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Daily Bard Digest 2024-07-09

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

10/14/19 22:14:14 with a score of -1: https://old.reddit.com/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/di0kmc/ahem_frick_contrapoints_and_anyone_who_support_her/f3stu4x/?context=8

You can make your entire life be about shouting about the relationships and networking and collaborations of people who never sought nor needed your permission to do a thing, and will never, ever hear or read your criticisms --

Where will you get your sense of purpose in your life, when the reason for your sense of purpose is taken away?

Buck Angel is not "truscum". Buck Angel's acknowledged the existence of non-binary people and voiced respect for them -- even if in the past he made statements that didn't respect non-binary people. No, I'm not going to point you at the statements; They're easy enough to find, and the purpose of this comment is to teach you something:

You can either allow yourself to remain ignorant and react to every rumour and innuendo, and be spurred into flying into a rage by anyone who knows that you're ignorant and can be pushed into a rage,

or you can stop holding and espousing strong opinions about what you don't understand, and go out and actually find out about things and people, and stop taking the word of an outragemonger mill machine run by wretched and jealous people.

Natalie's made several videos and statements in support of individual enbies and enbies in general. Criticism or Bullying (which was published 3 years ago) is pretty unequivocal in her support and respect for enbies. She's made statements on her livestreams about how self-ID is proper and should be recognised by society and governments.

I moderate /r/ContraPoints -- I do 75-80% of the work on the subreddit -- and I'm 100% to the top of my teeth fed up with this toxic crab-bucket rumourmill, straight out of every textbook about how women bully other women. If Natalie were remotely anti-enby, or promoting a doctrine of transmedicalism or truscummery, I'd have resigned with a long, detailed, and incisive analysis of exactly who, where, how, when, and why Natalie had betrayed the community and my trust.

PLEASE stop repeating unsubstantiated vicious gossip. PLEASE. It's actively harmful of other people.

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Bardfinn :marseybattered: supports known neo-nazi Buck Angel :marseyfallenangel: :#marseymindblown:


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 19 minutes and 30 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

We've got Bardy fever! today we have mentioned our favorite mod 40 more times than usual!

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At 07/09/24 15:36:54 in todayilearned with a score of yall:

Ich sagt': « Ich habe das Wort weder gelesen noch nie gehört. »

Kenn' Ich mich mit der Geschlectakt nicht aus, nur mit die Phrasung.

Sind wir hier fertig, oder brauchen Sie noch mehr fur Ihr zufriede?

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:marseyxd: Dem Bardfinn wird sein Arsch aufgerissen. Was ein Müll der sich aus seinem Hintern zieht

Aber Arschesser höre ich zum ersten mal. Sonst Jemand?

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Of course the one part of germany bardy has visited (allegedly) is berlin :marseyeyeroll:

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He probably knows a million :marseytrain2:s there which tell them everything he should know. Still surprised that the antihate warrior is very into german culture :marseygigathonk:

Sag mal aus welchen Bundesland bist du?

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Sag mal aus welchen Bundesland bist du?


Ich verweigere die Aussage.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 26 minutes and 46 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was FormerLurKONG which was 0 days 10 hours 01 minutes and 40 seconds

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Arsch status: zungelocht


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Arschesser sagt kein Mensch, da hat er Recht.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 02 hours 16 minutes and 33 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Best friend is ACA with 291 mentions

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His German isn't that good tbh.

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At 07/09/24 08:00:34 on /r/conservativeterrorism with a score of yall:

Hey, unfortunately we have to remove this; our rule 5 is "No Meta", meaning no posts about other subreddits. Sorry for the inconvenience

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At 07/09/24 21:31:02 in conservativeterrorism with a score of yall:

This isn't a campaign subreddit, and as such, this post has been removed

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At 07/09/24 20:10:28 in todayilearned with a score of yall:

Aber, welches Müll?

Stellen Sie Ihren Müll nur am richtigen Tag zur Abholung bereit, sonst drohen Ihnen Bußgelder.



Ihre. Frecher Jungen.

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At 07/09/24 18:37:57 in Frickthealtright with a score of 2 points:

Downmarsey, report, and block — that provides feedback to the system to get their account suspended. I've punted that Nazi to the admins

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At 07/09/24 17:13:22 in AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of 1 point:

This is the AntiTrumpAlliance, not the "grouse over your discontent with the Democratic party's use of Robert's Rules of Order", etc.

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At 07/09/24 17:21:07 in ModSupport with a score of 4 points:

I am happy to report that I have nothing to report. All the recent examples of comment spam I've come across, they've been spammed before I even saw them, which makes me happy.

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At 07/09/24 13:33:23 in todayilearned with a score of -2 points:

I've never read / heard "Arschesser" and wouldn't expect to; "essen" is the genteel verb, connoting a sit-down civilised meal. There's "Arschfressen" which is more along the lines of "so crazy he eats s—-". I have heard "Arschzungelocht" which produces the elided "arschlocht" as "butt[tongue]punched" and from there the backformation of Arschlocher. Similar in connotation to the kriecher.

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At 07/09/24 14:30:05 in todayilearned with a score of yall:

Visit Berlin sometime. Then apologise.

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At 07/09/24 14:43:47 in AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of yall:

There's an argument to be made that the lack of government coordination and response to COVID had the foreseeable effect of disproportionately affecting demographics that distrust institutions (immigrants) and the poor (i.e., disproportionately non-white).

Many of the African Americans I know taught me a specific cultural value in 2020, which is "we keep us safe". Masks and distancing and isolation and vaccinations once they were available. They knew the score, because white supremacists eho have their hands on the levers of power have tried this over and over for 200 years.

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At 07/09/24 12:33:56 on /r/AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of 3 points:

The position of all Nazi ideology is that Jewish people are untermenschen, subhumans; in the Nazi propaganda film der Ewige Jude, Jewish people were analogised to rats.

"Where rats appear, they bring ruin by destroying mankind's goods and foodstuffs. In this way, they spread disease, plague, leprosy, typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and so on. They are cunning, cowardly and cruel and are found mostly in large packs. Among the animals, they represent the rudiment of an insidious, underground destruction – just like the Jews among human beings."

Goebbels was Hitler's trusted right hand man & the minister for propaganda. Anything the Nazi party put out as official doctrine or propaganda can be confidently ascribed to both or either Goebbels & Hitler as author.

For Trump - https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-expected-highlight-murder-michigan-woman-immigration-speech-2024-04-02/

The point being that both are fascists with agendas of stripping human rights from scapegoat groups and committing crimes against humanity.

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At 07/09/24 12:33:56 on /r/AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of 0 points:

I learned a new phrase today

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At 07/09/24 12:33:56 on /r/todayilearned with a score of yall:

FYI, "Arschlocher", "Arschlecker", or "Arschkriecher"

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At 07/09/24 12:33:56 on /r/AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of yall:

psst hey kid wanna subreddit

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At 07/09/24 09:53:04 on /r/AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of 3 points:

Please heavily downmarsey and report anyone who comes into the comments to "Donald isn't Hitler how dare u".

I spent this morning citing dozens of instances of just /r/the_donald inciting violence against just journ*lists.

Even the world expert of fascism, Robert Paxton, agrees that Trump is a violent fascist.

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