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Make your own Isekai : Make a list of Isekai titles / concepts that have never been done before AND you'd find interesting :marseytrollgun: NOW

Here's my list

  • Reincarnated as the Hero's pair of socks: can cheat sock leveling help me defeat the demon king!

He'd be the heroines sock, it'd be a foot fetish anime to get money from that crowd. I do not like feet but I'd find it interesting to see the story since the sock would be observing the world. His control is limited so things would have to be interesting and creative, a bit like Reincarnated as a vending machine. He'd be found randomly in the forest and have to try to get her to take him as socks, then he'd be taken along and such.


  • Reborn as the Hero's Ero Mag!

He'd be reborn as the Hero's erotic magazine. IDFK what it'd be like, maybe he could change what the hero sees to try and get messages across from him, hoping his post nut clarity allows him to convince him of things. Would rely mostly on the other cast

  • I, a member of the Male feminist Orc Tribe, got reborn in the modern world to learn how to love

It's a reverse Isekai, except instead of a cute elf coming forth it's an Orc into our world. Except because he was such a peepeehead in his old world a Goddess decided to send him to our world. Except she binded his peepee with magic, making him unable to r*pe EVER AGAIN! ! !

So he must learn to love. I think redditors would love this one

  • Rebirth of a C*m stain

Instead of a human or living being getting reborn, it's a cumstain. She (i'm gender inclusive and diverse here) is reborn as a Takaki, a different race close to a mix of a Tanuki and a dwarf, of average height who communicate only through sign language. Except due to being a cumstain, all of her sign language looks dirty. She ends up eventually leaving her village and going to the human world, except now she has to write and shit because signs are gay except all of her written communication also sounds dirty. What whacky stuff can happen???

Now who do I call to have my idea's turned into an anime?

And what are your ideas?

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guy with a gun gets transported into a fantasy universe. pretends to be a wizard who can kill people from a distance. immediately gains a huge following, and eventually starts an uprising against The Kingdom™.

story gets told from the perspective of a knight / soldier / generic anime hero guy, who's just a normal inhabitant of the universe. he's a member of The Kingom™, and his job is to end this rebellion for good. the isekai guy is a degenerate piece of shit (genre appropriate harem of s*x slaves in massive palace), so it's not all that unwarranted.

however, there's more to it then it seems. there's a reason why the isekai guy managed to amass so many followers - The Kingdom™ is an genuinely awful and oppressive place to live (turns out generic high fantasy settings are very derivative of feudalism), so people immediately started flocking to the new savior-like figure.

he might've been an awful person, but he was also raised in an enlightenment era society, and that inevitably shaped his value system - for those who never directly met him, he's genuinely better than the existing ruling class.

eventually, the hero manages to kill the isekai guy for good. it's a grand finale and a fitting end to the story - but wait, it keeps going? as it turns out, the rebellion manages to keep going without it's leader. at this point, the hero gets forced to seriously reassess his actions and who he is really fighting for.

it's essentially the taiping rebellion, but gay.

on a completely unrelated matter, do you guys think it's a good idea to get yourself tested for autism? idk, i feel like it might give you some bonus points for potential workplace diversity initiatives.

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You could have done crack instead of this shit

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Good shout - there's a scene of the hero doing crack

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There's a surprising lack of Isekai shit from the perspective of a normal guy having to deal with the hero being a jackass. I remember one where it's a normal tavern or shopkeeper guy and the Hero keeps being a peepee by destroying stuff because of his power. It might have been a delusion in my head though, I can't remember

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