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Bard spotting on Bluesky 09 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

CNN has a walkthrough of the Official 2024 Republican National Platform.

It is just a list of promises, bullet points, and grievances — not any kind of roadmap or plan for governance or change.


Because Trump will just declare, dictatorially, day one.

He has promised it.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The GOP's Trump-centered platform, annotated

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

And of course Project 2025 is the real platform.

Real "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" energy

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Joshua J. Friedman (@joshuajfriedman.com):

I, for one, am sick of Americans forsaking our Judeo-Christian Sabbath tradition by carrying things in the public domain for more than four cubits

Jessica Pishko (@jesspish.bsky.social):

Tired: Project 2025 wants to bring back the Sabbath.

Wired: Project 2025 will ban Sunday sportsball games and forget about getting beer.

Julia S. (@booktweeting.bsky.social):

put an eruv around the whole country, problem solved

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

*only if all roads within have their traffic vastly reduced; am looking forward to civilian passenger automobiles being abolished

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Kevin M. Kruse (@kevinmkruse.bsky.social):

The "official" GOP platform runs 16 pages, but if we take out the title page, the dedication page, a three-page rambling "preamble" and the page with a table of contents printed in 72-point font, it's only ten pages long.

Project 2025, the actual platform, is 900+ pages long.

Focus on that.

Rima I Anabtawi (@rimaanabtawi.bsky.social):

Just dropped: Forthcoming remarks from VP Kamala Harris on Project 2025 and Trump in Vegas

yazikus (@yazikus.bsky.social):

Oh! Was going to ask but have not read it myself, shamefully. Does it mention doing away with the 17th amendment like my state GOP platform did?

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

CNN has a walkthrough: www.cnn.com/interactive/...

It absolutely lacks details and roadplans. It's just "we will accomplish X", not any sort of "… by reforming / repealing Y and Z".


The GOP's Trump-centered platform, annotated

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Killing transgender people is the official policy of the Republican party.

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Besprechungsprotokoll Wannseekonferenz

If we start calling them the Protocols of the Heritage Foundation, they might just blow a gasket

Charles Johnson (@charles.littlegreenfootballs.com):

The Project 2025 document is the Wannsee Conference of the US Republican Party.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Interesting historical fact: the minutes of the Wannsee Conference are perhaps the best keystone piece of evidence in proving genocidal intent of the Final Solution; They describe working Jewish POWs to death building roads on the Eastern front, & eliminating any survivors, in the same sentence.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Being produced as the minutes of a meeting of all the top officials of the Nazi government, it served to incriminate all recorded as present, and disambiguated the vague rhetoric they'd used in prior speeches, orders, and writings.

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Doing research today, unearthed a 3-year-old talking point from a reddit account that is literally a Nazi Groyper laying out why they want to ban IVF: because « IVF allows the weak to breed ».

So there's why Trump / GOP / Project 2025 want to ban it.


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I fricking hate Nazis

Cersei Transnister 🏳️⚧️🏴☠️🦋 (@khatunjessicabeki.org):

All conservatism boils down to "men should be men and white men need to be impregnating white women."

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TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):


  • various bug fixes

  • the ability to deactivate your character (and remove all labels applied)

  • the ability to reactivate your character (and all labels applied)

  • improved openduels call

  • additional 15 gold

  • enhancement to cancel all your outstanding duels

Ben the putrid poopy pamper puppy 🐕🚼💩🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🔞 MINORS DN (@bensmessybluesky.bsky.social):

add werewolf race PLEASE 🐕🚼

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Cool, dual class ^_^

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potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

all i want to do is get high and sad post from my rotting hole aka my bed

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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laura olin (@lauraolin.bsky.social):

Project 2025 is useful mostly in that a key problem Democratic campaigns have historically had is that when you tell people what Republicans actually want to do, they don't believe you. The evil public list makes it a bit more concrete.

President Bonklers (@borp.bsky.social):

Its effective because people, political parties, are bad a real world politics.

And no one wants to address that. Because its problematic for capitalism.

so boogy men like 2025 win.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

2025 isn't a boogeyman, strawman, etc, though — it's all stuff that the GOP & Trump's cronies have brought to the table as their policy platform.

All of it has a pedigree in official state & national GOP platforms going back to 2008.

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Sy Nakamura (@theredprince.bsky.social):

Houston doesn't have an outage map?!!???

Texas is a Shithole Country

ben schwartz (@benschwartz.bsky.social):

this is great, but there really should be a vegan alternative to finding texas power outages.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

My house is in one of the last metropolitan / suburban / urban neighborhoods in the US where there is no option to buy electricity from a marketplace provider, because out switching distribution branch serves the AM radio station that first broadcasts the EAS signal for an area the size of Maine

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

My city owns its own electricity generation plant, because my city used to host a bunch of defense contractors + has the EAS station. There's a 30-ft wide strip running out from the city proper to the lake where the transmission lines make landfall, from the plant, on the other side of the lake

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Texas has its own distribution grid, unconnected to the rest of the nation.

It's just nuts

Sy Nakamura (@theredprince.bsky.social):

Yeah, the interconnections are very limited, DC only

A Texas energy guy told me that if the federal government ever tried to exercise jurisdiction over the Texas grid the governor would personally vote those lines with an ax

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Sy Nakamura (@theredprince.bsky.social):

You are probably better off; third party supply has been a disaster of grifters

A lot of states are considering ending or limiting it

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Texas wants Bitcoin miners here so they can maintain the demand load on the grid in mild weather months; they actually pay the miners to shut down during high demand.

Just a wild, industry-captured-regulatory-agency business model

Sy Nakamura (@theredprince.bsky.social):

I am stealing that

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Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

@bskyttrpg.bsky.social duel @skywitches.net 1

TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):

Duel has been initiated. Challenged player please reply either "Accept" or "Reject" after approximately 10 seconds. Duel Initiator may also reply "Reject" to cancel.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):

The winner is skywitches.net

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

@bskyttrpg.bsky.social stats

TTRPG Class Identifier (@bskyttrpg.bsky.social):

Your current stats

Class: oracle

Level: 1

Experience: 67

Gold: 63.29258737013095

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

"Can never be reduced to 0 gold by normal means" woohoo

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Amelia Robin 🏳️⚧️ (@ameliarobin.bsky.social):

This skeet brought to you by the song Policy Of Truth by Depeche Mode

Amelia Robin 🏳️⚧️ (@ameliarobin.bsky.social):

British people really pronounce the "a" in "again"

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

You will always wonder how

It could have 🐝 n if you'd only lied

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Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

i was leelah and you were fry

Rozzie (@bigreassure.bsky.social):

What's the funniest show to have a Pink Opaque relationship with?

"I was there... I was on the island... I was Jack and you were Kate... we still have to go back!!!"

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I have always maintained that Going Through The Motions from Buffy's Musical Episode is the most egg a song can be without being explicitly about transition / gender

I used to sing it to myself and wonder why my mind had invested in it so much

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

i think fake by shinedown hits that point

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



R/AltRightChristian celebrates the news that an american journ*list has been killed in Somalia

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



Doxxing, assault, death threats: the new dangers facing US journ*lists covering extremism

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



Yet another inflammatory front page T_D post about a journ*list they dislike, comments include photos, personal information, and a DIRECT LINK TO HIS PERSONAL TWITTER ACCOUNT saying "[He] is a traitorous POS and he needs to be fricking destroyed on social media"

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



/r/BruhFunny is quarantined following threats on journ*lists

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



Five t_d users have called for Huffington post employees to be doxxed in the last 15 days and all their posts are still up.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



Journ*lists are covering an extremely violent video edited to show Trump murdering his enemies. Ten Months ago, The_Donald shared a different video edited to show Trump murdering his enemies [+3300]. That video has never been removed by The_Donald's moderators, who even stickied it at one point.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

This is just the stuff AgainstHateSubreddits documented which include specifically mentioning journ*lists. There's so much more of them calling for killing "enemies" and of Trump calling the press his enemies

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_Donald demands the execution of "over 100" politicians

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_Donald calls for Obama's execution by hanging.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_Donald calls for Ohio election workers to be executed by hanging.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_Donald continues to call for the execution of anyone who criticizes Trump, despite being quarantined for similar behavior. In this thread, they suggest turning a former CIA director into "landfill" for the "capital crime" of disagreeing with their politics. [+21].

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_Donald argues that every member of the media should be executed via hanging.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_Donald calls for the media to be "rounded up and put into Gitmo." Adding that they "don't even deserve trials". The_Donald believes this is justified because "they are the enemy of the people, and true patriots know what we do with enemies." [+45]

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_Donald's mods sticky a video where the movie Rambo is edited so that Trump kills a bunch of people. A comment near the top is a fantasy about killing a CNN reporter.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



Eleven month old the_donald comment fantasizing about murdering every reporter ever.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):



The_donald celebrating the fictional deaths of American news reporters. With bonus transphobia in the comments.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Trumpism / MAGA are a violent terrorist movement, and aiding & abetting him regaining power & privilege means aiding & abetting the wave of terrorism that will accompany it

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