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I want two wwap my littwal bwother's car awound a lamp pwost

My brother is a year younger than I and two academic years behind me. He has no idea what he wants to do in life, has no appreciable talents or skills, and has likely not read a book he wasn't forced to read since he was 12. He likes Seinfeld, the Office, and pop music. He literally cannot carry a meaningful conversation for more than 10 minutes, because he has no real interests.

That said, my brother has a car, a girlfriend, a large group of friends and an active social life. He talks (never to me, only to our parents, who tell it to me) about all the times he's gone on a luxury vacation with his friends and some girl basically threw herself at him (but he definitely didn't cheat on his girlfriend :surejan:), or how he had such a great time at a concert in this cool nightclub. He has a management job opportunity at a large corporate gig that lets him basically work 6 hour days where he makes more than I do.

I just got back from having to pick up his car for him after he got too dunk to drive it. When I was driving it home, looking at all the people coming in and out of nightclubs, I had some really bad thoughts. I'm on medication that normally keeps me from having them, and I have to talk to someone regularly who makes sure I don't have them, but I had them on that ride home.


Edit: this post was incredibly cringe. I was being a whiney cute twink who just wanted attention. I'm actually in a pretty good place in life all things considered. :marseypeaceout:

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He likes Seinfeld, the Office, and pop music. He literally cannot carry a meaningful conversation for more than 10 minutes, because he has no real interests.

You say this like it's a bad thing but it's the key to his success.

Stop trying to be meaningful, you're an r-slur. Start enjoying normie shit cos a lot of it is bretty good. Smile more, find a social hobby and make friends.

Misanthropes are the most tedious people on earth and its no wonder no one wants to frick u

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Except you can have meaningful conversations just don't be a sperg. Ranting for 20 minutes is not meaningful conversation

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Can only have a conversation if the other person knows something meaningful to say. Which is why normal small conversation is limited to relationship drama and media they consoom. And people from the same office will talk about work related stuff even at social events.

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This is called being normal. You gotta learn enough about basic topics so you don't seem like an r-slur

Like sports. I dont care about sports but I know enough to keep a conversation moving. At the very least you can ask questions and people will be delighted to answer. Shit like "oh I dont follow that team who's their running back??" "Isnt some guy off with an injury?"

Just gotta put ur mask on and pretend to care

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:marseyfrozenchosen: Hecko!

:marseygigaretard: Do you know about this special tank warfare called bewegungskrieg? Although it has been in use since the Grecian wars, the modern iteration was developed by the Prussian general Helmuth Von Moltke in the 1870...

:marseyfrozenchosen: :s#hutupmale:

:marseyitsbimothy2: Hecko I'm Bimothy

:marseyfrozenchosen: Yess daddy Bimothy :marseyfrozenchosenchoke:

!metashit accurate rdrama lore

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Yes if it you try to have deep meaningful conversations with people you barely know or just met will devolve into one way rants 9/10 times. Develop the ability to do small :marseytiny2: talk and you will learn :marseybowing: how to discuss meaningful conversations.

It's not that everyone :marseynorm: besides you and your online :marseyidio3: friends :marseytherachel: are !r-slurs it's that you don't fundamentally grasp how to interact with people because you either

A.) Avoid :marseynope: human :marseycatbert2: interaction at all cost


B.) Open up way too much way too fast

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Trying to only have "meaningful" conversations is for turbosperg neurodivergents who desperately want to seem like erudite bohemians. It actually makes them insufferable and boring.

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Exactly people just wanna fricking :marseytom: chat most of the times. You save deep conversations for close :marseynoyouzoom: family, friends :marseymeangirls: or old drunks at the bar

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I don't want to talk about life or death or anything just some conversation that makes me think. Reason I became terminally online was actually how much fun I had arguing with random spergs online.

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You just gotta :marseyparappa: walk before :marseyskellington: you run buddy. Incremental changes man. You can do it and you'll think :marseychildclutch: it sucks at first :marseywinner: but as those relationships develop and blossom you can start more meaningful conversations. But you gotta :marseyparappa: learn :marseyreading: small :marseypokerface: talk. It'll be awkward :marseyhelp: and you'll fail at first :marseywinner: but if you really :marseythinkorino2: try and put yourself :marseykys2: out there :marseycheerup: you can do it. This is fun sure but it's not a replacement for irl interactions

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Start enjoying normie shit cos a lot of it is bretty good.

No its not

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It really is though

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