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(L post) took 2 2C-B's (pill) and then left the party :marseyrave: before :marseyskellington: it hit

So I went on a fairly :marseytimmy: standard techno thing from Saturday to Sunday night :marseysamfisher: in an overpriced (300ml of Vodka-E was 9 bucks) place :marseyminipixel: in an overpriced city.

I left at 2:20 because my brother :marseyobey: celebrated his 20th on Sunday. I already felt kind of depressed :marseysigh: (enhanced by the pills), even though I enjoyed the music :marseybongosnoo: due to all the Zoomer :marseytf2scout: foids :marseyblops2chadcel: being foids :marseyblops2chadcel: and me knowing I was too uncomfortable :marseyautismdisconcerting: to try and make a move.

Well, inside :marseyteapot: the club, I didn't really :marseythinkorino2: feel the pills :marseyjunkie2: (probably the music :marseysosa: and the lights :marseyneon: tricking my perception?), but as soon as I got some nicotine-free air, I did. Boy, I did. I think :marseymischevious: I was talking to myself :marseypain: in a hushed tone about how much I hate everything and everyone :marseynorm: (I don't, but seething :marseyoverseether: usually gets me relaxed) while I was walking :marseydogwalker: to the train :marseymeangirls: station. The ride home was okay—nothing special. When I arrived at my parents' place :marseychtorrr: at 3 a.m., the hallucinations :marseyschizowave: kicked in. Let's just say I got zero sleep :marseyhatman2: that night, and I looked like a body the next day at the table.

TLDR: don't take hallucinogenics if you plan to leave :marseypeaceout: early. Still no gf btw.

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