I thank God in heaven China is heading towards disaster with their demographic crisis . Nuclear holocaust is preferable to a world dominated by these losers. Also Americans have been rendered into Sinoslaves through Tiktok so there's no hope there. The Chinese will exterminate the American pigsogs. Launch the nukes now!
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Legally, yes.
Factually, no. The laws defining "genocide" are so expansive that fairly benign things fall under that umbrella. If you applied them to domestic European policies in the 18th and 19th centuries, all of them would be considered genocidal. But who remembers the Corsicans?
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Corsicans were not set in camps forced to sew basket balls and state-mandated to marry outside of their ethnicity, they were just (still are) constantly dabbed on by parisians
for speaking funny. Like the bretons were, and the alsatians were, and the catalans were, and the occitans were, and the picards were, and the west flemish were, and the auvergnats were, and the provençals were, and the savoyards were, and the tourangeaux were, and the normands were, and the
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Corsican language was banned in schools, and using it would get you whipped. Local political institutions were dismantled in favor of ones run by Parisians, and traditional farm holding families had their farming practices obliterated in favor of outside interests (and, of course, they had the choice to either work what was once their land or starve to death). And it was subject to rates of conscription far higher than mainland France.
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Like the bretons were, and the alsatians were, and the catalans were, and the occitans were, and the picards were, and the west flemish were, and the auvergnats were, and the provençals were, and the savoyards were, and the tourangeaux were, and the normands were, and the
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[100 years from now], and the Uyghurs were, and the Tibetans were, and the Taiwanese were, and the
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I know only two types of people so well versed on the assimilation of corsicans into french culture and society. Butthurt corsicans who believe they're anything more than the most deadweight region in european France and Kremlin-simps mindwrangled by social media algorithms who always bring up 300 years old events as smug gotcha whataboutism whenever their favourite tinpot dictatorship is being called out.
Which category are you?
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It's genocide in the sense what happened to native Americans from 1890-1950 was genocide or the aftermath of a war or racial conflict is genocide
that is certainly missing the 'cide.'
But terms like 'forced integration' would just get raceplaystrags and conservatives hyped/aroused. But it still is a bad thing and could not be happening, but you don't get to race riots with 100-500 head death tolls easily and SOMETHING has to happen, and surely they can do better than boarding schools, separation, and forced low end labor.
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Forced integration is the best phrase, though. The PRC doesn't at all care if Uyghur genes exist or not: they've got zero interest in eliminating them.
What they do want is Uyghurs who are thoroughly Sinicized. That means integration into the broader Chinese market and society. That means they have to be working for Chinese corporations, receiving their pay in Chinese currency, and meeting their consumer needs off Alibaba. This is really hard to accomplish, when a functioning society already exists and is mostly content with itself as it exists.
Why? China is paranoid about a civil war, especially if it happens during a time of external stress (e.g. Taiwan contingency). Civil wars have been very bad in Chinese history, so I understand the motivation. Just letting Xinjiang go is a nonstarter, because as soon as they do, there's the precedent for every other province with complaints to do the same.
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Especially, this is Xinjiang we're talking about. The region, meaning new territory, was always defined in blood and extermination since the Qing exterminated the Dzungars there in the 18th century. Regardless which Chinese leader rules that land, it was always a massive headache (especially if you add the Russian to the fun). Yet, because of its position, China cannot simply pull out of the region without risking getting screwed over its western flank.
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