Reddit, Inc. used to have the position that "Hate is hard", that bouncing hatred out of subreddits was best handled at the subreddit, volunteer mod level.
Reddit's situation was compounded by five+ years of accomodating violent extremists and hosting the largest extremist groups on the Internet, as well as unlimited sockpuppet accounts.
Bluesky isn't hosting the likes of G*merGaters or The_Donald, but that could easily change.
One reason Reddit Inc didn't tackle the problem centrally at the time was because, honestly, decoding whether a speech act is hate requires expertise - the Perspective expert system filled that need. It doesn't make the decisions but it validates and triages.
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Ms. Penny Oaken (
Reddit, Inc. used to have the position that "Hate is hard", that bouncing hatred out of subreddits was best handled at the subreddit, volunteer mod level.
That changed the summer of 2020.
It might happen here.
Ms. Penny Oaken (
Reddit's situation was compounded by five+ years of accomodating violent extremists and hosting the largest extremist groups on the Internet, as well as unlimited sockpuppet accounts.
Bluesky isn't hosting the likes of G*merGaters or The_Donald, but that could easily change.
Ms. Penny Oaken (
One reason Reddit Inc didn't tackle the problem centrally at the time was because, honestly, decoding whether a speech act is hate requires expertise - the Perspective expert system filled that need. It doesn't make the decisions but it validates and triages.
Ms. Penny Oaken (
Tackling hate at the system level here will require a revenue stream to support it.
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