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Least r-slurred lundian rightoid :marseycrayoneater:


Okay today I'll tell a story about something many Indians don't know about. It is the Strategic Fooyou Agency(SFA). Here, Chinese people have devised a way to tackle western hate. They portray an image of a very poor and weak China over the internet and make westerners confused, while laughing about it among themselves. I'll give you an example. There was a time when the west was always talking about China having no potential, etc, and Chinese netizens would reply that "Yes, as an emerging futurologist I can say that China is actually a declining country. Please don't believe in government propaganda..." etc. Do you see how it works? And they even made Real Admiral Zhang Zhaozhong as the Director of SFA. This helped them get over with constant hate from the west. Just read about the SFA on Quora and you'll find out.

I propose that we too make such a thing. We can do things like, if someone posts about RRTS and someone makes derogatory comments, we'll say "You're absolutely right, India doesn't have the capability to make this thing. Do not fall for government propaganda." And just add "I definitely don't work for SFA(The Indian name in case of SFA)". Watch their confusion and enjoy, the confusion will turn into frustration and eventually fear. You can apply this method to literally anything! True or false doesn't matter!


Why I am trying to do this? Well because I know how hard it is to tackle with such things. I have led a very depressing life just because of this reason and developed an inferiority complex, and eventually became suicidal because I didn't want to continue this life. And I'm sure there are patriotic people(mostly teens) like me all over India who are depressed like me as well(nothing to be ashamed of). I'm trying to help everyone. Hopefully my countrymen won't betray me.

:#marseycringe2: :#marseycringe2:


Choose a name for our organization(should have a shortform), and my suggestion is to make the director Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw(boasting because my name is also Sam), but fr it's totally your choice. Spread this to EVERY Indian subreddit, crosspost it, copy paste, whatever. I don't need credit. Just do it, it's a service to Indian netizens. Especially on reddit and Twitter.


sounds good, I think this will be a good support to our people in forums etc.no need to suffer mentally and argument would end easily. we should prepare a template for this to share with others.


Excellent idea! This will also help tackle the real, biggest enemy we have: Indian self-loathers because if everyone is self-loathing, then no one is. I'd absolutely love to see the look of confusion on those sepoys lol


this is a good idea, it will require proper study and funding from our government for it to successfully get implemented


Why should we bother with opinions of an empire in its death throes. India is like an elephant slow but steady . When it moves world changes. Elephants don't bother with the opinions of stray dogs.

I just want Indian netizens to be happy. It's not easy to ignore for most people, especially sensitive ones like me

Have you considered


Bro ok really want to help. But your post doesn't sound legit u might as well just be doing this to propagate hate against India can't trust no one at this times. Need thoroughly studied research on this. and proofs of how this would work. Also depression causes from india portrayed badly is hard to swallow pill. Just feels like a sarcastic comment. Not saying it is u could quite well be legit but just its not enough.


While i do agree china being successful at spreading that sentiment, but if bjp does that on large scale, people can actually get discouraged enough to vote for khangress or others. And other parties could leverage this sentiment for their benefit. You see, China can spread and still grow without any backfire, but for india it is a bit complex to do this. On a personal level it can be done, but if it is manufactured on industrial scale, then it could backfire.



:#tayaaa: :#tayaaa:

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Kek, Lundiasqueaks has been filled with whatsapp group tier mongs for years now. Anyone with a semblance of sanity has left.

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