The dogpill is true and it's worse than you think :marseychildclutch:

It's not just dogs. Women :marseyblops2chadcel: will frick almost any animal :marseypanda2: that has Chad characteristics. Yes, ugly men are less attractive than animals :marseytedsimp3: to women. This has been scientifically proven.

  • In this study, we tested the hypothesis that a nonhuman sexual stimulus would :marseymid: elicit a genital response in women :marseysuffragette: but not in men.

  • In the present :marseybow: study, we examined the genital and the subjective sexual arousal :marseyturnedon: of women :marseyextinction: and of men to stimuli depicting human :marseycatbert2: male–male, female–male, and female–female sexual interactions as well as to a stimulus depicting female :marseypassftm: and male bonobos (Pan paniscus) engaging in sexual activity

  • Eighteen heterosexual women :marseyuterus: and 18 heterosexual men viewed seven :marsey7o7: sexual film stimuli, six human :marseycatbert2: films and one nonhuman primate film, while measurements of genital and subjective sexual arousal :marseyturnedon: were recorded.

  • Women showed small :marseyminipixel: increases in genital arousal :marseyturnedon: to the nonhuman stimulus and large :marseykilldozerhappy: increases in genital arousal :marseyturnedon: to both human :marseycatbert2: male and female :marseybardfinn: stimuli.

  • Planned, repeated contrasts revealed that women's genital arousal :marseyturnedon: to the nonhuman sexual stimulus was significantly greater than to the neutral :marseybroker: stimulus

  • Men did not show any genital arousal :marseyturnedon: to the nonhuman stimulus.

  • The planned :marseyhanger: contrasts showed that men did not report greater subjective arousal :marseyturnedon: to the nonhuman stimulus, relative to the neutral :marseybroker: stimulus


Women get aroused :marseyturnedon: by non-human species :marseyhank: and their own s*x. !truecels, we're mogged by chimps, dogs, raccoons, even marseys. In short, YOU JUST KNOW.


lets try it out on a few people


:marseystealthygeek: :

dylan mulvaney:

krayon (sister toucher):

!r-slurs upload yourself :marseydoit: and post results (dont have to include actual pic of face if ur a kitty)


Had your expected rate of male partners yet, brocels?
Co discusses the 2d vs 3d question

Volcel for life. Say no to microwaves. Reject thots!

Orbanbros we win again
Is the wall actually good ?

They clearly aged like shit but what if women didn't hit the wall like this, could it been possible that it would had lowered the value of every woman ?

You can see his personality worsening

I am no longer a dishwasher. Now I'm a full time clerk.

You want to sorry me? No!




If a foid has to ask such question :marseyconfused: it's over. Like I quite often get approached by foids :marseybirdlielol: 1' shorter than me and at least 50lbs more than me.

Last week, I asked :marseythinkorino2: a guy at my gym if he's single. He doesn't wear a ring and never :marseyitsover: mentioned a wife/girlfriend. He said sorry, but he is married :marseybride: with 3 kids. I said no problem at all – I will drop it then. We both still work out there :marseycheerup: and see each other most days. It's literally :marseyme: not a problem unless people act weird :marseytongue: about it. We're all adults.

40 year old Chad why ain't u wearing your ring when u doing deadlifts?

The amount of game needed to approach a dude is ridiculously low.

“Hi. I'm <your here="" name="">. Do you come here often?”</your>

Any context-appropriate question :marseybeanconfused2: works here. “Do you come here often” is appropriate in all contexts — unless it's a funeral :marseywidow: home or a morgue, that'd be weird.

If he can reply without drooling :marseyretard3: on his shoes, you might consider :marseyhyperthonk: asking for his number.

If you think :marseynoooticer: logically it make sense, but the one who wrote that comment :marseysoypointdubz: is 38 year old guy that looks like this:

Neighbor has intellectual :marseypolpot: looks and r-slur brain.

Women will approach Chad onry

They hate you because you're white and ugly.

So this Chinese :marseychingchongpearlclutch: gentleman :marseyelliotrodger3: started his career in Indiana Jones :marseytinfoil2: and the Temple of Doom (1984). To this day didn't got any lead role in any big movie :marseyskellington: that was released in theatres. Best he got was Kung Fu Panda :marseyraccoonshock: 4 voicing some character :marseyrustyventure: and don't making in top names.

He was voicing this

So in 40 years basically nothing

Then with series :marseychartscatter: is a bit better.

In 2023 he got his first :marseywinner: lead role in Disney :marseysully: tv series :marseychartscatter: “American born Chinese”

I didn't watched any Indians Jones :marseytinfoil: so don't get angry :marseyishygddt: at me but I would :marseywood: assume he played some Chinese :marseyjewoftheorientglow: boy so 40 year later :marseywave2: his magnum opus to play a Chinese :marseydragonnewyear: born, like frick is his life brutal :marseywindmill:


This picture is like from 2012 by it quality. So it makes it even more hilarious that those r-slurs have to cope with this.

Also they clearly suggesting he is ugly and automatically assume any picture with a girl is automatically his gf.


>I met my boyfriend (24M) when I was 18 and we hit it off immediately. He was my first kiss, took my virginity, first love, first boyfriend. We moved in together this past year and things have been great. But i have this nagging feeling that Ive never been with anyone else. Never ever kissed anyone else. I think Im a fairly sexual person and s*x with my boyfriend has almost become a chore. but I love him.

>do I leave him to find who I am single in my 20s? or do I stay because I can't imagine anyone treating me better?

the OP's post before this:

>my boyfriend and i have been dating the last 4 years, coming up on 5. i love him and he is my very best friend. we met when i was 19 and he was the first guy i had ever done ANYTHING with, e.i. date, kiss, s*x, love, everything. i had never really talked to a boy prior to him. we live together now and sexually things have definitely fizzled out a bit. we both work a ton and it's more like two friends living together than two people in a relationship...

>then i met guy number 2 (m23). he makes me laugh and gives me that butterfly feeling i haven't felt in awhile. i made it very clear i had a boyfriend and he agreed to keep it platonic. however the more we talked the more i realized i really liked this dude. i cut it off when i caught myself getting jealous of other girls he was talking to. this didn't quite work out tho and we ended up reconnecting a few days later.

>i drunkenly sent him a photo of my new tattoo on my ribs and the outward flirting spiraled from there.

>i KNOW i fricked up friends.

>but now i don't know what to do. do i leave my current boyfriend for the what if?

>do i tell my current boyfriend?

>do i become my worst nightmare and cheat?

>i really like guy #2 but am scared to throw everything i have with #1 away. help.

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