Throwback to one of the funniest meltdowns on /a/:marseylaughpoundfist::marseydicklet::marseyemojirofl::taylaugh:

Let me just say, it couldn't have happened to a more obnoxious fanbase:marseypuke:. Ssssssssss. More collages from that week :marseyjam:.

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Still my favourite is barret stays on during s*x or truck-kun.

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dam I get to use 2 of my favourite berserk images in 1 thread

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Was that the rent a girlfriend thing? I'd never understand anyone who actually considers manga/anime like that entertaining. And this is coming from a guy who watched a shitload of anime romcoms.

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Indeed that was the rent a girlfriend thing, where somehow the people who actually read that shit were surprised the manga starring a guy who pays for girls to hang out with him had an NTR fetish.

20 pages of him imagining his (fake) girlfriend banging a frenchmen and then cumming at the end.

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Not just that. Main girl is made after authors wife. And MC isnt his self insert.

Guy he imagined fricking her was authors self insert.

Dude made comic about cucking some poor frick who keeps lusting after his wife.

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Main girl is made after authors wife.

And MC isnt his self insert.

Guy he imagined fricking her was authors self insert.

>author wrote himself cucking the audience

Dangerously based.

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I have never considered reading this series for obvious reasons, is it really this bleak and how do unironic fans of this series defend it

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There were no unrionic fans until the anime adaptation came out, but they all fricked off or were converted once the pool cuck meme went around.

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Any unironic fan is Jap which means there is a language barrier to seeing their defenses

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Lot of people hate read it. Few that are serious about it are bottom of barrel waifu strags.

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Didn't realize the author was French

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There is drought of good lighthearted romance manga right now and has been for years.

Basically most bottom of barrel romance shoune/seine romance manga will get some level of popularity.

And they will remain popular unless they frick it up big time like rent a whore or Fuuka.

Waifubaiting works. Just look at bg3

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There is drought of good lighthearted romance manga right now and has been for years.

Yeah, I found that out during my romcom binge and this was several years back. Most of the recent stuff like rent-a-whore, neighbortoro, dress up slut, etc... is something I wouldn't have considered watching even during my tastelet teenage years.

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Dress up slut is ok. Its silly coomer bait. But it goes all in with coomer baiting.

Issue is right now. New generation of authors have come in. And they ahve no idea what romance or relationship is.

They know just waifu stuff.

Few even know how to coomer bait properly.

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That's happening across anime. Everything is getting flanderized and getting reduced to the most fanservice-y elements. Forget having irl experience, it's like authors never watched/read anything outside of tropey anime. Even when I find something that has some potential for fun like Prison School, OPM, CSM, it goes downhill after one season worth of content.

Yeah, guys like Miyazaki and Anno have been talking about this issue for years but it's definitely very noticeable now.

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I think the other side of the weird problem too is when the author, "grows up" as they make their work and then totally change shit midway through.

Attack on Titan is an obvious example where Isyama (?) wrote the ending as if Eren cared about Misaka at all through the running of the manga (he didn't), but Vinland Saga is another one where after the author got married he, for a lack of a better term, became "woke" and started applying 21st century California liberal morality to a manga about Viking murderers.

The "this generation of authors only grew up consuming shit media" is probably the bigger problem though, I am terrified to think of the frickers who will write stuff inspired by Oshi no Ko thinking of it as the gold standard of drama.


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There is still some intresting stuff happening.

Like dungeon cannibalism.

But these days. I like korean stuff more then japanes stuff.

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Do you have any recommendations for rom anime, new or old, that isn't shitty coomer bait and doesn't withhold any kind of progression of their relationship?

I get it's more dramatic but 99% of rom and romcom anime has their relationship go fricking nowhere until the last episode. Or sometimes not even the last episode and it's only shown in a DVD-exclusive epilogue episode. Frick me I hate how japs consider handholding a big deal in anime.

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What are the stuff you have already watched? Almost no romcom gives you a conclusive satisfactory ending. The first thing that comes to my mind is Toradora but that's something you've probably already watched.

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Toradora also took until the very end for them to actually be in a relationship, also TBH it feels like the modern trend is either getting together at the halfway point (Uzaki) or being a couple in everything but name only (Also Uzaki, but neighbortoro). And of course those are still p coomebait

Anyways it's only sorta a romcom but read "Dad, The Beard Gorilla And I" if you haven't @ChristoffWChanderson

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Modern stuff is also a bit too mellow for my tastes. Stuff like neighbortoro feels a lot more meandering/plotless than Toradora. They feel like romcoms but in the vein of those cute girls doing cute things anime.

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So weird that both the Uzaki and Neighbortoro artist came from doujins/porn. There def is something weird about them compared to previous rom coms, probably how long they feel padded for length in relation to how much progress their relationships should have. Neighbortoro in particular where they will do everything EXCEPT bang and somehow are still not "together". I still enjoy Uzaki, probably because I Sakurai as an MC and the side characters are fun. Neighbortoro too cuz I like Paisan and watching Neighbortoro get mogged by literally everyone else in the manga.

Also another one, "The Story Between a Dumb Prefect and a High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length" @ChristoffWChanderson , same author as "Onani Master Kurosaw" or "Kurosawa the Master of Masturbation" which is an unironic classic in the world of dumb schlock manga.

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That title sounds insane but I'll look into it, thanks!

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Haven't actually watched Toradora, most of the stuff I've seen/read is boomershit like Ah my goddess/Tenchi muyo/Onegai Teacher/Ai Yori Aoshi, there's just sooooo much trash in this genre, halfway decent romance anime is like a diamond in a giant dino turd pile, good luck finding it

Assume any rom anime made after 2004 I haven't seen, though I did watch MMO Junkie but that also ended right as their relationship started

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Watch Toradora, Welcome to NHK and Oreigaru SNAFU. I liked only one season of Oreigaru because it looked like it was making fun of the MC's incel delusions but then it became unironic incel wish fulfillment later on. Terrible . But if you're willing to sift through stuff like Onegai teacher then it won't hurt trying this one.

Also read the Fate/Stay night visual novels if you want action+romance. The adaptations are nice but are inferior to the VNs.

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Ignore these r-slurs, what you're looking for is Kare Kano (1995). It's directed by Hideaki Anno (creator of Evangelion) and is a beloved show. There's no beating around the bush, they get together, frick, and live happily every after.

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Thank you, will look into it! :marseythumbsup:

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You mean new ones? Uzaki and Neighbortoro been running for years at this point, 100 GF didn't start TOO long ago.

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100 gf has started and stopped multiple times. Uzaki is probably only one that has filled that void propelly. But even that has been slowl for year or two.

Any new romance manga for dudes will get momentum simply by exsisting

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Anime original ending is coming, the manga ending is deliberately terrible, the extra pages confirm


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multiple timelines are confirmed to exist by word of god from the official website which lists the cabin timeline as the first (that we know of) and by including the high school spinoff in Eren's memory shards (which is shown much more explicitly in the anime)

anime has a different beginning flashback, Berserk Eren in the S1 finale says "I'll destroy the world" like 8 years before anybody heard the words "rumbling", in both the manga and anime they make constant references to someone not being able to change anything without being able to give up everything, extra pages confirm manga ending does not lead to the outcome Cuckren intended, Paradis is glassed, the Titan tree comes back

Isayama said he ripped off Muvluv alternative, a VN which consciously and explicitly retcons the previous series (Muvluv Unlimited) because the MC's memories of a previous bad end leak through to an alternative timeline

some of the biggest Japanese media series have multiple timelines. Evangelion has like 38 if you include everything, but all that's important are the anime, movies, and manga. They are all different. This was just happenstance for Eva though, a consequence of it's unprecedented popularity. However, Fate Stay/Night is probably the next most popular franchise that deliberately intends multiple timelines since it's inception (or at least inside it's initial development phase) with the Fate, UBW, and Heaven's Feel routes, not to mention everything else tacked on afterwards.

Attack on Titan, since Isayama had his first meeting with anime studios, has been deliberately building towards what Fate/Muvluv started with VNs, to achieve what Evangelion did accidentally. He started with his manga, when he got the meeting with anime studios he pitched this idea, Wit bought it, but got cold feet about depicting the Rumbling. Mappa has no such scruples, so Yams took it to them. Kodansha even gets to wash their hands of depicting a full rumble now too in case it's too controversial. It will all be on Yams and Mappa.

oh, and the staff of the anime have literally teased it more than once


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I've never watched AoT I thought this series was about giant monsters why does it have multiple dimensions and shit

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The original titan shifter was like 100 feet tall and had super powers from an alien or extra dimensional creature they never explain what it is. It can access the memory of any ancestor living or not and influence them from any point in the timeline. When a shifter eats another shifter they combine. He ate so many of them he convinced the original shifter to give the MC infinite revenge power. He then used it to frick with the timeline so he wins no matter what even going as far as influencing his own father by pretending he was a skitzo hallucination of his father's imagination.

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Hm :hmm:

I like anime about big robots who punch each other :marseyclueless:

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They are basically flesh mechs. The human is literally in the spinal area around the neck. That's why slashing the area kills them.

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That makes no sense lol this series is WEIRD

Ever watch Parasyte the Maxim

That was weird but cool though the anime ended really abruptly, even had a montage ending that explained nothing, disappointing, I wonder if the manga has a better overall story progression

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Nah it doesn't lol. But I love parasyte

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>He ate so many of them he convinced the original shifter to give the MC infinite revenge power.

well, I'd say he convinced her with his genuine compassion for her predicament (eternal interdimensional slavery, basically), but yeah

>He then used it to frick with the timeline so he wins no matter what even going as far as influencing his own father by pretending he was a skitzo hallucination of his father's imagination.

I dunno if it's a "Just as planned" win no matter what thing, I think it's literally just an extension of his dilemma he had when Annie was attacking his squad (which I think is also played differently in the manga and anime).

He can either trust his comrades or trust himself. In the manga he trusts his friends. The extra pages make it explicitly clear that doing so leads to the destruction of his race and homeland.

In the anime, he will trust himself, and Eldians will inherit the Earth.

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Magick :marseywitch2:

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if I told you it would spoil the series biggest twist which is honestly among the best in it's genre

i can simply hint you by saying: why do the monsters look like big humans and hmm i wonder how big the world is

EDIT: Ignore what I said before, it doesn't really answer your question

basically: because big japanese (and many western) media franchises do that, they make money off it, le capitalism

in universe, the answer is: proximity to godly power, which is a typical cop out

narratively/thematically I think the point is to show the consequences of certain actions vs others vs non-action.

"You can't change anything without being able to risk everything"

"Being born into the world is enough reason to fight for your life and your freedom"

these two huge themes that were reinforced constantly throughout the story hit a brick wall in the manga ending.

Eren does not risk everything, and ultimately changes nothing. The people he fought for with his shared birthright end up wiped off the map despite his efforts, even the friends he refused to sacrifice for them. The Titan cycle also continues.

it is very weird to harp on themes so heavily just to have them stop dead with a subversive ending... unless that's the whole point.

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My favourite.

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>Its real


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I hated the SnK ending. I don't know why Isayama aborted the obvious "E+H genocide the world" ending he was building up to at the last minute. Editorial interference?

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From what I remember:

He watched Marvel movies and decided to change the ending. It was mentioned in a few of his interviews months prior to the ending hitting.

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I hope you're trolling me.

I didn't need an edgy ending, but just the random pivots at the end were bullshit writing in a manga that had largely done a great job of foreshadowing and character development beforehand. I don't know what the actual explanation is, but if he's confirmed that the ending was going to be bleaker originally then I'm even more annoyed.

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I'm dead serious. Guardians of the Galaxy I think was the specific movie? iirc he wanted to match the tone of The Mist initially. There were copes about how it's a misinterpretation but there's no room left for that after the "To Save the World" panel and the section where Armin convinces the doomer incel life has meaning and every other titan comes back to life because Armin.

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He "grew up" and thought that ending would be immature

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I am confusion, is this attack on titan?

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Yes. This is attack on titan. Have you been following only the anime?

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I haven't been following either and I'm very confused lol

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I'm actually mostly manga right now, I think I've seen a lot of the first season when it came out but lost interest after waiting so long.

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Wise choice honestly. You're not missing out on much.

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I'll do my best.

Edgelord MC who wants complete "freedom" for his people.

Plot is constructed in such a way that in order to ensure the survival of his people (who live in an isolated island and are hated/feared by the outside world) he has to completely wipe out the outside world.

Edgelord MC proceeds to kill exactly 80% of the worlds population.

Stops at 80% because he actually didn't want to fully go through with it.

Says he actually is in love with his step sister who was lusting after his peepee throughout the series while he showed no interest.

It's also revealed he intentionally caused the death of his mom(the incident that set him on his path)through time travel shenanigans.

Dies at the hand of his stepsister who then marries someone else.

His other love interest marries some literally who farmer who bullied her once as a child.

Decades later the survivors of the outside world wipe out his home country anyway.

The ending managed to piss off the edgelord self-inserters, waifustrags, shippers, lorestrags, etc... who invested a decade of their lives into the series.

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Good thing I always lose interest in long series media after a year at most, imagine being invested into something for a decade and then you get shit on so hard. :marseylaughpoundfist:

One more thing however:

time travel


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Yeah, it's because he can access the memories of all of the people belonging to his "race" and can "influence" their actions in the past or something like that. So his actions sort of form a closed loop.

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Wow that's insane lol. Is the mangaka a hack or is he a Chad who wanted to throw a curveball?

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I rarely use the term hack. I never liked the show(way too melodramatic even by anime standards) but it had some interesting ideas/imagery that could've been put to good use. But anyone who has even a decent grasp of what good writing is can tell from early on that it was never going to match fanboy expectations. You can tell from the racial preservation/genocide theme what kind of crowd this was going to attract(hint: one of their subs /r/Yaegerbomb / /r/Yeagerbomb got banned for nazism). So you had these guys who were unironically calling it one of the greatest pieces of literature ever and the MC one of the greatest characters of all time, not just in anime mind you but in all of media and not only did the author fail to deliver a semi-decent shonenshit ending, he completely shat on every single one of their headcanon.

Did he do it to spite the obnoxious fanbase he'd cultivated? I mean I'd like to think that's the case because it's funny but in reality he most likely wrote himself into a corner and failed at subverting expectations with a "mature" ending.

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A bit of both? It's really not the sort of story where "happily ever after" makes any sense, and the MC was totally an angsty manchild for the entirety of the series. Ending things by giving him incel proclivities and having him killed by his love interest to stop a childish tantrum of a genocide undertaken in the name of "freedom" fit the story's tone pretty perfectly imo.

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Finally a fricking :marseytom: sane opinion

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Tbh I don't expect most anime fans to handle that kind of bleakness well

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He just wanted to be free.

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I just want someone with the balls to justify genociding the rest of the world for your people.


My nation right or wrong.

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Why does this marsey exist lol

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The ending managed to piss off the edgelord self-inserters, waifustrags, shippers, lorestrags, etc... who invested a decade of their lives into the series.

Isayama I kneel

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You forgot,

>Why you no rike Armin...

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It's also revealed he intentionally caused the death of his mom(the incident that set him on his path)through time travel shenanigans.

Wait what? That's only in the manga, right? Because I don't remember any of that from the tv series.

Decades later the survivors of the outside world wipe out his home country anyway.

Sounds reasonable. They've been wanting to kill his people for decades, and when he finally has the chance, he fails to protect them, and they eventually kill his people.

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Wait what? That's only in the manga, right?

Yes, these reactions are pretty much about the manga ending.

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Good lord. So glad I don't read manga.

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The series ends for me with the TND. I don't even have to wait for some decent fan-ending to be satisfied, just stop watching at some point.

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If you've got any more /a/ freakouts OP, I'd love to read them.

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I thought :marseymindblown: the ending was pretty :marseyglam: good. Very realistic :marseyraytraced: imo

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i went on titanfolk to see the sneeding and it was :marseychefkiss:

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I legit wanna see how /dbs/ reacted to all that hullabaloo…

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So wasn't this anime supposed to be about some kid fighting skinless giants. Why does everyone say he became hitler 2.0 or something, and now he's a skinelss giant himself who gets killed by the Mandatory Love Interest he showed no interest in?

I thought attack on titan was the 'me about the guy who fights giants and then has incest s*x, and he also has the two katana scabbards on his belt for some reason.

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