bharatbros we are being attaced what do? :marseyscared:


I am sorry Bharatbros, but India won't be superpower by 2030.

Explanation part 1 ( rest in comments due to twitter award):

Superpower requires 3 things:

  1. Military dominance

  2. political dominanc

We r being attacked by phoren pawars. Here is solution. :marseysaluteindia:


I ate Indian food for the first time.

Despite being an admirer of the great Indian subcontinent, I had never had Indian food. This is because my dad is not an adventurous eater and as such we tend to eat at the same places. Last night me and my mom ditched him and went to an Indian place near us. I’m a bit unsure of how authentic the food is and also I don’t remember the names of most of them.

We had an appetizer that was mushrooms and leeks mashed and fried with some spicy sauce on top. I thought it was pretty good but it didn’t really taste like much but the sauce on top. 5/10

We ordered two entrees. The first was this tomato chicken dish, the spices they put in it were weirdly floral to me and I really didn’t like it. I think it may have been better if we ordered it with some extra spice to tone down the floral taste in it 2/10

I ordered butter chicken which is one of the only Indian dishes I am aware of. I quite liked it honestly and ate most of it. Again I think it would have been better with some spice but I did enjoy it 8/10

I also had some naan and basmati and a mango rose water drink all of these were good but I don’t think they deserve a review tbh.

All in all I enjoyed my dinner and my first sampling of Indian cuisine. I wanted to get Biryani but I was sharing it with my mom who doesn’t like saffron so I didn’t get it. Also unfortunately my mom didn’t like any of the food so I’ll have to put my further ventures on hold until I move out. Still, there’s one thing scratched off my bucket list.


In a bizarre incident, a woman bit off her husband’s tongue after he tried to persuade her to return to his house from her parent’s home. As per reports, the woman named Salma, along with her children, has been staying at her maternal house in Thakurganj area of UP’s Lucknow for quite sometime.

Based muzzie foid

:marseyniqab: :!marseyclapping:

I wonder how she got his tongue in her mouth though. :marseythinkorino: Only one method comes to mind, and that one is so hot. :marseynut:


@BitwardenShill :marseydicklet: :marseydicklet:

Get ready to losse again next year commie :marseytwerkinit:

I remember in 2021 how the mood of WB was BJP govt in Bengal. We know what happened in the end. This godi media election campaign strategy is well known. Prop people up so they vote for the winners.

:marseythinkorino: What happened in all the other cases though?

Fall of Adani might kick this govt


Mood of the nation said who? The dumb and dwarf Godi Media, who didn't even discussing the Adani's mega scam. He has been called biggest con of the world, imagine how that's gonna hurt India!

White massa said it so godi is le finished


Yep people chaddis of India dont want proper health care, development and good standard of living.


Even though price rises and unemployment were listed as major failures of the government, the Centre scored well in terms of Covid management, revocation of Article 370, and construction of the Ram temple, one of the key poll promises of the BJP. Scored well in covid management. Excuse me, WHAT???

The beauty of one of these r-slurs being dragged kicking and screaming out of their echo chamber.


Documentary aayi hai to nakli survey to aayega hi

NOOO an english language documentary will totally affect polls I'm very smart btw


They probably do the poll in a few BJP offices

Wrong they just ask me, I'm tapped into the racial consciousness so I can give them accurate answers


That time it started raining AKs in an Indian backwater

Purulia is among West Bengal's most arid districts so imagine the local's surprise when one fine December night in 1995 it began to rain AK 47s and thousands of rounds of ammunition


Christmas had come a week early.


Unfortunately the kkkops :marseyplacenofun: were too close to the scene and took the goodies all for themselves, talk about being a grinch.

:marseyannoyed: :marseycop:

Santa's little elves(A MI6 operative and five Latvian crewmen) were intercepted by an IAF jet and forced to land on their return trip, proving pagans don't deserve such nice things after all


And also maybe they should have chosen a better flight path. They were however released from their life sentences by interventions from the central government.


A Dane would subsequently claim that he had organized the whole thing, at the behest of the central government, to overthrow the kkkomies in power in the state(the central government can impose direct rule if an armed insurgency were to suddenly break out :marseywink: in any state), the gifts being intended for the Ananda Marga, a spiritual organization that had been the target of persistent kkkomie persecution.


The Ananda Marga was a cult that did not shy away from making political statements and had a reputation, deserved or otherwise, for violence-allegations persisted that they had murdered members who tried to leave the organization. Communist cadre murdered their personnel at several points so it wouldn't be so odd for them to favour with interest if fate gave them the chance to do so.

:!marseycomrade: :marseybattered:

:marseycomrade: :marseykyle:




This did not come to pass and the kkkomies continued to rule the state for 16 more years.

>tfw you'll never get free AKs courtesy Her Majesty's government to exterminate Communist filth




The victim, who has been identified as Nitin, lives in Budhnamau village of Fatehgarh Kotwali area with his family. He has been married for 15 years and has three children. According to his mother, the couple had a dispute after their children spilled milk.

After the argument, when he asked his wife to make tea, she got angry and attacked Nitin with a knife. In the incident, Nitin got hurt in the chest and mouth and was taken to the district hospital.

Straggots when will they learn



Two men have reportedly been killed by knife-wielding roosters in separate cockfights in India.

To mark the three-day celebration of the Hindu Makar Sankrati festival, people gathered to hold cockfights in the Kakinada and East Godavari districts on Sunday, according to reports.

During the incident in Kakinada, Gande Suryapraksha Rao, the 43-year-old owner of one of the fighting roosters, bled to death after being slashed by his prized peepee.

Rao reportedly tied blades to his rooster before it became intimidated by the crowd. The bird then flew up and landed on Rao, causing the blades to severely slash his leg.

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Although the man was rushed to a local hospital, he was later pronounced dead.

In a separate incident in the East Godavari district, a spectator identified as K. Padmaraju also bled to death after he was slashed in the hand.

Padmaraju, who was a resident of Ananthapalli, was reportedly standing too close to a cockfight when one of the bladed roosters sliced a key nerve in his hand.

The man bled out on the way to the hospital, where he was later declared dead.

Although cockfighting is illegal under India's Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, it remains a common event, especially during the Sankranti celebrations.

In the banned practice, participants attach knives or blades to their roosters' legs. Meanwhile, spectators bet on which rooster will win the fight.


In case you wanted to know what Kumari Kundam is, it has its origin in the mythos of Lemuria.

Redditors are such genius analysts
Nixonbros… I don’t feel too good
:marseycry: :marseycry:
So true


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