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Chainsawman 136 - Trigger Warning: Dumb Nerd Twitter Drama, R*pe, Sexual Assault, and Spoilers


CSM is a comic about a loveable incel :marseyblops2cel: which has been in it's part two for quite some time.

In the latest chapter, our hero, the s*x obsessed Denji :marseydenji:, is set up by his """friend""", Yoshida the Octopus boy.

Within three panels this mysterious Puta :marseyreze: is already grabbing our hero's peepee :marseyeldritchnut: , a feat no other women has accomplished.


Because what's an anime fanbase without shippercute twinkry, reactions to this turn of event are mixed as usual, seeing as Puta has been in about three panels and is already molesting the main character while Asa, the arc's heroine, is nowhere to be seen and DEFINETLY nowhere to be seen near our main character's peepee.

And twitter... is NOT HAPPY about this turn of events:

Reactions range from accusations of sexual assault, :marseypussyhat:

(AsaDen is the ship pairing between Asa and Denji for those less neurodivergent :marseyamogus:

To outright murderous :marseyface:

(Family guy mentioned! :marseyfamily: )

To :marseyhomofascist:

On reddit, the complaints :marseytrain: scnded the language barrier

Well rdrama, what do YOU think about this turn of events? And while you think, enjoy some memes because Jesus Christ shitposters work fast

For me? I think it'd be very funny if Puta ends up being Puto if you catch my drift :marseywink:


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whats a chains awman?

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Not much what's up with you?

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Lol forgot one:

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This is gold.

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@Losercel @loli_esports I can't see that Yoru face without laughing my butt off:marseyxd:

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>Teenage girl grabs teenage boy's peepee in a cinema.

>Teenage boy is clearly into it.

>Manga fans call it sexual assault.

Boy howdy, I sure do wonder why weebs are all virgins. :marseyclueless:

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>teenage boy is clearly into it

lol no

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Yeah, he seems distraught. Definitely not seconds away from nutting. :marseynut:

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Why not both?

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>Main character's only motivation is to have s*x.

>Finds woman that wants to have s*x with him

>Fans are angry main character is going to have s*x

>Why are people r-slurred?

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I assume because theyre self-inserting and sneed that they cant relate to the dude anymore?

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Not really, this is just part of "shipping" culture, they're not self inserting, they have very very specific relationships that they fantasize about with two characters, and the moment something happens that deviates from what they want, even if it's completely made up and was never gonna happen anyway, they get very upset

Online this happens with literally every single show ever, it's most girls who do this

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anyone thinking this author is sane needs to read fire punch first

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Unironically kino

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Wait, the Chainsaw man guy's the same as the Fire Punch author? I dropped that after realizing it was just gonna be incest and random pedoshit all the way down.

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Yeah same guy, he also did a bunch of one shots. He runs a Twitter account where he larps as his fictional younger 8 year old sister.

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what’s his twitter? That’s schizo as frick lol

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It's all in Japanese, he tricked Miyazaki into thanking her thinking she was a real person.

Here's the Twitter bio in English

My name is Koharu Nagayama and I am in the third grade of elementary school. I made a Twitter account in June. I like Fire Punch and Chainsaw Man. thank you.

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No wonder miyazaki hates anime and manga culture lol

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Not to perpetuate the fact that a lot of internet is hearsay and recycled information, plus the anime is trash gifset that floated around of him.

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Tale of Genji was the first sign of the Japanese problem and the only solution viable to solve it

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I'm fairly sure like 50% of Japanese population are pedos so it's they culture bigot don't judge

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In the words of a wise culture, if you throw meat into the street, can you blame the dog for eating it or is it the fault of the careless butcher.

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I blame the dog catchers for not throwing it into the dog chipper

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What the frick, I hope he gets r*ped to death by elephants.

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r*ped to death by elephants

Why so specific? Anyway, this reminded me

>I was visiting in Africa two months ago

>My goal was to see all those wild animals

>Most excited I was when I came close to elephants

>They were so big and somehow so scary

>Something happened when I snapped a picture

>Three elephants surrounded me

>One of them ripped off all my clothes

>Second elephant came on me and started to spread my buttocks with its huge trunk

>I screamed in agony when I felt it started to shove up my butt

>Third elephant forced me to take its giant peepee in my mouth

>I sucked like a whore while I was assfricked by elephant trunk

>After all it wasnt too bad at all

>It took only about ten minutes and peepee in my mouth started to c*m

>Extremely huge load of elephant sperm filled my throat and spurted all over my face

>I was completely fricked up, but elephants had one more thing to do

>All three of them huffed and puffed shits on me

>Then they left me alone with my ripped butthole

I'll never go to Africa again

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The Elon Musk of Anime

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/a/ sends its regards

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/casca/ won

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baby win

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need a gf that dresses like this bros, that’s about all I know/care about CSM

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You want a lesbian. Unfortunately you’re a moid

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Plenty of snappy dressing twinks out there.

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CSM and Helltaker showed me how hot women in suits can be.

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And hellsing. Rawr.

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Reading CSM while getting upset at Fujimoto's antics is just asking for trouble.

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I remember when this was just a blog manga. Time flies.

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I will forever enjoy the media that I like while never interacting with it's online fan base

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He never fricked blonde demon or his boss? I only seen couple episodes

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Correct, he never got to smash


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:#marseyhelp: But they were all so horny!!

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I assure you, Denji never getting to have s*x is an instrumental part of his struggle as a character, and there is very good reason the boys balls are bluer then Eiffel 65

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lol that was the tip of the iceberg

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He touched tits at least

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He smashed her into the fridge and eat her out everyday for months? What, not enough smashing for you?

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Boss was deliberately stringing him along to control him and the blonde is more like a stinky housecat than a love interest

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I'd frick that stinky housecat

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She’s 16 you lolbert

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Power is best girl 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Turned out she wanted to keep pochita around as a s*x slave not denji

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chainsawman without kobeni just isn't the same :marseydepressed:

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Neighbor what the frick did that stupid b-word ever do that was relevant? Depending on your answer I may just r*pe you. Straight up.

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She cute!

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Man Kobeni is the most overrated character ever holy shit

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Me but with Aki

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fujo detected

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this is hilarious for a manga that had the theme of child grooming so realistic and rough that it made my stomach hurt in the first part (that fans also went OH SEXY I LOVE THAT LADY) lmao

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These are the same neighbors who were woofing for cosplayer thots dressing as Makima who for some reason are now crying about sexual assault cuz the girl didn't get a signed form from our r-slur signed with at least three witnesses.

No wonder they are the most sexless generation. Soon as I heard people were reacting that way I knew I had to make a thread.

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You would get people saying "those are 2 different groups of people" like haha no just admit you are all porn addicted and use any mildly attractive character as an excuse to ham it all the way

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I want to be groomed by a hot early 30s lady too. :coomer:

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The whole story is messed up left right and center and denji has been a hornball all this time. This latest chapter is embarassing in terms of intensity :marseychainchad:

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denjibros (soon to be denjisisters)... its over...

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I hate Tatsuki Fujimoto so much, it's unreal.

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he has the absolute worst and whitest fanbase in anime. It's the complete opposite of the One Piece and DBZ fanbases. The dude writes the same exact tropes as every shitty romcom and, because he uses an edgy art style and surrealist elements, people think he's some kind of revolutionary lgbt loving dragqueen.

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>whitest fanbase

He’s a jap. And CSM sells the most in japland.

  • his whitey fans (westerners) make the most drama (see: makima dog shit).

Fujimoto is an auteur when it comes to making drama kino, please put some respect on his name.

  • there are worse and more derivative mangaka than him. Most anime/manga creatives are derivative as shit and base their work on anime/manga tropes, at the very least, while it is low tier cinema influencers (see: Tarantino), he gets some of his inspiration from non-Otaku mediums.

Put some respect on this cooler dominatrix-obsessed mangaka’s name😭

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:marseyairquotes: Anime tropes :!marseyairquotes:

Any and every character by default gets horribly mutilated and toyed with, nobody gets forgiven, everybody is r-slurred and does not "care about the power of friendship and teamwork"

Dramaweeaboos are r-slurred

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no fun trash taste copelords

>people think he's some kind of revolutionary lgbt loving dragqueen.

those aren't people, r-slur.

he's not those things, so why pretend their opinion matters?

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Neighbor do you not see the Latinx communities reaction in the post


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hes r-slurred if he thinks spicneighbors don't like chainsoy man lel

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I dont get when twittoids get obsessed with these edgy mangas and get shocked theyre written by chud coomer r-slur incels?!

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I like that guy he’s a super hero but only wants to do super hero stuff if he gets to feel up broads in exchange.

Are there new TV shows I’m an adult and don’t read comic books.

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Nah, I think they announced a movie and a second season, but I might be mixing stuff up

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last two chapters have been kino

this chapter was theaterkino and last chapter was Famikino

also /a/ is having a field day with Puta-chan

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>sexual assault

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I have no doubt that 90% of the people crying about this are all underage. :marseyzoomer: Like that's literally just the pattern of "people on twitter crying about porn/s*x existing."

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I’m just looking forward to a continuation of the Oshi no Ko drama tomorrow :marseycatgirl:

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:marseyreze#: :#marseykishibecarp:

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This is like the first male ejaculation face in anime I've seen that isn't in trap pornography.

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That one meme face with the dude doing c ╎ counts

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I remember a guy in /a/ saying he only cared about chainsawman being adapted because it would mean new yaoi, I can only imagine that fudanshi as happy seeing this.

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Total Fujo Death :marseydeadpooner:

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They still ship Denji x Aki despite, you know

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I would never engage with these psychos but HOT DARN I KNOW FUJI IS COOKING SOMETHING GOOD

and I don't mean theater seggs i mean this will probably lead to more great storytelling

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They’re watching Dead Mother Explosion, it’s a crossover scene

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I don’t know what worse

Incel author write his incel fantasy

Twitter neo-weeb seethes over shipping

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No way denji will smash bro. This will likely lead to some other ridiculous teardown as per protocol.

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She's going to try and kill him soon anyways.

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The only thing I know about this is that, according to a wise prophet (my friend), Power will win in the end.

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She died like 50 chapters ago

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>that last one

Kubo Marsey WHEN

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I think it would be nice character growth for Denji to turn her down in favor of someone else he actually knows and cares about but also it’s Denji so I don’t have high hopes.

Someone also said this the third public safety sexual predator Denji has been assigned lol.

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Chainsaw Man is like if Joss Whedon made an Anime

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Asaden flies in the face of so many naming conventions for ships. Denjsa is proper. If Asa is dom, then even Asanji would be ok.

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Shit's hilarious

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hey rdrama, its me snappy. i woke up this morning really sick so i went to the doctors, and... well... they diagnosed me with stage 4 sawcon. they said its terminal. this will be my last comment here and then ill be flying with saint floyd :marseycry:

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