So what, am I supposed to be impressed by that? It's a synthetic material- not pleasant to the touch, easily sourced and fabricated. If it was made of something like marble and clad with deerskin it would change my mind, but carbon fiber is just glorified plastic. What does it even need that for? To manage the intense stress of a 200 kilogram redditor squatting on it? I'm not fat, I don't need that. Do you also know that dislodged carbon fiber is abrasive and damages your lungs if inhaled? This means that if you rub your butt over it enough you will get skin irritation.
Do you also know that dislodged carbon fiber is abrasive and damages your lungs if inhaled? This means that if you rub your butt over it enough you will get skin irritation
It's not going to be bare carbon, it'll have lacquer on it
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What a real Lamborghini potty looks like (on the Lamborghini boat)
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Kinda mid if I'm being honest. I'd expect more
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It is carbon fibre
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So what, am I supposed to be impressed by that? It's a synthetic material- not pleasant to the touch, easily sourced and fabricated. If it was made of something like marble and clad with deerskin it would change my mind, but carbon fiber is just glorified plastic. What does it even need that for? To manage the intense stress of a 200 kilogram redditor squatting on it? I'm not fat, I don't need that. Do you also know that dislodged carbon fiber is abrasive and damages your lungs if inhaled? This means that if you rub your butt over it enough you will get skin irritation.
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It's a sporty potty, for doing super fast shits
It's not going to be bare carbon, it'll have lacquer on it
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Yea, in other words- plastic. Literal budget airline-tier potty
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Bro, my potty, it's like a freaking F1 car bro
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Real Lamborghini owners don't need a potty becauase they shit like this.
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