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Bard spotting on Bluesky 11 July 2024 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

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mattie lubchansky (@lubchansky.bsky.social):

worked in the HVAC industry not very long, and a long time ago, but i still remain cursed with the knowledge of what all the dumb words mean and everyone is always asking me mattie mattie what's the different between dry and wet bulb temperatures. and i know. it's awful to know but i know

magic science (@magicscience.bsky.social):

we'll all know what wet bulb is soon enough

Brooke Binkowski (@brooklynmarie.bsky.social):

Came here to say this

Lissa Harris (@lissaharris.bsky.social):

horror movie called WET BULB when

Brooke Binkowski (@brooklynmarie.bsky.social):

Oh no, everyone's going to pretend it doesn't exist until it's too late to do anything about it

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Call it "Sweat Bulb" to trick people into watching

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Sy Nakamura (@theredprince.bsky.social):


Hacker News Top 100 Bot (Unofficial) (@hn100.bsky.social):

Scientists build robot controlled by a brain in a jar


Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

"Abbie Normal"

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Yonks ago someone asked a Reddit admin "Why can't I just push a button to delete all my content?" and my (prolix, bystander) reply was summed up with "You think you want that until a bored teenager guesses your account password"

rahaeli (@rahaeli.bsky.social):

Content deletion is the #1 example! But, like, a lot of fraud prevention, ditto. People get very mad at gift card sellers for not making it harder for people to send thousands to scammers or PayPal not making it harder for intruders to drain accounts!

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Bleach and UV that lung tissue, folks

Bleach and UV that lung tissue

Charlotte Garden (@charlottegarden.bsky.social):

Trump gave two separate interviews while he was president in which he seemed to confuse health insurance and life insurance www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/07...

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I've decided that people who have decided that "Biden has to step down because he can't beat Trump" are — rather than being "rational" and "following the data and the polls" — simply shouting to the world that they think Trump is powerfully able to capture wide popular sentiment.

Freudian slips.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

It's either their fear that 2024 will be a repeat of 2016, & a shitheel clown will gain 20 years of political relevancy

Or their secret estimation that Trump deserves the Presidency if Biden can't tapdance down an avalanche

Or their contempt for the average American voter

Or a combo of all three

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I really don't know nor do I feel it relevant which motive is behind it

And I don't want to know

I just want one thing: and I want it with the burning heat of a thousand suns:

Freedom from Republican terrorism

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I hold the thesis that this one condition: the destruction of the political power and relevance of the Republican Party

is a necessary precondition for the future liberation of all mankind

And that in this day and age, that only happens politically

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Robert Szasz 𓅆 (@rszasz.bsky.social):

Well shit

tamosan (@tamosan.bsky.social):

CVE-2024-3596の件。今月のWUで対応されてましたね。そして、 .fail ってgTLDあるんだ:【セキュリティ ニュース】中間者攻撃で認証応答を偽造できる脆弱性「Blast-RADIUS」(1ページ目 / 全1ページ):Security NEXT https://www.security-next.com/159624

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Is that the smishing attack from two days ago

Robert Szasz 𓅆 (@rszasz.bsky.social):

Looks like

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

At this point the only thing I use my phone for is tethering and marking & blocking spam numbers ugh

Robert Szasz 𓅆 (@rszasz.bsky.social):

Oh, sms fishing? No. MD5 collision smashing

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


That's … r e a l l y bad

Robert Szasz 𓅆 (@rszasz.bsky.social):

Yup www.cve.org/CVERecord?id...

CVE Website

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

ugh i don't feel well. it's either anxiety or low blood sugar but either way my hands are starting to vibrate. i'ma go eat a cookie

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Pls take care 💋

potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

i had a sleeve of fudgeeos

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potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

my therapist told me that i wasn't meeting my need for community because i'm waiting to be adopted by an extrovert and i've never wanted more to fire someone for being good at their job

Dr. Valerian (@physicalbadger.bsky.social):

Sometimes your only choice is to fake being the extrovert and adopt yourself 😔

potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

that's what she said!!!

Dr. Valerian (@physicalbadger.bsky.social):

That's scary,,,, your therapist is too good at her job......

potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

i called her a witch (complimentary) after our third session because it felt like she could see right into my essence

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I am laughing so much rn


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Emma (Cumslutress) 🏳️⚧️ (@femin.ized.gay):

absolutely ecstatic. relieved. overjoyed.

no damage to my vocal folds from my covid coughing and my surgeon said the healing looks fantastic so far.

this was weighing on my soul so fricking much the past 2 weeks and i'm just so thrilled I can move forward now 😭🩷

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


Slurpee #18

Emma (Cumslutress) 🏳️⚧️ (@femin.ized.gay):

lmao my poor kidneys

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rahaeli (@rahaeli.bsky.social):

It's a disgrace this case dragged out so long, but thankfully the correct decision happened eventually. Enjoy footnote 1, it's particularly brutal.

nsqe (@nsqe.bsky.social):

About darn time. This was a shockingly stupid lawsuit and it's ludicrous it took this long — all the way up to the Supreme Court and back down — to sort out.

And, side note, this is a delightful decision to read: www.aclu.org/cases/doe-v-...

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

banging the sign like a gong on the gong show which a contestant who tefuses to leave

LENA WIFE (@nebulena.net):

if the :marseytrain: does not feel loved she will leave

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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Tall F. Pompkins (really needs a job) (@saltyplumsoda.bsky.social):

What's that anime with the straw hat guy who lives on a pirate ship

Tall F. Pompkins (really needs a job) (@saltyplumsoda.bsky.social):

like he eats a fruit and it gives him superpowers and shit and there's that lady who does the thing with the hands

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

one piece

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

He eats only one piece of fruit and it gives him super powers, wow

But what's the name of the anime

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Spazzy (@spazzy.bsky.social):

Realistic pestplay where I dress like an opossum and scream at you till you hit me with a broom

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

realistic pet play where i rush to get in front of you then lay down until you pay attention to me

Spazzy (@spazzy.bsky.social):

and I keep screaming after hit

eons Luna (@eonity.bsky.social):


Possum Hiss GIF

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Yeah, with the proper context, I can see that this is just going to open up more surface for TABC to grip onto

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Very Very Common Mike Dunford (@questauthority.bsky.social):

The amount of fundamental, basic, long-settled Constitutional law that is being upset by these courts is nearly impossible to convey.

Nate Raymond (@nateraymond.bsky.social):

New: Trump-appointed Judge Mark Pittman in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon at home. www.reuters.com/legal/govern...

Brainworm Enjoyer (@misterfungi.bsky.social):

Make Bathtub Gin Great Again

Wendell Albright (@wendella.bsky.social):

Make Blindness Common Again.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Here's the missing context:

Texas has an entire police force that is used to harass small business owners who make, sell, distribute, etc beer and wine and liquor. They will walk into licensed bars and arrest people drinking beer, because they could be seen to do so from the sidewalk

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

TABC held an entire beverage retailer chain hostage to the tune of millions of dollars of levied fines and threatened to pull their license because one shop misfiled one form on one returned case of beer. This extortion happened over the course of years.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Stores here cannot sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday mornings, under a technicality holdover regulation from 1980's Blue Laws.

The point here is that TABC regs are a way for Protestants to force their religious mores on everyone under the colour of law

So this decision is actually a good one

Allen Garvin (@allengarvin.bsky.social):

"So this decision is actually a good one"

This decision is based on the taxing power of Congress and has bearing on state law.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I withdraw that opinion - that the decision is good.

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Very Very Common Mike Dunford (@questauthority.bsky.social):

Here's the context you're missing, probably by not bothering to read:

The decision said that state regulation, including state bans, is fine. It's just the federal ban that it ruled against.

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Aw, yeah - I skipped over reading it.

Arrrgh I was so looking forward to TABC being defanged

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Emily Gorcenski (@emily.gorcen.ski):

I have this awesome game we can all take part in. The game is called "shut the frick up when you're at an acoustic set"

Emily Gorcenski (@emily.gorcen.ski):

How do you play this game? It's easy!

1. Pay money for a ticket to a show

2. Go to the show

3. Be quiet during the show

4. Enjoy the show

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Punters could never

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Cersei Transnister 🏳️⚧️🏴☠️🦋 (@khatunjessicabeki.org):

Girl who volunteers as a canvasser for the doll heavy areas but only gets through 2 houses a day

Violet:)🏳️⚧️ (@violetrans.bsky.social):

girl who is walked to the her local polling place on a leash and after a lot of confusion votes for her owner

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

I wonder what the confounding variable is

Cersei Transnister 🏳️⚧️🏴☠️🦋 (@khatunjessicabeki.org):

It's a heavy mystitery

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Very Very Common Mike Dunford (@questauthority.bsky.social):

The amount of fundamental, basic, long-settled Constitutional law that is being upset by these courts is nearly impossible to convey.

Nate Raymond (@nateraymond.bsky.social):

New: Trump-appointed Judge Mark Pittman in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon at home. www.reuters.com/legal/govern...

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

In 6 months, I'll drink to that

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Fun Fact

Dallas, TX is an hour away from Dallas, Tx by car

Sometimes three hours away

Improvement construction on US75 began before I was born and may conclude after I decease, aged 90

But do not bet on it

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Project 2025's Mike Howell in the chat logs reads exactly like what you'd expect from a Redditor named BazedAryanGroyper in modmail after you ban him for getting caught in the AutoMod N-word filter fifteen times in five minutes

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

As amazing as Terry Benedict's monologue at the denouement of Ocean's Eleven is,

If one ever finds one's self monologuing "Run and hide, butthole" in that way, one should have a moment of realisation that yes, one is in fact the villain

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Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

Jesus he designed them after the JohnnyCabs in Verhoeven's Total Recall

Your Internet Friend Tom Tomorrow (@tomtomorrow.bsky.social):

El Oh Fricking El

Shark Queen (ravenous) (@seransdell.bsky.social):

There is no surprise left in me.😮‍💨

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potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

realistic petplay where i climb the legs of your guests and stick my claws in their pockets looking for treats until you swat me with a slipper and i roll away like a fuzzy little tumbleweed

H.D.Frankenstein (@hdfrankenstein.bsky.social):

Realistic petplay where I chew on your furniture and knock over the trash can because you left me alone in the house.

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

i love that i brought this back

potz(er)🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@feral-bear.bsky.social):

i love you!🥰

Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

i love youuu! 🥰

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):

🥰 yous

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Kiraculous Once and Future Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

hoping my new game plus lets me reroll into a yeti

🔞 Resident Gender Free Palestine (@innocentrori.bsky.social):

I should have been a squirrel

Or a possum

Rng screwed me

Ms. Penny Oaken (@skywitches.net):


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