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Twitter commie bitches about every anime author ever being a maximum overchud

Every post and reply is a goldmine of salt (and solid recomendations) so I'm just going to repost the ones that stand out the most to me.

Spy X Family starts off in the line of fire, proving the allegations correct. :marseypedo:

Apparently they are suprised a manga about a blonde haired, blue eyed nazi :marseyhomofascist: is anti communist :marseypearlclutch:

:marseylain: Not simping for the WEF and the corpos running the internet is an alt right take. And somehow shocking from the guy who made an anime against the technoptimists of the 90s.

The straights are NOT alright either

Homo manga isn't safe either... without naming any names.

Even my boy Kumeta falls into the line of fire :marseycry:

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When will chuds graduate the only work of art to bridge modernism and post modernism while also dropping red pills on the true nature of women, feminism, and modern society (its all controlled by women)??? Self contained, 300 issues, starts at issue 1 goes straight to issue 300, and its actually finished unlike one piece or slop like it !comicshitters

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post modern red pills on modern society?? i give you Morrison's The Filth (god i love morrison, he's one of the ones that still drops cultural references you miss but instead of greek myth or bibilical fables, its crowley , kabbalah and eastern mysticism ) A zen koan and social commentary ripped through the marginalia of a troubled macrodosing teen who likes Postal 2 a little too much while managing to still have a heart. Sometimes it feels weird for the sake of weird and of course morrison's patented wyrdness (he likes lovecrafts signs of power apparently) but I love it .

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youd hate xheir wonder woman run

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Are these Bong comics?

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Morrison is a scott, and he had one of the characters speak in a nearly unreadable Scottish accent for some reason.

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So they're Bong

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Not just scott bu Glasgow scott the worst type of scott accent

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i cannae soock ur fookin cook ya daf wean, ya ken wha ayme sayin?

b-word no i have no idea what youre saying.

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Neighbor it's called the Filth of course it's gross. But the main character loves his little orange cat more than anything so not too far off from familiar surroundings

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weebcels kneel to cerebuschads

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unlike one piece

Almost finished young man

slop like it

Bleach = finished

Naruto = finished

Young man.

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Berserk = finished :marseytroll:

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:n#ooo: :#suffering:

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lmao one piece has been "almost finished" for 20 years

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Closer to the 8 to 10 ball park, and through out that tine there was a whole bunch of unanswered questions, those questions are now being machine gunned out pretty muc every chapter, not much left

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Is this actually good? All I heard is that the author slowly got more and more unhinged and eventually the whole thing just became a leftie meme about how women are evil as sin.

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Its good. The part people get angry about is like a 6 issue stretch where you get massive schizo paragraphs analyzing the bible inter cut with a biography of woody allen. Its kinda werid but interesting tho not to everyones taste. You could easily skim it until the end which is where the plot important twist is. Cerebus is very dense and text heavy at points but the art is always very good. It was pretty much talking about all the long house matriarchy stuff decades before bap and his homosexual cabal. Difference is Cerebus is the whole encheldia: great art, great writing, great story, meticulously researched, culturally important, and boundless influential.

Its art in the purest sense, Dave Sim (with help from Gerhard) made what he wanted and finished it. He never cucked to anyone else or made his comic just to appeal to a mass market. He made something that was a pure representation of himself, and that alone makes it worth reading. This is what art looks like without meddling editors, audience pandering, and 30 cooks spoiling the broth.

As J. MICHAEL STRACZYNSKI of Babylon said on Cerebus:

[Dave Sim] won over the publishing schedules, detractors, critics, people who said it couldn't be done, people who said it shouldn't be done, people who saw misogyny where there was only commentary, who saw indulgence where there was determination, who saw creative control as egocentrism, who saw an individual voice at work and declared it conceit.

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wow didnt expect a lefty like him to love it

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That's interesting, personally I sometimes google up 'Dave Sim' rants and copypaste some of his writings in places I think they'll be funny, because they are funny. It's a shame he never caught on as an internet funny. Guess I'll actually have a gander at this. Didn't Dave get committed, too?

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We was briefly comitted in the 70s (around the first 10 issues of the series) when he had a schizo breakdown after doing acid. He hasnt been committed since. He currently lives alone in his house living off patreon, go fund me, book reprints, and very strange parody comics as he attempts to refinish the strange death of alex raymond now that he can draw again. Some of his handlers tried to get him into big anti feminist guys like Peterson, but despite paying for a meeting with peterson where they sent him Cerebus PDFs he bailed and never showed up lol.

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When will they realize that women bad???


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What are you implying? :marseyshook:

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gimme a qrd on this it looks cool

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The day I touch a French or Belgoid comic book is the day I become massive straggot :!marseyindignant:

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The only far right anime I know of the VN series Muv-Luv which is half dating sim and half starship troopers. I spit out my drink when characters started going on rants about how Japan needed a Shogun again to protect it from the imperialism of capitalist american pig dogs in between rants about how great the millitary is and how superior Japan's valor and mechs are in fighting alien invaders. Its like a more neurodivergent and more right wing attack on titan

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the japanese creatives can be as racist and evil as they want, as a treat. i'll still keep consuming that garbage. yum yum slop i love slop give me more slop !anime

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>Japanese creatives write in Japanese

>They can sperg and I'll never know

Perfect system

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My guy, do you forget GATE?

Same shit, pro Jap militarism. I'd also say Arpeggio of the Blue Steel does the same thing with it's political intrigue but its too :marseylongpost: for me to actually care about it outside wanting to frick Takao.

That said great pick lmao. There are plenty of transparently right wing pieces of Jap media imo, it's just that it somehow surprises most twitter commies that the average Jappa has views they consider anathema. I guess they feel spoiled by Aka dedicating an entire mini arc in Oshi no Ko talking about how bad it is when people call celebrities sluts, Fujimoto having trans characters in Fire punch, or the WItch Hat guy going on random rants about how see through magic is a CRINGE TROPE and then randomly adding in minority characters.

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Muv-Luv is way better and way more directly political then GATE. GATE is pure slop like most anime which has vaugley nationalist themes hidden within the big boobies and cutsey characters which twitter chudoids like since they hate thinking "ew too political just give me anime girl eating MUH BORGER :marseysoyhype:". Muv-Luv just drops you into the weeds with insanely long political rants, neurodivergentally long descriptions of alien biology and mechs, detailed battle plans, pure grimdark edge kino, and goes fully over the political machinations.

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>Go from romcom about youthful romance to ranting about the UN and foreign infestation while wanting to kill aliens for what they did to your women

Average chud's character arc

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TBF I'm going out of context here and including author statements, so I'll consneed the point

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Holy shit you just sold me on Muv Luv. Sounds like absolute kino

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Yeah good luck, first half is high school slice of life with annoying characters, the good stuff starts like 20h in. :marseysmug2:

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GATE is unironically the JSDF trying to recruit animecels with the promise of big tiddy elf girls and 600 year old lolis.

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Oh frick and speaking of """Woke""" JP mangaka I forgot the the worst one, the vineland manga author.

He pivoted his entire story from vikings murdering shit to farmland saga to a "violence is bad" story that'd make Neil Drunkmann blush with how shitty and overbearing it is. He has tons of twitter threads going on about how men are the ultimate evil, how feminism is the only thing that will save us, and how he broke down in tears when his son wanted to play swordfight with his friends.

And yet through this he keeps his twitter pfp Askladd, the guy everyone remembers as the giant Viking who killed shit like a happy r-slur.

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!comicshitters why can't people who write about Vikangz not devolve into complete trash? Strangely the :marseyhibernian: comic on St.Patrick was more realistic on this.

Beyond that I can recommend The Golden House of Samarkand and the new Cu Chulainn comics look kino.

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he broke down in tears when his son wanted to play swordfight with his friends.

Orwell remains undefeated.

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I don't get it :marseysad:

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The Socialist who finds his children playing with soldiers is usually upset, but he is never able to think of a substitute for the tin soldiers; tin pacifists somehow won't do.

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Okay but what is it with a lot of media nowadays having Druckmannesque endings?

Do people actually like them? They're honestly just really shit because every piece of media that tries them has to go "remember when the characters were killing and maiming people like badasses? THAT WAS LE BAD..."

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I blame Sony and Netflix shit mostly.

It's not "mature" to want to be Kratos and murder monsters and bang whores, it's mature to raise your stepson.

The answer is yes, there are a (lot) of people who like them.

It's the trend along with shit constantly being IRONIC and META and having TONS OF LORE. Imo the tides are turning too with shit like people enjoying something like Smiling Friends while now calling Rick and Morty "cringe".

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Im pretty sure people have been calling rick and morty cringe since its inception

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They were in the minority until the McDonalds Szechuan sauce meme went viral.

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McDonalds Szechuan sauce meme went viral.

Never heard of this, gimme a quick rundown

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Rick and Morty had an episode where the punchline was Rick wanted Szechuan sauce again and goes back in time to get it. As a part of a cross promotion McDonalds brings it back for a bit and then this guy makes an """ironic""" public freakout video.

After this point the internet started turning on Rick and Morty, which got compounded by the s*x pest shit Roiland a bit later. Rick and Morty still has the kids and weed shops, but it's not a joke when people say Smiling Friends will replace it within two or three years.

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Really? :marseyshook:

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You're thinking of thorkell not askladd, Askladd was the balding welsh r*pe baby

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Does fire punch ever get good? I got to around the part where the naked biker shows up but even then the story just felt like it never went anywhere.

Punchman gets mad his incestuous lover, his sister gets killed by a man. Kills the entire city and regrets it, for some reason. He continues fire punching and crying about it endlessly, while random pedophilia and naked women happen in the background.

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No. It's just random "shock value" slop and American movie references right up to the ending, there isn't even a plot. Chainsaw Man is going the same way too, the guy literally had his brain poisoned by shitty American media

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No it's not :marseyannoyed:

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Finish it, it's short anyways. You'll at least get a good laugh.

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WItch Hat guy going on random rants about how see through magic is a CRINGE TROPE and then randomly adding in minority characters.

Which manga is this?

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This one, also its the next Dungeon Meshi when it gets its inevitable anime

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what's wrong with it?

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Nothing really it's a solid fantasy series, I was just pointing out the creator of the manga is a bit of a twitter libcuck and those types swooned when he fed them a certain scene in a recent arc. Basically the magic jannies bust some chuds using magic to see through clothing and tell them how its a fricked up s*x crime and NOT COOL. (Since magic that can see through clothes is a trope don't you know :marseysoylentgrin: ) And they get busted by a spicy GIRLBOSS of all things too! :marseywholesome: Exaggeration aside it had the subtlety of a brick, they were basically talking to the camera as this scene happened.

That said, the story is ALSO an elaborate 2nd amendment metaphor if you want to get


The bad guys want guns magic for everyone up to an including recreational nuclear weapons, and the """good""" guys think the proles are too stupid for guns magic and janny them by erasing their memories men in black style. (The twist is any butthole can do magic, he just has to read the anarchist cookbook draw runes in whatever order, the magic jannies trick people into thinking you have to be born with power and use it to create an artificial aristocracy). Things happen in the story that support both sides and the main character is torn between these two ideologies

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There's a trans character? :marseyconfused:

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>LockWEED Mardin :marseybowl:

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It was one of the primary things aot copied

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I'd love a mecha anime where the twist was that they were only using teenagers because they're easier too control. A bit like palestinian lives matter and suicide bombers.

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:#marseyconfused: evangelion has this theme no?

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Gundam Wing kinda did that but didn't fully lean into it.

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Gundam Wing didn't know what it wanted to do. Drones bad, Drones ok. Mega corp bad, mega corp is the only defender of Earth. Zecks just did a speedrun of being Char.

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There is a table top system called Cthulutech that does this and that's the justification, and everyone hates it because it is a creepy r*pe game ala FATAL

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Also they make deep ones into palestinian lives matter male feminists when, id you actually read The shadow over innsmouth, you'll notice they seem too primarily be a monogamous species and care for their offspring. R*pe camps are anathema too most civilized deep one cultures. The center of their religion is mother hydra and father dagon, who are a married couple.

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Any RPG that features MPREG cannot be a bad RPG

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>Its like a more neurodivergent and more right wing attack on titan

cries in requiem

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have you ever watched angel cop? in the end it turns out the bad guys are scheming globohomo jews who want to buy japan to turn it into a nuclear waste dump or something. it also goes on a bit about how the jews already control america

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Isn't Attack on Titan apologia for Japan's atrocities in WW2? I dunno, I watched the first episode and got those vibes so I assume I'm right.

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I saw it as a message against forever wallowing in guilt for what your ancestors might or might not have done and seizing the freedom every man should have at birth but then it became frick all that if the girl you have a crush on is a moralstrag who thinks you should be enslaved forever instead so I just don't even care anymore. :marseyseethe: :marseyseethe:

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I saw it as a message against forever wallowing in guilt

Bengalis have committed genocide against someone recently...


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Not Bengalis but well, we're basically taught our ancestors oppressed the whole country and that's why we can be thrown into jail on the word of one of those whose ancestors were oppressed, have to compete for only part of the seats in any exam because rest are reserved for them it gets tiring when discrimination against you is codified law and major segments of your own blood act like it is justified. More than the islanders, it is the people at Liberio who I felt I could relate to. But then all of them fought loyally for their slavers.


There's a reason Ayn Rand appealed to me so hard too. It feels sometimes like this whole country is one of her novels dialed up to maxx with the antagonists but no protagonist. Grasping r-slurs that cannot create anything so they castigate the only ones who can for being the haves. And spineless haves who surrender then claim it was actually a 10D chess move to not get lynched.

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the islanders


Ayn Rand appealed to me


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The story opens in an island where the protag lives, a walled city with 50-60 feet man eating giants roaming across the rest of the island. They're the islanders. But later its revealed they're basically last remnants of an empire that had controlled the whole continent once upon a time with the power of those giants and any of them morph can ones. A moralstrag king used the power of the titans to brainwash them all and dismantle the empire and believed they should go extinct peacefully even on the island when the rest of the world came for their inevitable revenge. And what remained of the imperial population on the continent was put in concentration camps to produce a constant supply of such titans to the empire(former colonials) that replaced them on the continent. One such was Liberio.

She hits different when you live in a soyciety like one she actually describes.

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Youre german? :marseyshook:

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Interesting comment.

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Just move to Bangladesh, it's a Bengali ethnostate right next door :marseyexcited:


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More than the islanders

What Islanders?

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It's mostly a character show. It's apologia in that it "forgives" its characters by justifying their actions but gives them deadly comeuppance.

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12/5 Incident = January 6th

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It's kind of fascinating how Americans believe that trans ideology that they made up in the last ten years is a universal moral truth and act with shock and horror when other countries aren't aware of or don't approve of this shit that they just came up with

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>leftoids arguing about political views of chinese children's cartoons


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Weaboos deserve nothing but scorn

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>"conservatives never create art" mfers revealing they think japanese kids cartoons are both conservative and good art:

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Japanese author has the exact same opinions as the majority of the Japanese electorate for something like 70 years straight now with few blips. What are the chances!?

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There is literally no such thing as Leftist art. Rightoids that produce art do so because they have a story or idea burning in their heart, leftoids produce "art" because they want to be seen as "artists", cold, artificial, slop is all that can be produced by people that want to be artists, poor imitations of better works.

!chuds !nonchuds


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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If that was true, then Hitler wouldn't be rejected from art school. So it's just rightoid cope.


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kick him from nonchuds. He's always spam pinging it.

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ok queen, I did it :marseysalutearmy:

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But Ninjjer is a commie and therefore a gigachud? :marseysad:

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It depends on what type of commie. Not all are gigachuds.

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Lies :marseymad:

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Commies have no right to accuse others being chuds :!marseyindignant:

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>There is no such thing as leftoid art

>:therefore: every rightoid is capable of art

I don't even agree with the proposition but that's just r-slurred reasoning from you :marseybrainlet:

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Hitler would be the only student at art school not doing collage if he applied today.

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Anything written in English is automatically right wing because English is a right wing language. Example: "bad" is just old english for Cute twink.

Many such cases !chuds @Grue @MoonMetropolis

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My ancestors smile upon me every time I say "that's so gay"

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:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Soviets and friends :marseyross: produced heaps of absolute Kino art but I guess :marseyshrug: they'd be branded as Nazis by todays people's front :marseyviewerstare: on Twitter.

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Did soviet art even feature any PoCs?

Thought so :marseyindignant:

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Uhhhhh yeah it was literally :marseyme: made by Slavs

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Russians aren't slavs.

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>Russians aren't Slavs

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Theory of mind failure lol

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:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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most historically aware chud.

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:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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BIPOC moment

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Show me where in the history books these leftwing "artists" are hiding.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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steinbeck, for one. All of Hollywood during its golden age (and now, tbh). Orwell. Need I go on?

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I was hoping you would say Mark Twain so I could mock you for bringing up an Isekai writer.


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Steinbeck was never a commie, only a fellow traveler who stopped being one after WWII even before destalinization

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You better upmarsey me if you expect me to reply further. Anyways, leftwing ≠ commie, and Hollywood's golden age (as I see it) was between the invention of sound and the invention of color.

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I'm pretty sure the Golden Age went at least until the earl 60's so while it could have started with the 20's when commies, fellow travelers and other lefties stated to become more common in creative roles, it definitely didn't end after they all got removed or blacklisted

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Anyways, leftwing ≠ commie

Distinction with no, or are conservatives not "libs" anymore?

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I thought only commies were the real socialists and all others are social fascists? :marseyshapiro:

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Rude :marseyannoyed:

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Hollywood's Golden Age happened after they yeeted all their commies though? :marseyconfused:

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Mark Twain

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Thanks, but the moment has already passed..


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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You're a chud, I don't want to hear it from you :!marseyindignant:

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Evil cannot create, only corrupt. Chuds never create anything besides youtube essays about woke disney and parodies of pop songs where they replace random words with BIPOC and Hitler. Therefore, chuds are ontologically evil

(I, a scion of the House of Chud, aim to help turn back this trend)

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