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the older I get the more tiresome avoiding the rampant pedophilia becomes

When 30-year-old Daikichi Kawachi returns home for his grandfather's funeral he learns about the existence of Rin Kaga, his grandfather's illegitimate six-year-old daughter by an unknown mother. The girl is an embarrassment to all his relatives and is treated like an outcast.

Annoyed by their attitudes, Daikichi decides to take care of Rin himself, even though he is single and has no experience in raising a child. As Rin becomes part of his life, Daikichi experiences the hardships of being a single parent.

Usagi drop comes across as a manga I would want to read, I love interpersonal drama. Saw a few clips of the anime on tiktok, it seemed wholesome and heartwarming.

But wait

Ten years later, Rin is a high school student and the remainder of the series focuses on her trying to figure out how to deal with her feelings for Kouki, and her decision for a career. Rin discovers that she is not actually related to Daikichi by blood, and the series ends with Rin wanting to have a child with Daikichi.

Why are they like this??

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Usagi Drop had me feeling terrible for the main character actually. The impression I got was that at the end he didn't really want to marry his adopted daughter, but just kind of acquiesced to it like he did for everything else when it came to her. She is portrayed as smart and capable with a handsome childhood friend that would make a good bf but she just chooses to stay at home forever because she was afraid of growing up and being on her own.

Imagine giving up your entire life to be a lonely wageslave to raise your adopted daughter only for her to reject maturity and independence to "marry" your elderly butt. Not sure how the author intended for the ending to be interpreted but I thought it was devastating from the point of the father, whose ideal repayment would have been seeing his daughter thrive on her own.

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Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry? Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry? I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually frick her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to frick her tight kitty every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy, It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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Yeah that's gross. That's why i stick to korean ones where the main character fricks his mother in law.

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Usagi Drop was written by a woman too, so the narrative doesn't come off as pervy wish-fullfillment fantasies from a :marseypedo:.

In a way that makes the ending more heartbreaking I think. It kind of portrays this generational issue in Japan where parents are giving their all to raise their kids only to see them stagnate and regress in the end.

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the narrative doesn't come off as pervy wish-fullfillment fantasies from a :marseypedo:.


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It's very unsexy, and to the author's credit you get the sense everyone is bothered by how fricked up and selfish it is while the father is too burnt out to oppose anything.

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As an author your options are limitless. You do not have to write these stories. You can change them, writing grooming/incest fics is a choice

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True. The ending of Usagi Drop is pretty controversial for this reason. It's very unsettling for the obvious incest and grooming related reasons but also because for most of the series there is absolutely 0 romantic inclinations between the two main characters (thank god). I don't know why she chose this ending, there's no deeper understanding of the characters or narrative we gain from it and the only wish-fulfillment that it portrays is that of a woman wanting to never grow up and be a part of the wider world.

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Usagi Drop was written by a woman too, so the narrative doesn't come off as pervy wish-fullfillment fantasies from a :marseypedo:.

Rather it's the pervy wish-fullfillment fantasies from a :marseygeisha:

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if the MC is of age, alive, unrelated and consenting, sure. It's a completely different taboo, still kinda gross but not grooming a literal child

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Do you not know what a mother in law is?

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Unrelated by blood, gilf enthusiasts deserve their degen manga too

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They're all indistinguishable

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It's still incredibly fricked up and ruins what would otherwise be a charming story. There is absolutely no reason she cant get together with her childhood friend and all of them live under one roof like a proper family or smth.

Why is it always incest?? The time skip honestly just seems like a hamfisted way to dance around the author's real intent tbh. I'm incredibly tired of trying to justify or explain away these forays into pedophilia/incest, it happens way too often and crops up in the least appropriate places. Even Lain and Battle Royale end up pedomaxxing, and it disgusts me more the older I get

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I don't know. In one fell swoop she breaks the heart of her childhood friend and (at least according to my interpretation) her father's. I don't think this is a sexual fantasy and honestly I don't like attacking the outcomes of stories even if it results in endings I don't like. But there's nothing to be gained from this ending, and moreover it's a very narratively disjointed one because there's absolutely 0 indication of anything romantic, even after the "confession". If anything her decision at the end reveals deep psychological issues over being a willingly abandoned orphan that were never properly addressed, which makes the whole thing tragic.

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and moreover it's a very narratively disjointed

if you do a time skip and return to a character who is completely changed with no real explanation, youve failed as a storyteller

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It just made a previously very mature and considerate character into an incredibly immature and selfish one. The precocious girl who took on a lot of responsibilities that her peers never had to in order to make life easier for her single father that sacrificed everything for her now wants to play house with him till he dies (probably early) and then play house with their weird technically-not-incest baby afterwards. I guess you could argue the problem here was that she never grew up and never wanted to grow up.

It makes me think that the main character's lack of romantic relationships and the girl's awareness that she had been willingly abandoned by her parents had resulted in the girl not having any frame of reference as to what a healthy romantic relationship looked like. Which is an even more depressing situation than what I had initially perceived. If the main character came to this conclusion himself he would be absolutely crushed and would think he failed as a father.

There's something so deeply sad about this work, and it's not just "ick" factor imo.

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It makes me think that

P-dophile anime always does this. A story should tell us motives explicitly, or at least leave the inference undeniable or obvious. To have readers extrapolate what it means is to pander to the very obvious pedophilic themes front and center

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A story should tell us motives explicitly, or at least leave the inference undeniable or obvious

Not sure if I agree with this tbh as I think emotions and motives are often ambiguous in ways that can't be explicitly stated. This is pretty much why great works of literature and other media can be so difficult to interpret at times (not that I consider Usagi Drop a great work or anything).

In my experience most p-do situations in anime are usually pretty explicit and repulsive, with the deflections centered around portraying the p-do characters as weak and nonthreatening. It's done with the awareness that the sexualization of minors is messed up.

Older Japanese works (early 2000s and earlier) have this outright normalization of adult relationships with minors where there are no rationalizations or deflections around it. For example Maison Ikkoku carries the whole idea that the woman's previous relationship with her teacher (that she started when she was in high school) was a beautiful thing and not a weird grooming situation that ended early because of an accident that killed him. I just think this kind of shit was very commonplace in Japan (and maybe is today to some extent).

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his daughter thrive on her own.

That may have been the case until the 00's, but the current generation of degerate parents is nothing like that.

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I think it's set in the pre-00's time period but I'm not sure. Anyways it's before the NEET generation took off.

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but I thought it was devastating from the point of the father, whose ideal repayment would have been seeing his daughter thrive on her own.

Clearly the ultimate repayment is tight underage kitty


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