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Bard spotting on Bluesky 02 March 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

Be valid and ping ! bardfinn for something worthwhile or create a new thread.

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Adding @elenaparent.bsky.social to the Transphobic blocklist

Atlanta DSA (@atldemsoc.bsky.social):

In a leaked recording, State Senator Elena Parent (D-42) said she'd vote for Republican transgender healthcare bans because trans rights are too "unpopular."

"You can go right to heck. I don't think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me"

Cinderella Mechanicus (@hroethgar.bsky.social):

Voting with the party of the Tate brothers to protect women.

Beyond satire.

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Karl (sad trombone noise enthusiast) (@brainnotonyet.bsky.social):

Primary everyone of these democratic party bigots.

Atlanta DSA (@atldemsoc.bsky.social):

In a leaked recording, State Senator Elena Parent (D-42) said she'd vote for Republican transgender healthcare bans because trans rights are too "unpopular."

"You can go right to heck. I don't think I will lose re-election based on you screaming at me"

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Americans have had the luxury of much of politics being Calvinball for too long, so now they think all politics is Calvinball and can't discern the scenarios for which they are called to actually serve

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Do not mistake sociopathic narcissistic manipulation (dark triad masking) for empathy

Scorpion, frog, river, etc

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Kevin Morris (@kevintmorris.bsky.social):

I do think this is an important point. You should be careful about what information sources you're inviting into your feed

Auntie Wow (@absolutereality.blog):

you could always take one for the team and tell them that uncritically following 10,000+ accounts leaves them open for manipulation by disinfo campaigns!

Auntie Wow (@absolutereality.blog):

This thread by @rahaeli.bsky.social explains why uncritically following thousands of unknown accounts is a mis/disinfo vector for political and foreign chaos agents, but you don't have to take our word for it - here's a peer-reviewed research paper.

rahaeli (@rahaeli.bsky.social):

This paper is an example of the kind of things I mean: these accounts all established themselves with follow-farming. journals.plos.org/plosone/arti... 5/

rahaeli (@rahaeli.bsky.social):

I built an account that could not more obviously show EVERY SIGN of being a Russian disinformation op down to only allowing myself to log into the account between 9am and 5pm Moscow standard time and it got 10k followers in 4 days

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

You forgot to never log in before noon Moscow time on Sundays. "All goodboys go to church", or the equivalent Russian idiom

rahaeli (@rahaeli.bsky.social):

Oh, comrade only works Monday through Friday. Which is annoying because it means I missed a prime window for one specific tag. Heh.

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

For ~10 years, /r/atheism, /r/science, and /r/4chan (some other subreddits, too) shared a "moderator", /u/AnotherClosetAtheist — who (surprise!) is a closeted neoNazi, transphobe, homophobe, & obsessive stalker.

If you got flaired on /r/science, he might have seen your certs / diplomas. No way to tell

GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachine.com):

this is how i view all new atheist stuff now, for the same reasons (there's an intersection of views here but it's not 1:1)

Ianna Urquhart 🏳⚧🏳🌈🇺🇦 (@drewiepoodle.bsky.social):

Still fighting the good fight I see. ;-)

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):


Ianna Urquhart 🏳⚧🏳🌈🇺🇦 (@drewiepoodle.bsky.social):


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p o t z {er} - 🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@potzer.xyz):

did you miss me?

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Yes, in fact. That's … 36 to 48 hours worth of missing you by my estimates. You took the weekend off

p o t z {er} - 🏳️⚧️🐉🦝 (@potzer.xyz):

i love you 🫂❤️

ugh was that all it was? felt like a week lol

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

It was pretty rough

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Stovey is the world's most ohana person I know of

Pls help

Stovey 🍍👻 (@stovey.thequeer.house):

i'm STRUGGLING on this months rent. i've been able to stay afloat for a bit but my savings is running dry. I have a Job lined up but won't be able to start until next month.YOU are NOT obligated to help me. people help others if possible!




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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

… enormously bad

Kai Kupferschmidt (@kakape.bsky.social):

NEW: The Minerva Research Initiative, established by the Pentagon to fund social science relevant to national security, is being gutted. Dozens of researchers studying threats from extremist groups, misinformation or climate change have received notices that their grants are being terminated.


Scrappy (@scrappyaf.bsky.social):

Things are getting more dangerous by the day. 😞

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Cooper Lund (@cooperlund.online):

Elon Musk looks, well, about as bad as you'd expect a middle aged nerd wearing a Half Life shirt to an event would look

Ben Goggin (@bengoggin.bsky.social):

Donald Trump and Elon Musk appeared at an event called "Wine, Women & Shoes" today at Mar-a-Lago…

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Content Warning: Lee Greenwood's God Bless the USA

Cooper Lund (@cooperlund.online):

Why would you ever watch this with sound on?

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Is anyone else getting a DM notification badge that flashes briefly and then vanishes, or is that just me.

Willing to bet it's "Someone I don't follow used the API to DM me"

heartpunk (@heartpunk.bsky.social):

me tooooo

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Welcome to "Inbox Zero Anonymous", where we are all being gaslit by BlueSky's inbox badge

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jess banks (@profbanks.bsky.social):

Don't point fingers at American education for this one—Social Studies has been cut to the bone by decades of standardised testing and STEM focus. Teachers do what they can with the time they've got, and choosing the literal "Never Again" is better than not covering Nazis at all.

Andrea Junker (@strandjunker.com):

The fact that many Americans cannot recognize fascism unless it looks exactly like Nazi Germany is very dangerous.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

I took 4 years of German - 3 of them IB cert prep years - to learn "Why did the Germans let the Nazis do what they did", had AP & IB world history classes, & did not get the answer until university

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Is anyone else getting a DM notification badge that flashes briefly and then vanishes, or is that just me.

Willing to bet it's "Someone I don't follow used the API to DM me"

Ollie (@ollie209.bsky.social):

I keep getting it; I sent and received 1 DM 48 hours ago

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Oh good it's not just me. I always worry that I've managed to somehow corrupt a .config file or a db entry or something

Ollie (@ollie209.bsky.social):

it's only when I refresh the app. It doesn't "flash" as I'm scrolling

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Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

the most traumatized queer shitposter you've ever met moments before they descend into a wrathful blood frenzy attempting to murder their own shadow:

the only verified Shawn Connolly accept no substitutions (@divinecoffeebinge.bsky.social):

it no longer matters if it is true or untrue, only that it fits The Lore

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

I came to terms with my Shadow

presses play on a Tool track

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

For ~10 years, /r/atheism, /r/science, and /r/4chan (some other subreddits, too) shared a "moderator", /u/AnotherClosetAtheist — who (surprise!) is a closeted neoNazi, transphobe, homophobe, & obsessive stalker.

If you got flaired on /r/science, he might have seen your certs / diplomas. No way to tell

GOLIKEHELLMACHINE (@golikehellmachine.com):

this is how i view all new atheist stuff now, for the same reasons (there's an intersection of views here but it's not 1:1)

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Reportedly some kind of geophysicist or geochemical engineer by trade, he absolutely reveled in using his mod privileges to promote hatred and harassment and violent incitement. Came back after being suspended over and over, too.

Now the Mod Code of Conduct prohibits enabling that behaviour

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Mollz Ballz © (@dopestatistics.bsky.social):

Cancelling brit for the sriracha pic

✨ brit ✨ (@britculpsapp.bsky.social):

maybe i'm finally getting cancelled

✨ brit ✨ (@britculpsapp.bsky.social):

i can't wait for someone to inquire

Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

i'll fall on that grenade, fuggit:

what is the siracha pic

✨ brit ✨ (@britculpsapp.bsky.social):

the answer lies within (the earlier or other replies in this thread)

Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

just found it, that was fine. i do want to eat a tofu dog now tho

Mollz Ballz © (@dopestatistics.bsky.social):

That it Im cutting the internet cables for the world

Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

gonna ask my bottom surgeon for vagina dentata that can also eat & digest food.

slacey AKA Trick Scarforkids (@skilletqueso.com):

or request like a pitcher plant filled with acid

✨ brit ✨ (@britculpsapp.bsky.social):

like… lsd?

Mollz Ballz © (@dopestatistics.bsky.social):

Unrelated but you can take lsd vaginally right like it seems that should work

Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

i think so yah. it should also bypass more of the liver.

Mollz Ballz © (@dopestatistics.bsky.social):

👀 good to know

Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

anything you can boof through the back you can typically also boof through the front 🤷‍♀️

Sage 🏳️⚧️ (@trans.bsky.social):

note: i was talking about vaginas & buttholes to someone with a vagina. was not referring to mouths in this context. different front hole.

✨ brit ✨ (@britculpsapp.bsky.social):

can you believe the sick freaks who call mouth boofing "ingestion"?

EasilyDistracted (@babblingfringe.bsky.social):

"Moofing" has a nice ring to it, not gonna lie.

Mollz Ballz © (@dopestatistics.bsky.social):

Now Im gonna think about this every time I take my meds smh

✨ brit ✨ (@britculpsapp.bsky.social):

you can boof your drugs through basically any hole — naturally occurring or otherwise

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Finally a pragmatic justification for the conch piercings I got 25 years ago

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

But, also, not Republicans, because you're now not even RINOs

"But they have a winning formula" NO. The Dems didn't have a winning formula. There's a difference.

Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama.bsky.social):

Because pretty soon you're actually saying "hey, we only want CIS, ABLE BODIED WHITE GUYS to be in charge, surely we can all agree that THEY'RE the normal ones" and then guess what, you're now republicans.

Cinderella Mechanicus (@hroethgar.bsky.social):

"We want advice from the people who lost control of their own political party"

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Just blogging this here - a Sumerian ritualistic invocation, translated to English roughly as "Such that things are as they should be", 𒃻𒌌𒂊 𒉺 𒈬𒈾𒌓𒁺

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

From sumerianlanguage.tumblr.com/post/7542924...

Sumerian Language

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Have to hand it to Chappell Roan, her career kicked off precisely at the moment for one of her ditties to become a zeitgeist protest song.


These fascists have got, to go

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Seems like a powerful tactic that might be used by Democratic politicians to shut down a coup

Eric Columbus (@ericcolumbus.bsky.social):

Spending funds Congress has not appropriated literally violates the Constitution and to do so knowingly and willfully is a crime punishable by two years in prison. See 31 USC 1341(a) and 1350.


Jaye Was (@jayewas.bsky.social):

Now the dems just need to patch up that loophole where the GOP can commit felonies and they can commit misdemeanors as long as they're doing it in an official capacity that just so happens to self deal.

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commamonger😷 (@commamonger.bsky.social):

There's more to Mesopotamia than Gilgamesh and Enkidu, it would seem. Lovely thread about bricks.

Moudhy Al-Rashid (she/her) (@moudhy.bsky.social):

Bricks from ancient Mesopotamia may seem boring, but there is more to them than mud and straw.

A short thread on some fun facts about bricks in ancient Mesopotamia from my book, Between Two Rivers.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

But wait, there's more —

The Greeks, under the orders of Alexander the Great, were ordered to build a temple deifying Alexander in Babylon when they conquered it.

So ~2000 years after those cuneiform bricks were made, the Greeks made very similar bricks, stamped in Ionian/Phoenician, @ 400 BCE

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Cynde *Severed Citizen (@cynde.bsky.social):

doesn't seem possible

LawyerJesse (@lawyerjesse.bsky.social):

So funny to see the left's circular firing squad forming around Cuomo. Disagree on policy, not purity.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Dude Doubled Down. I just … throws up hands

Cynde *Severed Citizen (@cynde.bsky.social):

it is so frustrating 💜

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🍂 Autumn 🍂 (@fallgirlautie.bsky.social):

So I'm definitely going away at least until April, I'm just too much in my head regarding being sad at my own transition.

As for everyone else, you're all amazing and I wish only good things for you all

🍂 Autumn 🍂 (@fallgirlautie.bsky.social):

Would anyone judge me if I took a few months away from here to focus on stuff...also it may be because babes are pretty and I'm feeling sad that I can't be like them

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Hope to see you again soon ^_^

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Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama.bsky.social):

Siri, how do I say "go frick yourself" in 200 different languages

Wajahat Ali (@wajali.bsky.social):

LOL. This is a real post.

Jessica Ellis (@baddestmamajama.bsky.social):

English has been spoken in the continental US for about 450 years, and there have been people here for 13,000, stop trying to make English happen, Nazis.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

English doesn't need official status; English is the Borg of languages.

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I am certain you do not wish to argue that several years ago you assaulted me at Tanglewood Forest. Several of your fellow company members have chased me and thwapped me with Amtgard -legal boffer weapons on Company Road while I was making announcements on behalf of Kingdom Officers.

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