if the bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, its that girls should stick to girl sports.
10mo ago#6277500
spent 0 currency on pings
lowest wealth disparity, least processed diet
easy to pull that off when no one has money or food.
euros and burgers have to over process wheat and turn it into slop like bread they can finally consume and so many of them are also intolerant of it. ricechads just steam that shit and get buff, there's no competition. get steamed r-slur.
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easy to pull that off when no one has money or food.
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They literally eat grass
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Unironically better for you than anything found in a grocery store outside of the produce/meat section.
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Hwito peepo do not season they grass
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lmao do u honestly believe this? holy shit u gobble up propaganda.
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Obviously humans can't you fricking r-slur, but they tried out of desperation during famine times. There's videos.
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i can find videos of american cops murdering people
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euros and burgers have to over process wheat and turn it into slop like bread they can finally consume and so many of them are also intolerant of it. ricechads just steam that shit and get buff, there's no competition. get steamed r-slur.
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Nah, I mean actual grass, as in the green shit that grows in your front yard.
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it's called living on a higher plane of existence chud
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