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Make your own Isekai : Make a list of Isekai titles / concepts that have never been done before AND you'd find interesting :marseytrollgun: NOW

Here's my list

  • Reincarnated as the Hero's pair of socks: can cheat sock leveling help me defeat the demon king!

He'd be the heroines sock, it'd be a foot fetish anime to get money from that crowd. I do not like feet but I'd find it interesting to see the story since the sock would be observing the world. His control is limited so things would have to be interesting and creative, a bit like Reincarnated as a vending machine. He'd be found randomly in the forest and have to try to get her to take him as socks, then he'd be taken along and such.


  • Reborn as the Hero's Ero Mag!

He'd be reborn as the Hero's erotic magazine. IDFK what it'd be like, maybe he could change what the hero sees to try and get messages across from him, hoping his post nut clarity allows him to convince him of things. Would rely mostly on the other cast

  • I, a member of the Male feminist Orc Tribe, got reborn in the modern world to learn how to love

It's a reverse Isekai, except instead of a cute elf coming forth it's an Orc into our world. Except because he was such a peepeehead in his old world a Goddess decided to send him to our world. Except she binded his peepee with magic, making him unable to r*pe EVER AGAIN! ! !

So he must learn to love. I think redditors would love this one

  • Rebirth of a C*m stain

Instead of a human or living being getting reborn, it's a cumstain. She (i'm gender inclusive and diverse here) is reborn as a Takaki, a different race close to a mix of a Tanuki and a dwarf, of average height who communicate only through sign language. Except due to being a cumstain, all of her sign language looks dirty. She ends up eventually leaving her village and going to the human world, except now she has to write and shit because signs are gay except all of her written communication also sounds dirty. What whacky stuff can happen???

Now who do I call to have my idea's turned into an anime?

And what are your ideas?

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How I was reincarnated falsely into my own killer, now I'm trapped into a battle of wills for control amid a grand conspiracy.

Dude gets ISEKAI'D by Truck-kun BUT instead of being sent to another world he's reincarnation is botched and he's partially possessing his still living killer who's actively fighting for control as well as to alert his fellow acolytes in a grand conspiracy surrounding the MC.

The MCs world is actually quite magical/eldritch/supernatural etc.. there's just a grand conspiracy his killer was a part of to actively cover it up. Now that the MC shares his body as a Jekyll&Hyde situation with his killer all the while slowly discovering this conspiracy and the hidden world it zealously hides. All the other conspirators believe the MC dead and now they can finally go forward with their trumphant scheme meanwhile the MC desperately tries to stop this, whatever it is before it's too late including uncovering why exactly they felt so threatened by him. Always on guard for his killer to forcibly regain control of his body and out him to this shadowy cabal.

!besties !anime Isekai-slop or underground-kino :marsey:

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In my isekai, I get transported into this body: :#marseychainchad:

Then I get to teleport to every manga/anime writer's room and murder them.

Then I teleport to every weeb's room, slip on some c*m, but finally murder them too.

!anime, got a real one for ya. :marseybow:

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So the ending of Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back but with a chainsaw?

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C*m demons instead of shit demons.... :marseyhmm:


But also with a dash of:


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That'd be kino but you'll need to dumb it down for the audience, give them a beach episode or they'll go into coomer shock

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Maybe have a female conspirator be the evil love interest? She's actually the MC Killer's love interest but since the MC is possessing his body he has to pull a mad balancing act of acting interested all the while plying any info from her and his Killer goes into a rage and fights for control over their body whenever she's seen?

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guy with a gun gets transported into a fantasy universe. pretends to be a wizard who can kill people from a distance. immediately gains a huge following, and eventually starts an uprising against The Kingdom™.

story gets told from the perspective of a knight / soldier / generic anime hero guy, who's just a normal inhabitant of the universe. he's a member of The Kingom™, and his job is to end this rebellion for good. the isekai guy is a degenerate piece of shit (genre appropriate harem of s*x slaves in massive palace), so it's not all that unwarranted.

however, there's more to it then it seems. there's a reason why the isekai guy managed to amass so many followers - The Kingdom™ is an genuinely awful and oppressive place to live (turns out generic high fantasy settings are very derivative of feudalism), so people immediately started flocking to the new savior-like figure.

he might've been an awful person, but he was also raised in an enlightenment era society, and that inevitably shaped his value system - for those who never directly met him, he's genuinely better than the existing ruling class.

eventually, the hero manages to kill the isekai guy for good. it's a grand finale and a fitting end to the story - but wait, it keeps going? as it turns out, the rebellion manages to keep going without it's leader. at this point, the hero gets forced to seriously reassess his actions and who he is really fighting for.

it's essentially the taiping rebellion, but gay.

on a completely unrelated matter, do you guys think it's a good idea to get yourself tested for autism? idk, i feel like it might give you some bonus points for potential workplace diversity initiatives.

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You could have done crack instead of this shit

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Good shout - there's a scene of the hero doing crack

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There's a surprising lack of Isekai shit from the perspective of a normal guy having to deal with the hero being a jackass. I remember one where it's a normal tavern or shopkeeper guy and the Hero keeps being a peepee by destroying stuff because of his power. It might have been a delusion in my head though, I can't remember

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Reborn in aevanns s*x dungeon now I am anally r*ped 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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unrealistic, when does he get the time to develop rdrama then if he's raping you all day every day?

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He doesnt, his s*x slaves are forced to do all the developing

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How I reincarnated as the Fat Ugly Bastard and NTR'd my way to the Princess

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This has certainly been done already.

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My suggestion is "They are never going to find OP's body because he reincarnated into a heck dimension that makes the one in heck raiser look like a day spa"

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Reborn as the god who decides to make people reborn as things

This would be sort of a "Bruce Almighty" concept where he learns how hard it is to make people be reborn as stuff

Reincarnated as someone who's already been reincarnated as before

Basically, someone else has already finished off their isekai story, saved the world, gotten the girl, etc. So now you replace them, and have to fill their massive shoes.

Reincarnated as exactly the same person as before

You die of a heart attack in the middle of the night, but fortunately you are reborn :))))). Alas, its as exactly the same person as you were before, so nobody believes that you actually died and were reborn, and they are all constantly getting in the way of your efforts to turn over a new leaf and learn important lessons from your rebirth

Reincarnated as a fat smelly neet who plays videogames in a basement all day

You were a beautiful young idol with a loving boyfriend and all the opportunity in the world, until you were run over by a truck. Now you've been reborn as a smelly loser who does nothing all day. Your attempts to change your circumstances are constantly thwarted by the reality of your situation, until you finally accept it and give in to the neet life.

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Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.

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frick off BIPOC

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I'd be interested in an isekai that plays with the idea of that transition- making it so the protagonist switches between worlds and selves whenever they fall asleep a la dreamworld or wonderland or Oz. And as the show progresses it becomes unclear what is a dream and what is real. Maybe make the selves radically different or not repeating to throw in “who am I” elements.

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That sounds a bit like this anime called Lookism


Basically a tubbo fatty starts waking up as this chad. Not really isekai though

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I was thinking more like Sliders :marseydylan: :marseyhacker: :marseymorph:

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Kino taste in 90s scifi shows

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That just sounds like Omori

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This isnt actually that silly but...

Reincarnated as a goblin.

I kind of just want a basic story where ya boi stuggles with being a weak 'bad guy' and doesnt become an op god in like the first few episodes. Maybe he tries to use his otherworldly knowledge to improve and organize his tribe or open up more peaceful negotiations with other races. I'm super over the lewd stuff. And the protagonist being a god is just boring at this point. So is the protagonist being the little embodiment of good.

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I think a big issue with most isekai is that they just go with the OP protag + ecchi combo for everything, and if not both it's one or the other.

But sorry, you failed making an original concept, this Gaijin made it before you

face the wall :!marseyshooting: :!wall2:

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Yeah i didnt put much effort in xoming up with a unique idea. I just want more serious/semirealistic isekai.



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I think Goblin reincarnation is the most common monster themed one lol.

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:marseylaugh: this neighbor doesn't use mangadex

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I've seen atleast 5 stories about being reincarnated as a goblin. It's up there as one the most popular monster reincarnations lol

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Yeah I didnt put much effort into trying to be origonal. My main point is that I like Isekai as an idea but I'm super bored of all the tropes that come with it. Op protag, harem, etc. Being a goblin doesnt portray that super well though I was just trying to type something up quick at the gym. I'll do better next time.

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An neurodivergent :marseysnappyautism: hoi4 nerd that actually :marseyakshually: believes the "Germany could have won if only..." shtick gets reincarnatated as Hitler :marseytrump: in 40, so at the peak of the gentile uprising. Make it a dark comedy :marseypinkpanther: and we are set.

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Same could be done for Wilhelm :marseykaiser: II since everyone :marseynorm: claimed he was an incompetent r-slur :marseywhirlyhat: too. Honestly I just want to see an actual anime :marseypotofsneed: about some guy fighting :marseypunching: in WW1, living :marseyzombie2: through the 20s and 30s and then beint Volkssturmed into WW2. Akin to Vinland Saga basically. Make it a comic :marseyhobbes: or a manga :marseyfloch: I dont care we finally need a historical :marseyredcoat: drama :marseygatekeeper2: of some crackhead German :marseyhitlerjew: veteran fricking :marseytom: hookers in Weimar Berlin

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>interesting isekai

>actually original

Reborn in the space colonization era, I must survive a galactic war in the furthest reaches of space!?

No old knowledge would be useful, the mc would simply have to learn everything and either join the military or work his way further and further away from an expanding galactic war. Alien waifus for the coomers and constantly have war/pirates/colonizers expanding so you can run the shitshow indefinitely.

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space isekais would be kino too bad japs aren't original enough to think of them. I haven't seen one at least.

I'd like to see one where some guy is reincarnated as maybe an asteroid miner (a belter).

The original belter was good-for-nothing and abandoned by his family for being useless and became a belter after essentially losing it all. He works for a branch of a well known mining company that mines illegally (either illegal materials or in illegal places) and has essentially a slave contract for them. MC has great ambition after being reincarnated and tries to put this guys life back together.

From this premise, you could go a lot of places; you could have mc work his way up the belter market and eventually become CEO; you could have mc buy his freedom, rebuild his relationship with his family, and live a fulfilling life in a better profession; you could spice up the belting by having the materials he's mining have some importance to the story, perhaps being some super rare material with a cool property like reacting to psychic energy and materializing as one's wildest dreams or something.

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you can have the mc be a belter in slave debt


I too have seen the expanse beltalowda, but Kaiji Season2: The Expanse isnt the og premise you think it is.

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I read one about a Guy who wakes up as Starship-AI.

Space is rare, but it's still something that happens. Most Japs prefer urban sci-fi.

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I gave this a minimal read and id say my idea is sufficiently different

>wakes up in a video game


>aliens are actually just fantasy creatures like elves, not actual aliens

>no war its all just mercenaries and pirates

>the thing has an ending because its all about making money to buy a home despite having a spaceship the size of a fricking home

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I read a WN where the MC woke up as Ship-AI.

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Gate but good and not JDF propaganda

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It was a fun light novel series to kill time whenever I didn't wanna read Tsukumodo Antique Shop.

Also I thought gate was good, idk I only watched a recap

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Gate was ok but it was basically entirely "you can totes be a weeb and in the JDF because you get loads of free time to to go conventions, and you'll easily defeat any enemy you run into and the stupid politicians who don't like the JDF are dumb and get schooled by your 800 year old loli waifu"

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Isis jihadist reborn in generic fantasy world with a heretical religion.

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I got shot defending trans right but when I woke up I was reincarnated as a CHUD!?

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That time I got reincarnated as an [insert monster here] and cause the end of the world

Average reincarnated as a monster isekai (slime spider ogre goblin etc) except mc actually just becomes a mega super being that ends the world instead of getting involved with humans or interparty politics. I'm also not talking about becoming the demon lord or something but the mc should literally become so powerful he either destroys the world accidentally or intentionally.

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I've been reading


and that sounds similar. It's about a guy who becomes a gobbo and "becomes" a demon lord by one who gave him his skill

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not gonna lie I've read the first chapter of this one multiple times and found it too r-slurred to continue.

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>man dies

>becomes goboMan

>all goblins have abilities

>goblins have lots of kids

>goblins die in seven days

>goblins pass on their birth ability when they die

>Goboman's ability is to die after 80 years

>Goboman meets dying demon lord

>Goboman gets ability letting him order those who've lost in a fight to him

>end of chapter

:marseycheerup: autism and misunderstanding is ALL of our superpowers

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Sounds like overlord but without the politics and mc peepee suck

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Already done by some Korean, guy starts out as lv1 skeleton and becomes lv[ridicolous number] Demi-lich or something. He ends the world to say the least.

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Isekais can have similar concepts without being copies but sometimes it's just ridicolous.

I don't even remember what it's called now, but I read a WN that was beat-for-beat a ripoff of Arifureta with a few of the names changed "Synergist" -> "Transmuter" .

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They can have similar concepts but like 99% of those concepts are just "God gave me power, now I have a harem" with literally nothing added apart from a different styling of the girl. There are a few that make the same riggamarole interesting, but most without additions tends to be boring.

Also what's up with chinese obsessing over trasnmuters and chi shit?

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Isekai into a world exactly like the one we live in except it doesn't have anime (AKA p*dos)

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