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There is only one winning move. Working out and eating healthy.

You are a biological machine pretending to be a logical machine.

You are not a computer.

Your body and mind does things based on chemicals flowing through the brain and hormones that determine what things interest you and hold your focus and how long you can maintain it.

You need to exercise and eat well to maximize the probability of getting the right hormonal balance inside you to chad maxx yourself.

Gain confidence with exercise/ healthy diet.

Gain strength with exercise/ healthy diet.

Gain clarity and vision with exercise/ good diet.

That is the final truth.

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My hands are trembling with the fury of these accusations. I close them calmly into fists.

No. I have a strong dislike for exercise/healthy diet and its fans especially. Additionally. I am not an incel... my sexual urges are more than satisfied... check the hole on my Kermit plushie if you do not believe me.

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