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Confused and having moxed feelings about fiance having to befriend with the boys in foreign university. : pakistan





>If she cheats great






I also like how precious the last commenter is, how can she cheat if she's engaged? :marseyconfused:


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lul My wife and I first started dating sophomore year of high school. I dumped her when she picked a party school and if I had a time machine, I'd dump her again. Nobody should put up with that shit.

It took a serious historical event to get us back together. :brainletbush:

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get back together


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In Estonia we have a lot of foreign foids studying medicine, most of them are upper class thirdies who pay a shit ton of money for it even by western euro standards (like 20K EUR/year doesn’t stop the guys from acting like insufferable victims when they are not let in certain nightclubs and stuff)

Anyways once @Ayy_Cuckramba's friend slept with an indian foid here who was a known ho, a week later his not-husband husband (idk, they were not married but she was promised too him? Maybe currycels here know what @Ayy_Cuckramba mean.). Then that guys brother, in like super broken angry indian english, about how he should die and never talk too that girl again and then die again, it was hilarious but unfortunately @Ayy_Cuckramba don’t talk too him anymore, so it would be weird too ask for screenshots now, but @Ayy_Cuckramba wish @Ayy_Cuckramba could show it.

The point is use common-sense foid control curryfriends, because almost every thirdie girl was a massive hoe.

Long live the ccp

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Med students who go abroad are so pathetic 85% of them fail the exam they have to pass to practice here, after coming back. They blow all that money and then 85% can't even clear an exam.


IDK why but non government medical uni here is even more expensive than E Eurostan, costs like 70k euro for the full five years. I have a cousin who was considering it then a doctor she knew sat her down and showed her how she'd be paying for the education loan in her 50s assuming a standard career trajectory. :marseydarkxd:

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Going overseas for undergrad unless you're going to a top 20 university in the world is a big red flag. Normally it's rich thick kids who can't pass the exams for local admission in a good place so instead splash the cash around and buy their way into a foreign degree. There are lots of good undergrad universities in the third world, Postgrad where you actually work with professors on cutting edge stuff is where the difference is.

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The best place to study medical is right here. The r-slurs who go abroad seems to be doing it for the image and bragging rights of saying they studied abroad. Most likely spend their time abroad partying it up which is kinda based I guess. But what do they do after coming here and failing the test that lets them practice? Do their rich parents set them up with a cushy job (most likely)?

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But what do they do after coming here and failing the test that lets them practice?

Get married and b-word about how hard life is compared to a western country.

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But what do they do after coming here and failing the test that let's them practice?

If it's a foid, she doesn't need to.

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Who even gets impressed hearing someone did their med degree from China or Kyrgyzstan or Poland? :marseycringe:

A lot of them don't even have rich family, if you read the interviews during Ukraine withdrawal a lot were middle some even lower middle class families. Granted Ukraine's probably on the cheaper side. But their parents spend their life's savings cause son has to become a doctor. :marseycringe: :marseycringe:

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Just hearing "Abroad" or "Europe" will give unkills a massive erection. They don't have to specify. Also lol at those students who went to Ukraine and China to study fricking music

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Why is it so expensive for natives? You will run out of doctors. It’s not like you can emigrate easily from india either with an indian degree.

The local or other EU citizens don’t have too pay at all.

Long live the ccp

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Government places are fairly cheap here too but there's like 70k seats(30k without affirmative action quotas :marseywholesome:) IIRC and millions in the fight so those who fail :marseyshrug:

Plus there's also this


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Soon governments are going to ban women from studying in universities

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Taking advice from Redditors on women is like taking Moral advice from a Turk

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I thought you are an Afghan, and Afghans like Turks??

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Afghans like Turks??

I was under the impression nobody liked the Turks. :marseysipping:

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I’m from Eastern Iranian roots, though I may have some Turkic background through my grandmother. No Turkish though

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I hope you are not who i think you are

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I'm from Eastern Iranian roots

So you're an American. Got it.

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But Turks hate Afghans, really anyone to the east of them

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Poor lad. He is engaged to the soon-to-be college bicycle :marseyitsover: Straggotry has to be a curse of god.

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can you please summarise this post in <10 steps?

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I normally would agree with you that it's pretty sus if she has all these male friends and no female friends, but if she's the only woman in that class what is she supposed to do: ignore everybody and not communicate with them at all? Wear a burka 24/7? Like I'm all for common-sense foid control but there are limits

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ignore everybody and not communicate with them at all?

:mars#eyagreefast: it's not unreasonable, I come across foids like that in my uni

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They aren't in the same class though. The other guys in her class aren't Paki, she made a Paki friend's circle outside class that has no girls. Ofc this could be genuine, if its a smaller Chinese city it wouldn't be very surprising if she was the only Paki foid there since Pakis don't really let their foids roam wild :marseyshrug:

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exercises her freedom

Lmao. Letting her cheat on you is exercising her freedom. Good morning indeed.

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The first girlfriend I had that mostly had scrote friends because "girls are bitchy/mean" started watching late night movies one of them while I was working night shift and called me crazy for saying I disapproved :marseyindignant:

Then dumped me two months later and was openly dating one of them within a week :marseygoodnight:

Always be paranoid around the foid

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:marseyagree: If some guy is hanging out with your foid and he isn't super gay, he's 100% trying to ease his way into her panties. And if she keeps hanging out with him, it'll eventually work.

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:marseyfoidretard: idk what you mean, are you trying to control me? he's a friend! :marseyfoidghost: :marseyandmarcus:


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South asian bitches like k-pop and k-drama these days. Their ideal "prince in shining Armor" is a k-drama protagonist, and every other east asain dudes get an image boost among south asian foids due to them. On top of that if you add the highly skewed s*x ratio in China and the sexual frustration of the average chink there is zero chance this Paki isn't being cucked

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