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Bard spotting on Bluesky 08 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

… and then Kamala Harris ran up behind Trump, as the music crescendoed, but Trump swivelled around and caught her in an icy grip, but Kamala allowed Cat's Paw to drop to her waiting offhand, twisting in the grip of that ancient evil, thrust the Valyrian steel blade deep, and one by one, MAGA fell …

mynnna (@mynnna.bsky.social):

well that's cursed

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17204976690375948.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720497669129131.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720497669382958.webp


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1739271948y52utXmckBNkwg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740487396BapOr-T9W_9t1g.webp

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!bardfinn !transphobes !fedposters wtf


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Great idea


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 16 minutes and 35 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Wow! There have been 17242 rent free mentions since 2022-09-24

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momo (theythem) (@cosmomomo.bsky.social):

run from a knife: getting cut sucks, and you WILL get cut up-close, so give yourself room. nobody really throws knives, but if they do? now it's YOUR knife!

crowd a gun: you might get shot? but they won't be able to aim, so HOLD. adding more people to that crowd reduces your risk, so bring friends!

momo (theythem) (@cosmomomo.bsky.social):

i won't get to choose who tries to hurt me, only how i respond to the attempt.

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social):

you could use a gun to deal with both of those threats.

momo (theythem) (@cosmomomo.bsky.social):

bringing more guns to a fight does not help anyone if the person holding it is not actively drilling to use it in those very specific situations.

like it isn't close, paper targets don't shoot back.

anyone pulling out a gun in a crowd is gonna be a major threat tbh and should be handled like one.

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social):

lotta words from someone who clearly doesnt shoot but ok lol.

momo (theythem) (@cosmomomo.bsky.social):

not to out myself but i grew up on ranges and shoot well enough to know better so idk

i've talked to /several/ cops who lost partners because they locked up and died squeezing a safety'd trigger. folks get mixed up. shit happens. not everyone can do it, and even fewer can do it in a crowd.

momo (theythem) (@cosmomomo.bsky.social):

like im not saying guns bad, im saying guns bad when the vibe is not shooting bystanders. like cops use hollow points to compensate for shit accuracy, it's a known variable.

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social):

my guy, thats not how fricking hollow points work, hollow points allow you to shoot someone without the round going through them into a bystander or wall behind them like FMJ does. I carry HP ammo in my carry gun because I worry about the safety of other people if I need to shoot.

momo (theythem) (@cosmomomo.bsky.social):

lmao that's what i said stop trying to be mad at me

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social):

you said hollowpoints compensate for shit accuracy, like they are magically more accurate than FMJ, my brother in christ FMJ simply pokes holes in people and will go into people behind your target.

momo (theythem) (@cosmomomo.bsky.social):


this is exhausting call me fat or something we both can understand if you're not gonna read me having fun with some bullshit

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social): blocked by replier

you shouldn't miss, if you do that's a failing of training and a skill issue.

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net): blocked by replier

you've never shot under duress, have you? amped up and terrified because someone is shooting at you? andrenaline pumping, your breath ragged, heart pounding in your ears and shaking hands? expecting anyone to be accurate with lots of screaming and running people all around is ludicrous

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social): blocked by replier

thats why we use shot timers baybee,10 rounds, 10 yards, 10 seconds for a benchmark drill called the test, I did this one a bit fast but got all 10 shots onto the target. if you time yourself you can shoot under duress just fine, especially if you run shooting drills.


Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net): blocked by replier

none of that handles the chaos of a shooting event. being able to shoot at a paper target on an empty range doesn't simulate people literally running in front of you while you are trying to shoot someone else. shooting in a crowded area should always be the last choice

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social): blocked by replier

there are drills and classes for such things. there are no shoot and no flag targets on IPSC and IDPA stages too.

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net): blocked by replier

none of which properly simulate shit. i've done them all and been in combat. you can not simulate what it's like being shot at. no matter how hard you try.

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social): blocked by replier

civilian combat shooting is different than being in a combined arms force with 30 other people going room to room, the gun is your get you outta dodge card. plus most soldiers only know the bare minimum so they can be cannon fodder.

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net): blocked by replier

you have a lot of wrong ideas about guns. you're almost as damgerous to bystanders as the active shooter.

Lum with the CAR15 (@lumcar15.bsky.social): blocked by replier

lemme guess you qualled expert too? lmao

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

nope, pizza box. but i knew and respected the weapon enough to understand that it's always dangerous to fire into a crowd. even for the experts.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Someone blocked someone. You are 100% right. The best laid plans and combat training of mice and men, etc. the best tactic is to have an earthen berm between you and the baddies

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Brooklyn = Jewish

Bolshevik = Jewish

SoS = Jewish

The Gloried Ones = Jewish (from Exodus 34 use of qāran' to describe Moses, mistranslated as "Horned" in Latin vulgate)

Landlords = Jewish

Journ*lists (Jew-rnalists) = Jewish

The Amish = Jewish (Tucker Carlson audience shibboleth)

Hats = Jewish

Willow (@rockshrimp.bsky.social):

Cheat sheet:

Globalist = Jewish

Zionist = Jewish

Soros-Funded = Jewish

New York = Jewish

Cosmopolitan = Jewish

Coastal Elite = Jewish

Hollywood = Jewish

Communist = Jewish

They = Jewish

Godless/Anti-Christian = Jewish

Blood drinking = Jewish

Lizard = Jewish

Jewish = Republican Jews

Urban = Black

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Cultural Marxism, Political Correctness, DEI, CRT = Jewish


Much of this was why I objected to describing Brett Stephens as a bedbug.

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Is this that Mastadon shit that was supposed to replace Twitter?

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It was created as a twitter clone. I think the fediverse (Including Mastodon) integration was in the talking but is not done yet

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Katie Tightkitty (@juicysteak117.gay):

[donald trump voice] let me tell you folks, katie tightkitty? she's pure evil! nothing but evil evil evil, that's what i say. she's a nasty, nasty woman. what kind of name is that anyway? i call her Krooked Katie, Krooked Katie that's what i call her. she's got some of the worst posts on the website

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

@bskyttrpg.bsky.social duel @juicysteak117.gay 10— I am tackled by Secret Service Moderation Labeller

TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):

Duel has been initiated. Challenged player please reply either "Accept" or "Reject" after approximately 10 seconds. Duel Initiator may also reply "Reject" to cancel.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):

Duel has been successfully cancelled

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liv (@livfreeorcry.gay):

look boss, I'll clean it thoroughly but you've gotta be more specific next time you tell me to sound the alarm.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

The best year to delete Twitter was 2022.

The second best year was 2023.

… third's the charm

Cassandra Miller (@tiptransformed.bsky.social):

August 2021! I was ahead of the curve for once! 😉

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Normally I would never suggest anyone follow the lead of the Tories, but — just this once —

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Micah (@rincewind.run):

what if - instead of attempting to ban porn and end internet anonymity in the name of "protecting children" - we actually protected them by making sure they have enough to eat

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

And, like, parents who have the time to spend with their kids and supervise them and block their access to adult areas

Colin Troy (@colintroy.bsky.social):

Child-friendly controls are a nightmare.

Xbox was terrible… 'no we won't let you set up a child account without a phone no.'

'No, you can't use the same no. as the supervising parent's'.

Google too.

I understand kids with unlocked devices now. If you're not technically minded, no chance!

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And, like, parents who have the time to spend with their kids and supervise them and block their access to adult areas

Bardfinn said that or is that someone else's reply?

Because :#marseysmirk2: :#marseybikechainincident:


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 16 minutes and 20 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was FormerLurKONG which was 0 days 10 hours 01 minutes and 40 seconds

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Italian prosecutors should seize all the Dior silk scarves and give them to meeeeeee

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Queen shit :#marseynails:

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Coach Finstock (@coachfinstock.bsky.social):

This is hilarious. In his defense, though, it makes no sense to most people that Trump is still a free man if he actually committed those crimes.

We heard it on the Georgia phone recording! But we aren't willing to make him pay for it. So it must not be a crime.

daryl "happy birthday to the GROUND" bartley 🏳️⚧️ (@hypercubexl.bsky.social):

yeah but he's using a different "they" :/

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Willing to bet $100,000.00 that his "they" is spelled (((…)))

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Ms. Rosenberg (@msrosenberg.bsky.social):

Report: I have posted on X a couple times in the past few weeks (#ksleg stuff). Both times, on the service for less than 10 minutes, both times saw literal Nazi propaganda in my feed. So fun, you guys.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

There will never be a better time to delete your 88Chan (formerly Twitter) account

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lowtax speedrun enjoyer (@rickywlmsbong.bsky.social):

ah yes reservoir dogs, in which things famously go great for the characters


GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachine.com):

... a reservoir dogs... show of force? what do they think happens in that movie?

Dan Martinez (@hivehand.cc):

They heard something about there being clowns to the left and jokers to the right, and just assumed that the whole movie was about politics.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I got a feelin' that somethin' ain't right

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Brooke Binkowski (@brooklynmarie.bsky.social):

Can we have Evil discourse in this thread pls

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

All discourse is evil, so, by definition

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Sophia_Nyx 🏳️⚧️ (@sophianyx.bsky.social):

you're in heck. the second worst song ever made, on loop forever, is your punishment. what song is it?

Aaron Smith (@aaronsmith377.bsky.social):

Bob Seger's "Old Time Rock 'n' Roll"

I like most of his music, but that one makes me want to take his old records off the shelf and hit him in the head with them!

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

When I was a kid, I got dragged to a theme park, and dragged into line for a ride, and it was 108°F & 50% humidity and the theme park had misters installed on the queue (which only made it 100% humid) and they played this on max volume repeat over a broken 1970's era PA system

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Rainy weather is a blessing in the summer.

Today I am grateful for @kiraculous.net, @feral-bear.bsky.social, @khatunjessicabeki.org, @ripperoni.com, @jenuhveeve.bsky.social, and all the other wonderful people making the world better

potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

i'm not sure what i do to deserve such a shout out but i am grateful for you as well, Penny 🩷🖤

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

You're making the world better!

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Sophia_Nyx 🏳️⚧️ (@sophianyx.bsky.social):

you're in heck. the second worst song ever made, on loop forever, is your punishment. what song is it?

Stephen R. Smith (@stephensmith.bsky.social):

You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Four hungry demons and a crop in the field

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Robert Szasz 𓅆 (@rszasz.bsky.social):

@bskyttrpg.bsky.social chooseAncestry random

TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):

random is not a valid ancestry to choose from

Robert Szasz 𓅆 (@rszasz.bsky.social):

@bskyttrpg.bsky.social listAncestry

Robert Szasz 𓅆 (@rszasz.bsky.social):

@bskyttrpg.bsky.social help

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

You could go to random.org & have it roll a d6 (i think there's just 6 lineages)

RANDOM.ORG - True Random Number Service

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Coach Jerry (referee 🟥) (@gopher33j.bsky.social):

These AI images on FB on bot generated pages are getting wild, and they keep showing up on my feed.

WTF is this supposed to symbolize?


✨brit ✨ (@britculpsapp.bsky.social):

all of my questions are about the dog here


potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

is- is the dog ok? where's the rest of it???

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

It just stuck its head out of a convenient hole in the stump

Good dog

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Sinéad Rhiannon (fae/faer/it) (@sineadthefae.bsky.social):

i have never been told i have small nipples before. i'm truly baffled what is meant here since i have objectively large nipples i thought??

anyone else think my nipples are small? have i just been lying to myself?

my areolas are bigger than my palms i am so lost.

Dune (1987) crop top appreciator (@nofunoverlord.top):

you definitely do not have small nipples. definitely large.

Sinéad Rhiannon (fae/faer/it) (@sineadthefae.bsky.social):

this was just baffling


Sinéad Rhiannon (fae/faer/it) (@sineadthefae.bsky.social):

i just can't even


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

People 😵‍💫

Dune (1987) crop top appreciator (@nofunoverlord.top):

weirdos (derogatory)

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

@anitmata.bsky.social you were right to post that xkcd

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

You need some soft pets and some smüches

potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

yeah 👉👈 😢

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Distance is transphobic

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Do you all not realize this is fetish shit and he's getting off on it?

Literally everything you say about him, that he's pathetic, that's a failed man, that he's the destruction of the west serves only to make him more erect.

All of you (yes, including you!) are taking a part in this man's fetish. Let me be very clear. YOU ARE WATCHING CUCK PORN. YOU ARE ENABLING CUCKOLDRY.

:marsoyhype: "Oh wow, this pathetic libtards wife is getting cucked! So funny! This is so dramatic! I'm sure he had no control over this."

:marseycuck: "just blew another load, thanks rdrama"

Jesus Christ do you people go to pornhub and go to the cuckoldry section and say "wow this sure is dramatic! Look at that loser getting pwned!"

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