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:marseyflagpakistan: suggests killing 1000x:marseyflagpakistan: to make :marseyflagpakistan: peaceful again, :marseyflagpakistan:s :marseysneed:



We...we'll be the ones killing you :marseycope:




Bruh where my revolution neighbors at cuz we been bussin straight to :marseyliberty:


Kangladeshis continue to be foremost example of getting rekt :marseyhappytears:


Tbf like half the Paki foids are pregnant at any given time so its kind of hard to shoot at foids without hitting a few pregnant ones y'know :marseyshrug:

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>kill 1000 people

He's not wrong but chances are it'd be a short-term quieting before full-blown rebellion. If they're able to put down said rebellion then some of the immediate tension will subside but they still would have to (eventually) soothe at least some of the underlying (economic) tensions at the least. China did dab on the Tiananmen Square protesters sure but then followed it up with the greatest poverty alleviation program the world has ever seen in terms of numbers alone.

Tbf like half the Paki foids are pregnant at any given time so its kind of hard to shoot at foids without hitting a few pregnant ones y'know :marseyshrug:

Have s*x non-Bimarucel.

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