Weekly Anime Post 53

Look at this fricking picture. Its so ugly. It sucks butt. The earth would be a better place if it didnt exist. Yet, every time @Schizose google for 'anime girl' or similar, this picture is consistently at the top. @Schizose fricking hate it.

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Also, would anyone here watch :marseysal2: a Fire :marseyflamewar: Emblem anime :marseyben10: if they made one?

Those games :marseygamer: sell more and more and aren’t really obscure anymore. I don’t get why Nintendo :marseycopter: doesn’t try to do more with the franchise.

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no because FE was only good :marseyclapping: when it was 2d on the GBA and DS

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I have no clue what the games are about so idk if Id watch an anime.

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The games :marseygamer: are only ever about standard fantasy :marseyredmage: plotlines, i.e. a bunch of teenagers band together with a holy sword :marseysephiroth: and kill :marseyropeyourself2: an evil :marseyjason: dragon :marseytrogdor: that used to be a god also there’s a local war and a character :marseyrustyventure: or two loses their dad.

But if anime :marseygundam: fans will :schopenmarsey: consume :marseyoctopus2: that schlock regularly, and they do, than a Fire :marseyburn: Emblem anime :marseypathetic2: should stand out because I think the storylines and characters are better than average for the genre.

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I really liked 3H’s characters so I’d watch an anime.

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