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in a lesbian relationship, I'm guessing a woman initiates the divorce 100% of the time.


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–]Justdowhatever94 60 points 3 months ago As a gay guy, I think it's because your much less likely to hit a partner who you know can hit you back just as hard, if not harder.

Then again, I'm dating a Marine, so maybe that makes a difference.

[–][deleted] 36 points 3 months ago I'm gay too, and I don't think that's it. I could slap a lil twink around just as hard as a woman.


I take it back, the gays can spread their rosebud all over the place they're fricking funny

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!tops is it straight to slap a lil Twink around?

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Knowing moids that lil twink would like it :marseycoomer2:

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It's not so much liking it as it is that it feels like a step up to get beaten up but then told they love you after, instead of my dad who would just beat me up and tell me to kill myself

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Yeah, fair point :marseythinkorino:

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What about being told you're loved without the beating :marseysad:

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feels fake, like when a person online says "you look great hon". you know they're just bullpooping. the punches are real

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It makes me happy, so it must be gay. :marseywholesome:

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much less likely to hit a partner


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What the frick is funny about those comments? Are we just like Reddit now, patting blacks and homos on the back for anything they do

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>What the frick is funny about those comments? Are we just like Reddit now, patting blacks and homos on the back for anything they do



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Beating women

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Women are violent all that matriarchy is affecting us men it causes us to commit crime

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Truly abusive men deserve the wall, but a lot of this shit really is birds of a feather flocking together. I thought a girl I was seeing's friend's boyfriend was a piece of shit (as she told me) for apparently hitting her until I saw her acting batshit for no reason and throwing plates at him. Noped out of that one. They were both crazy as shit

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Every girl's ex was "abusive" just like every guy's ex was "crazy."

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yep. both huge flags to hear someone say

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Depends on the number. If a man/woman has one crazy/abusive ex, I'll believe it. Crazy/abusive people exist, they gotta be dating someone. :marseyexcitedgreen:

If a man/woman has three crazy/abusive exes, I might believe it. They could be lying, but they could also just really know how to pick 'em. Which is still at least partially their fault, but it makes them an idiot, not a liar. :marseyexcitedyellow:

If a man/woman has ten crazy/abusive exes, I don't believe that shit for a second. Those exes are all perfectly sane/nice, and this bastard/b-word is the crazy/abusive one. :marseyexcitedred:

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True, but people who have only had one or two usually don't wear it on their sleeves

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I believe that some woman just pick abusive men because they have poor self esteem or daddy issues.

Also sociopath's can't pick up vunerable people out of crowds just by how they carry themselves. Its my theory that once someone is abused its like a feeding frenzy for bad people.

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* can

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>:marseycool2talking: During covid time I was checking this 18/30 foid after lockdown hours, I was being highly rebellious :chudglassesglow: I noticed this big butt ornament on the wall :marseynoooticer:

>:marseywomanmomenttalking: tells me it's her ex boyfriends and he's in the process of moving out all his shit and she pulls it off the wall to shows me, it's a big fricking sword sharp AF to :marseydiamondsword:

>:marseydisagreetalking: Proceed to make 5 minutes of small talk and just so happen to remember I left the plastic in the wrong bin :marseycop: so explained I had to rush back to fix it before the waste disposal unit arrives next week.

I implemented the 5 D's of dodgeball as I sure as heck was not waiting for a possibly emotionally unstable ex to turn up and fillet me.

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Imagine being scared of someone who collects fricking prop swords. It was probably the one from zelda or something

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He might teleport behind me tho. Nothing personnel.

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It was a Zk I ain't going out like that.

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God redditors are so limp wristed :marseybongosnoo:

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You were supposed to duel him for her. Romance is dead :marseyitsover:

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Idk man, I think wife beating typically isn't needed. But how do people keep BPD women under control without the use of force? The type to burn your clothes and key your car while threatening suicide. Those genes must've proliferated somehow, so like, was it just generation after generation of men bardfinning their family to keep it together?

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You're not supposed to stay with a BPD woman, their (very successful) reproductive strategy is to be very hot and appealing and get lots of s*x. Once you've plowed them with the condom they sabotaged and they're pregnant, genetically speaking they have won regardless of whether you stick around

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You gotta tie her up and just leave her in bed all day until she learns not to spaz out

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There's a reason hysteria was originally a disorder that woman had that could be fixed by giving them a good dildoin'

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N ..KL

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>control a BPD b-word

:boomerjam: Ya dun goofed, son.

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 02 hours 37 minutes and 22 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was jorples which was 0 days 12 hours 22 minutes and 54 seconds

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The straights immediately devolve into talking about themselves.

Stay narcissistic straights!

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We are the majority of the population after all :marseysmug2:

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Not for much longer. Arent't like a third of zoomers identifying as some form of lgbtbbqai+++++?

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Keyword "identify". I can identify as an r-slur, but am I one?

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Yes bb, yes

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Was this question necessary?

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>Arent't like a third of zoomers identifying as some form of lgbtbbqai+++++?

Sure, but zoomers are part internet, so they don't count as people.

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we will out breed them

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Lol zoomers aren't gay, they just wish they were.

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Genetic default :marseyraccoonregular: and population norm.

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It's kinda hard not to be, when we're biological reason why humans exist at all.

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you said more succinctly than me :(

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Maybe because we are the ones actually creating all of you. Straights are the only group neccesary for human survival as a species, everything else is like just people pleasuring other people.

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Face it, without straggots the world would be a far better and peaceful place

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there would be fewer herbivore herd animals around, but the remaining ones would suffer much more painful and slow deaths.

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Straggots are less abusive, much less likely to be libertarians, more religious, and way more likely to raise a good family. All homos should die

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Sideways way to admit you don't pleasure your partner.

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I don't care about pleasuring anyone.

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I care about pleasuring you with 100% platonic love. :marseythumbsup:

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Dudes keep on rocking

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Counterpoint: gays are notoriously unfaithful :debunked:

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Is it unfaithful when neither expects exclusivity?

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They stay for the tax breaks and keep fricking everyone around them.

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When i was younger, yes, after i met the right partner? No. I think its mainly an age thing

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My misogyny here but I absolutely see women as more prone to emotion based decisions. Including getting married.

Emotions lie. Emotions are fleeting.

I think this is the reason these stats hold up. It isn't necessarily about the relationship or how women/men show up in them. It's about what it takes to pull the trigger

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women as more prone to emotion based decisions

Always this, but they're always told to "trust your feelings" as if feelings can never be wrong.

Women always act like their "gut feeling" or whatever feeling they're having in the moment is some spirit talking to them from beyond the grave when it's just their r-sluration talking.

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I think this person is right, tho I can't be bothered to find out.

Women love marriage shit and lesbians notoriously move in with each other after 5 minutes. I bet they're getting married at 5x the rate of male gays

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a 5/10 they can frick in the butt will keep a man happy for much longer than whatever the foid equivalent would be. and thats including the ruined pair bonding of the gays.

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High res, crystal clear photo of OP caught in 4k:


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this guy is a hero

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I think transbians will improve that number

The future is (fe)male

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I had a discussion about this a while back with a gay guy I knew and we agreed that it's probably because lesbians rush into commitment while gay guys practically have to be forced into it at gunpoint. Obviously the more rushed your marriage is the less likely you are to be actually compatible.

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I think it's funny looking back at all the lesbians I knew growing up. About 90% of them are married to men and have kids now. I guess the lesbian bed death got to them.

The good ol' old adage of "Lesbians are women who just haven't found the right peepee yet" isn't complete bullshit. The number of falsbians is a lot higher than bi and gay women want to admit.

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