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:tradboy: :marseyraging:




Because we don't get coomed in, cope


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I don't even get the appeal of arranged marriages for men. Marrying a girl you barely know is like a girl who's down to hook up on the first date. It's all risk with zero benefits.

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The point is not that you barely know them, it's that you and your family know their family at least decently well (and you know their public reputation), and that is generally enough info to decide whether or not they are likely to make a good partner. Arranged marriages are not just about you marrying her, it's about your family marrying her family.

Funnily enough Greg Clark in his book "The Son Also Rises" looked at many many different cultures over centuries and found that while "what your spouse is like" is a good predictor of what your children will turn out to eventually be across time and culture, an even better predictor than that is "the average of what your spouse's close family is like". This is because taking averages reduces the amount of variance introduced by luck and is why it's generally a very good idea to look just as strongly at what a woman's family are like as what she is like when you decide whether or not to marry her (and this is why I would be very wary of marrying a woman who's parents are divorced etc. etc.).

Arranged marriages didn't just appear out of nowhere. For many many thousands of years they have outcompeted love marriages in the evolution of human social culture, therefore there are probably very good reasons for why they are long term better for the stability of society. It's love marriages which are the recent mutation (less than 1,000 years old) that we should be inherently sceptical of.

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Once again longpost bot fails to recognise that my post is not about me or about any specific event that happened, but a general commentary on society. There is no reason to be happy for me or sorry for any particular event in my post..

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Yes but if you are a 28 year old 5'2 indian male who hasn't seen boobies before, this might be your only chance to get laid.

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Does getting to know each other for a while increase odds of love marriages succeeding? At macro level, seeing countries with no arranged marriages, I'd say no. More anecdotally, I haven't really noticed any difference among couples who had AM and LM :marseyshrug: Legally we're pretty fricked but socially we're still reasonably trad, women don't just go about dissolving marriages at will.

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Difference is people in the west can divorce if they are unhappy, while in developed countries they will stay together even if they resent eachother or the husband is abusive.

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Do you believe most western marriages are dissolved because the husband is abusive lol?

Or are instances where women stay with abusive moids and end up getting killed by them particularly rare in the West?

The kind of foids in abusive marriages in conservative societies would be in abusive ones even in developed ones. It has more to do with codes of masculinity and all that, esp in the lower classes which their femoids also encourage by breeding more with such men.

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Majority? Doubt it, but it's also not an insignificant amount.

I also neveer said there are no bad marriages without arranged marriages, you are punching at shadows. Their rate is lower however when those two people love eachother and they have a socially acceptable move to split when it doesn't work out.

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this has not been a thing in indian metros at least for a decade now, and older marriages were like that but not anymore and its EVERYTHING

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Yeah I just reflected upon 'marriages succeeding', that is if the benchmark is having a happy marriage.

I still find it weird university graduate sexy Indian dudes are living in a metropolis like Delhi or Calcutta and depend on arranged marriage, it's so out of my scope it might aswell be a different planet. It's just interesting seeing people I presume are the age as me justifying it or acting as if it was normal. :daydream:

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It is, you just had your ancestral memory fried by communism. Same as westoids and consumerism.


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People can and do still divorce if they are very unhappy. We just rightfully have a stigma attached to divorce so that only those couples divorce where the sadness from staying in the marriage exceeds the stigma of the separation, thereby preventing frivolous divorces.

they will stay together even if they resent eachother or the husband is abusive.

The latter pretty much never happens these days outside of backward villages and among the very low classes. Everywhere else you'd absolutely be able to get a divorce due to abuse from your spouse and the stigma would also be significantly reduced (instead of being shamed for destroying a union like your husband would be, you and your family would get shamed for choosing badly, which is a lot less stigma).

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You'd get it if you were one of a billion ugly short indian men

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free maid

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