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New One Piece color spread of the series’ most prominent women features a female character headcanonned by trains as a man. Another instance of invalidation

Anime Drama! and it’s one piece! my favorite!



There’s been a long-standing HEATED debate over whether Kaido’s daughter, Yamato, is trans (FtM) because she identifies as Kozuki Oden. Moreso, it’s because she wants to be like him and idolizes him. If Oden was an amorphous slime, so would she. Basically an obsession. Yamato is the character below


The trains’ arguments come from a scene where she bathed with men and a few instances where Kaido called her his son.

The chud:chudglassesglow: counteroffense is that Oda, the author of One Piece, has gone on record in an SBS (little end of volume question column) saying she’s a woman, it’s in her official vivre card character profile, and her character introduction on reveal is “Kaido’s daughter” and that her identity as Oden is “self-styled”

Drama :yotsubafish:

Oda recently published this color spread with a lot of the series’ most prominent women


it notably includes Yamato. This causes seethe in the twitter user






What’s even more notable, but went under the radar was the exclusion of Kiku (MtF) who is about the best representation that trans people will ever get in popular shonen anime. No fetish, not weird or grotesque, and both a strong and somewhat reasonably developed minor character. See below


More drama on that




Guess they’re stuck with Ivankov and the Newkamas

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1684353248783101.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16843532491171768.webp

bonus in-theme pirate meme


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Anime turns incels and perverts into :!marseytrain:s but the Anime industry hates :!marseytrain:s.


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The anime industry probably doesn't even know they exist outside of Futa porn and the gender bender genre; they only exist to beat their peepees to

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I cannot confirm because have never spoken to a Japanese reader, but have a feeling that when that character in fire punch revealed she felt like a man inside, no one in Japan took it like a serious coming out and more like weird thing #463892 in that series

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There's def a few "woke" JP manga authors, what comes to mind is the Vineland Saga guy having constant sneedposts about how he hates masculinity and inserting modern day progressive values into his manga about viking conquest. Also there was some guy who made a smut manga about gravure idols getting r*ped that turned into a shitty Baki knockoff who had his "own" come to woke Jesus moment which culminated in his manga getting canceled.

Exceptions that prove the rule really

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Vinland Saga drawer is a soyboy

Maybe that's why it's so unreadable.

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The Hagure Idol guy had a kid, I think? Redman Princess and the Hagure Idol side story about getting fricked by a dolphin were pretty edgy tbh.

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Vinland Saga sucked.

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Vinland Saga is such a huge disappointment. Fricking redditor author.

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I know a few Japanese fans. They don't know wtf a trans is. They said they would use the pronouns if asked nicely, but they'll use thwir first guess. "If you sound and look like a guy, I'm going to think you are a guy."

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Why would :marseytrain2:s willingly watch a show that depicts them like this?


Is it suddenly okay because it's the nips that made this? I've seen cries for violence over less :marseybeanquestion:

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those chapters released/episodes aired in 2010 and 2011 respectively. it was still fine to make these jokes, much more so because one piece wasn’t mainstream like it is now. certainly wasn’t a normie fanbase, but was absolutely more chill.

also there’s two, ivankov and bon clay, who are well established and liked characters.

but yeah if this released today there would be so much more drama

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Ah I see. I've heard that the show has been running for very long but didn't manage to put 2 and 2 together.

So it's a finer product from a bygone era :marseysargonofaccat:

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Those are okama which are portrayed more as sissy strag men than trans women.


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Excellent post and the formatting is just :marseychefkiss:

Oda like most Japanese men has always had a very bad image of women. You'll notice how the female characters in One Piece are either 10/10 Gigastacies or grotesque creatures. He received a lot of criticism but casually brushes it off like it is not a big deal. I mean it isn't and I'm certaintly not the type of man to complain about muh mysoggyknees in manga but given how popular One Piss is you'd expect a more diverse depicition. Thank god, we have the hideous :marseytrain2:s in OP to remind ourselves who the real enemies are, r-right? I don't even know what I'm writing here and I have no idea who Kiku or Yamato even are but the seethe this page generated is insanely funny to me. Anime/Manga fans are very easy to one piss off and it is always a delightful meal or something more accurate like a cola light.

Also, I never really noticed how ugly One Piss actually looks. Well, I should rather say new OP as the panels are cluttered, full of reactions and other misc. shit that deters the reader from actually reading. I have once heard it described as 'visual noise' and that seems very accurate. Anyways, One Piss sucks for like what 5 years now and I hate it.

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Oda has wanted to become a LN author for the longest time as evidenced by his latest chapters, some new chapters of one piece are all dialogue.


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The Hunter X Hunter treatment.

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Even the manga is terrible. Why do weebs do this to themselves?

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I hate the Japanese shit like everybody else but the first scene has potential for soyfaces

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Lmao talk about same face syndrome. Almost all the chicks on that giant butt drawing are just Nami with a different haircut.

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That's how it is 99% of anime/manga. Same template but with different hair and clothing varieties.

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i hate these people. i hate them so much. :uhuh:


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Good post, unfortunately by putting in the (rightfully) much-blocked and much-reviled /h/anime you caused many dramatards to never see it.

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one piece has the ugliest art style of any animated media ever created. It physically repulses me, and every time I see it I am only further confirmed in my belief that anime watchers and especially one piece fans are the lowest subhumans to crawl upon this wretched earth.

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:marseyshrug: I find it pleasant and it stands out from the flood of similar looking mangos

>anime watchers and especially one piece fans are the lowest subhumans to crawl upon this wretched earth.


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So how is it that trans twitter isn't up in arms over those grotesque men/women you linked, wouldn't they find that to be an "offensive representation of trans people?" Those newkamas are completely indistinguishable from soyjaks meant to depict trans people poorly (and I'm surprised chuds don't use them more).

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Wow, those quora replies. The depths weaboos will go to, defending obvious transphobic shit, just because "anime good" :marseyxd:

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They claimed Samus was trans becuase in an interview the creater referred to her as a newhalf, the Japanese term for :marseytrain:, due to her tall appearance. They interpreted a misogynistic joke as confirmation of transness, lots of weebs just assume that everything Japanese has this deep and esoteric meaning which vindicates it.

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pasting from another reply i made

those chapters released/episodes aired in 2010 and 2011 respectively. it was still fine to make these jokes, much more so because one piece wasn’t mainstream like it is now. certainly wasn’t a normie fanbase, but was absolutely more chill.

also there’s two, ivankov and bon clay, who are well established and liked characters.

but yeah if this released today there would be so much more drama

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I mean

People are getting cancelled for shit they did in 2002

Why would it matter it's from 2010?

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unironically it’s probably because people want to see how it ends. even the trains in uprising aren’t really trying to get oda fired or one piece canceled bc it’s someth they really like

i’ve got over a decade investment in this show, and a some chuddery won’t get me bothered enough to care. until another act-age scale event happens, myself and many others can turn a blind eye tbh. even act-age has some people wanting to it come back and it only had ~130 chapters :marseydepressed:

way more people care deeply about oda losing his job and one piece being unfinished than james gunn unable to make another capeshit or any other corpo losing their job.

also i have a hard time believing shueisha or any japanese company would cut a cash cow for something like bigotry

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Sports Illustrated needs to buy these people out and fire all the bigots

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For context it's reasonably common in Japanese queer culture for butch woman to refer to themselves with masculine pronouns and be referred to as 'princes' similar to the West. Japanese pronouns are also not just male/female/ungendered and have a large range based on formality, often which pronouns a character uses will be illustrative of their character traits.

A Japanese woman playing male to escape gender roles is also a common trope in Japanese culture which makes this expected.

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There's also the whole subculture of reki-jo, female history otaki who like to LARP as their favorite historical figures (especially members of the Shinsengumi). See the Hippo Team from Girls und Panzer where the characters are always dressed up as and pretending to be people like Julius Ceaser and Erwin Rommel.

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Oh this is about Anime. Srry -- unable to care.

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the online circle jerking over the wano arc made me try to watch it like a year ago but I lost interest immediately. Forums shit on it but reddit and youtube are nuts for it because the animation style

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Every girl is the same girl in that picture. Everyone has the exact same face what the frick.

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Frick one piss it ruined the ylyl threads on /gif/. :marseyindignant:

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