans people: They're lying

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deaf too?

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dramatard moids have the worst eyesight

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Are you kidding? Trains have NO IDEA how to do their eyebrows (most just don't even tho it could fix the unfortunate moid brow ridge condition)

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Wtf does "doing eyebrows" even mean!?

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huh I thought u a straggot tbf

alls it means it plucking the strays hair usually under the brow bone into a nice arch shape, filling in with pencil, powder or gel any sparse areas and defining the point n setting with eyebrow gel

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of /h/AgainstHateHoles if you have any questions or concerns. trans lives matter

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Jfc who made this bot is this u @HeyMoon (n sry to sperg at u earlier bb 😣😖)

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@InternetCustodian aren't you in the moderator union? Now might be the time to fight back to prevent losing your job

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:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

omg that looks like fricking wax lips. Or when Conan O'Brien did celebrities with talking mouths

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Dat thumbnail


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I don get it. Her eyebrows look completely normal. This is supposed to be after she got them "done"?

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Surprising as it may be to normal people, there are some people who are just obsessed with their eyebrows.

If you have a spare moment look up "sharpie eyebrows". That's thing with the chola women who pluck them and then draw on fake ones with Sharpie markers.

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fricking your eyebrow. with xer barbie wand.

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or their brow ridge, nose, jawline, cheekbones, or peepee

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Peepee? I dunno about that. I heard girldicks were for girls or something :marseyhmmm:

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Faceblindness is a sign of autism.

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_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ E S S E S - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ S - _ _ T _ - S E _ E N T _ - T _ O - _ _ _ S E _ S - _ N - _ _ N N _ _ -- :marseyno: G

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D pls

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A _ _ A H - _ _ E S S E S - A _ _ - D _ A _ A T A _ D S - _ I T H - S E V E N T _ - T _ O - _ A _ S E _ S - I N - _ A N N A H

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Allah blesses all dramatards with seventy two marseys in jannah

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How does that work? After 6 guesses you reveal the :marsey41:?

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It ends when someone guesses the answer and gets a lil' prize :marseyexcited:

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Then I'll do one more guess and wait a while to give someone else a chance. V?

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_ _ _ _ _ - _ _ E S S E S - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ _ S - _ I T _ - S E V E N T _ - T _ O - _ _ _ S E _ S - I N - _ _ N N _ _

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pick one, please :marseyexcited:

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All blesses all dramatards with 72 marseys in jannah

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I thought i was first :marseydepressed:

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Allah blesses all dramatards with seventy two -a-se-s in jannah

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dammit carp, you are so close!!

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Go on a date to the beach, xhe can use that chin to dig in the sand.

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And jannies /r/egg_irl + received a court order not to wear xis ex wife's clothes + was convicted for pill pushing = top notch moral compass :!marseythumbsup:


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court order not to wear xis ex wife's clothes


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Does rdrama have a real list of the child groomers such at this person, I thought I recognized the name, and keffals and drewiepoodle or whatever that one is? I'm sure there a lot more but some of the more prominent ones?

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Not really, it's just that both xim and keffals are very visible since Erin tweets a shitload of hot takes and does tiktok videos and gets quoted by MSNBC and the such a lot, while keffals is a streamer who gained notoriety for tweeting "ratio" on "transphobic" tweets, so they'll appear more often here. I think drewiepoodle's not as high profile since xhe stays in the lgbt subs and does xer shenanigans there

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and gets quoted by MSNBC and the such a lot,

Wtf :marseyyikes:

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google keeps fricking up and shows me joy reid instead but yeah xhe's been quoted in a few MSNBC Out articles lmao, can't they get someone without so many skeletons in their closet?


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There are so many it's hard to keep track

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received a court order not to wear xis ex wife's clothes

This is honestly the most nuclear L I've ever seen online, how does one even recover from that?

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I was aware of it, I've read that cow's thread. I think it's one of the most mind boggling things I've ever heard. How creepy does one have to be to have a judge forbid someone from crossdressing with his ex-wife clothes?

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Oh those are for the lurking trains and normies who might not believe me


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Also a Presbyterian deacon!

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Xhe is a great moderator of /r/eggirl!!

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What's xir's username /u/?

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Xhe resigned from the janny team though

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Is there a Dramatic story behind they/thems resignation?

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It seems like kiwicels claim they drove xer off but I kind of doubt it tbh. They do have a long thread about xer though lol

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Probably advice from xher lawyer due to an ongoing case involving minors

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>shitlibs on reddit:

>"reddit is full of racism and right wingers"

Meanwhile on a :marseytrain:'s arm:

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Old news, sister.


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What's his reddit username?


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Some of the commenters seemed very concerned about teaching children how to "tuck" safely. I didn't realize that teaching a child exactly where to place their peepee in their underwear was something that required the active assistance of an adult, but maybe that's just my inner chud talking.

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I think a lot of people here replaced 'h' with 'x'. We need to fix that.

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Inglorious Bastards IRL?

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Truly an anti-hate soldier


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