Someone wrote an instruction manual for Japanese Twitter artists that teaches them how to deal with They/Them.
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fricking based, if only everyone else did the same tbh


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These degenerate freaks feed off of attention but r-slurs fall for their bait everytime. Blockmaxxing and reportmaxxing are the only two ways to effectively deal with them.

When the attention stops and they have nothing else left to live for, that's when they finally 41% themselves :marseywholesome:

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Yeah don't understand why kiwicels gave keffals undue attention lol

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Because they're neurodivergent.

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Because he is an entertaining trainwreck of a creepy loser

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It's like a trainwreck, you know that it's horrible but you just can't take your eyes off of it.

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I keep hoping Elon will be forced to buy Twitter. I might actually make an account if I can start telling Twitter users to kill themselves.

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The sample profile on the 3rd panel


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It's not even overdone, that's legit a very average bluecheck bio


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Animetopia lives another day #SaveAnimetopia :#marseygundam::#marseykneel::#marseygundam:

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this cant be real

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The language seems legit, so it probably is :marseykamikaze:

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This shit is like a year old at least.


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yeah I remember seeing this before.

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Someone mentioned japan so here I am :marseyexcited:

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They say that the Japanese writing from the panels is really broken. Is that true?

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It’s grammatically incorrect in many places but it’s honestly not that bad. The writing is kinda like listening to Immigrants trying to express their native concept in English. Native Japanese people will have no problem understanding the translation.

Besides, most Japanese who sees this shit are also terminally online and understands that this shit was written by some white dude who hates :marseytrain: :marseytransattentionseeker:bullshit

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Use my pronouns They / Them (コイツ)

Was I right in raising an eyebrow on that, or does a japanese guy person who wants to be referred to as コイツ exist? :marseyhmm:

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Nah, that’s a weird way of translating the pronoun. If you refer to someone in public as コイツ in Japan outside of casual friendly setting and unless the person is your best friend, it wouldn’t go well.

コイツ has a similar nuance as how Australian uses “this c*nt” when referencing their friend.

The proper Japanese grammars are pretty binary, so the English gender neutral terms aren’t really applicable in this sense.

When we use 3rd person plural, at least properly, it’s generally limited to either 3rd person masculine or feminine. Japanese language just uses 3rd person masculine to refer to a group containing both sexes.

The dude who wrote this probably wanted to say something along the line of (彼奴、あやつ or きゃつ), a some what gender neutral term in its nuance but is hardly used outside of novel to distinguish a certain character’s way of speech.

I don’t know why the frick I am writing this but hope it helps

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When we use 3rd person plural, at least properly, it’s generally limited to either 3rd person masculine or feminine. Japanese language just uses 3rd person masculine to refer to a group containing both sexes.

That's how it works in most non english languages too, italian or spanish for example :marseyshrug:

Nah, that’s a weird way of translating the pronoun. If you refer to someone in public as コイツ in Japan outside of casual friendly setting and unless the person is your best friend, it wouldn’t go well.

やっはり :marseyagree: Feels like that time people called me out on using animespeak going around using phrases that roughly translate like "Oi ya frickers where da dang train station at" :marseyweeb:

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It looks like it was made by a banned :marseydarkcarp: user named Sutorippu

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I applaud this action. Preventing these p-dophile meetups will do much good for stopping the distribution of CSM.

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Hah just yesterday I was recalling that time twittards bullied a japanese artist for coloring Nessa's skin a bit lighter than the original (which was probably more due to the artist using pastel colors for the piece rather than whitewashing)

Honestly this should be taken more as general good advice for any artist in any part of the world, but I understand japs probably need it more since they usually don't have a clue of why Emily is screaming at them

For what is worth, at least japanese artists have the adventage of having predominantly japanese audiences so if the mob tries to come for them they rarely succeed at getting them cancelled, as opposed to western artists whose audience is full of they/thems ready to join the mob at the slightest sign of perceived offence

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Based Nippons

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The people getting mad are the exact people they're talking about, and they wonder :marseysphinx: why he singles out LGBTQ :marseyprideflag: and BLM people.

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This is at least a year :marseychiobulove: old I think

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Hey everyone! My name is Juan-Elias Riesco, my mom and I own Nini's Deli together, and before I gave my life to Jesus Christ, I used to be a homosexual.

I still remember the day as if it was yesterday when my older brother Jose shared the Good News of Jesus with me and told me that I was on a path of destruction without Christ. I thank God that he did not sugar coat it, because it was his forthrightness that struck a cord heart. After that moment I was immediately convicted for my sins, and just a few months later I went to church and cried out for Jesus' mercy over my life!

Now, I am married to the woman of my dreams and we have two precious children together (and Lord willing many more). It is because of this that I as a business owner now have such a big heart for my #LGBTQ friends. If Christ could change me, surely He can change anyone!


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antis? anti to what?

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I mean it does come off as kind of condescending but also true. Lol at the people saying it ableist. Saying people with a laundry list of disorders in their bio are annoying isn’t ableist because not all r-slurs put that shit in their bios, only the especially annoying ones do.

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Its astonishing that every single r-slurred child replying just resorted to bullying through ad hominems, projecting, and threats. Cute twinks are clearly superior


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These should be considered warning signs that the user you are dealing with is a person lacking in mental stability or mental maturity


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