Supreme :marseyladybugkneelsalute: gentlemen, let Incel :marseygilead: rage consume :marseyvulture: you. The purge is starting.

!incels since we voted :marseyridin: yes on banning foids :marseybirdlielol: (and I decided by extension other annoying :marseymar: r-slurs) I know need you my trusty KGB officers to write :marseychudnotes: up a list. Simply list a name and the crime :marseyscaredpolice: i.e.

@Marsneedler1488 [reason]

I will review :marseynostalgiacritic: each case and decide by your individual effort :marseymoreyouknow: into explaining why this or that cute twink :marseypizzashillblacked: should :marseynorm: be killed. For foids, pointing :marseysamuelljackson: out the foidery itself suffices.

Take care!


!incels bros pls feel welcome to shitpost to your hearts :marseyloveyou: extent.


Incels :marseyitsoverwereback: this is what happen :marseyvenn6: when you fakecel and dont marry :marseypropose: a virgin :marseymoidmoment:

Cels won. 'ormies lost


Valentine's Day edition

!incels is there :marseycheerup: even anything :marseycoleporter: that needs :marseyspecial: to be said? At least the gym will be empty :marseytemplate: this evening.



Is Autism The Real Black Pill?
Daily :marseydose: r/genZ blackpill :marseyitsjoever: thread :marseystitch:


Just realized tall men are like blonde blue eyed scandinavian women

Sure an italian or asian girl can be attractive, and you can find examples of very desirable guys with lots of options dating and marrying them, but theres just that certain magic about scandinavian beauty thats unlike anything else. A boy who still had hopes of love, the mental picture accompanying heart pounding and feet twirling fantasies of young romance was naturally of deep blue eyes guarded by high northern germanic cheekbones, not some swarthy american mutt. It has just now in this moment become clear to me that this is exactly how women feel about the tallstrag and the shortcel, i now realize the manlet-pill is even more brutal than i previously believed, a manlet will simply never be able to truly fill every corner of a womans heart. How dreadful!

!incels !biofoids

40 yr old rich asian dude committed suicide because of BWC (Tragic)

His final post:

He seems pretty intelligent but somewhat neurodivergent. He conducted a "study" over 4-5 year period counting the number of white x asian couples and found that surprisingly 95% of the 10,000 he counted were WMAF.

This is the post that does a nice writeup if u dont want to read the whole blog :marseylongpost



You can read more here about Lord Doogycel and the allegations against him.

After a little over two years since getting banned from IncelTear for the grooming allegations, St Doogycel attempted to return on his new alt account: Barleficus2000. That name alone exposed itself as Doogycel's alt. Detectivecels found an abandoned World of Warcraft forum profile belonging to Doogycel, where he mentioned his character name is Barleficus. However, the final nail in the coffin was when Lord Doogycel bragged about his old comics and lied about the circumstances he was banned for. As subtle as a brick, fellow IT users realized this was him and he was canned shortly after. Since he wasn't suspended for ban evasion (yet), Lord Doogycel is still active on that profile, acting like nothing happened.

Reported by:
me irl
Friend I Thought was a Trucel had a GF

Another gigachad with perfect genetics (5' tall fat Asian man with autism)...

Reported by:
Still not asking for it

Why is being a feminist so controversial for some men : AskFeminists


why don't incels just highschoolmax like an early-2000s cute butch?
me when i go outside:

me when i meet a cute girl:

me when i complement her:

me when i teach her how to be a proper lady:

me when my b-word parents shit talk my waifu:

Spent 30min on a dating app.
Sexual liberation may lead to civilization collapse : PurplePillDebate


in-depth aellapost on how onlyfans ruthlessly exploits simps:


Eventually, the commonly known dominant strategy became known as drips. You'd film an opening clip, typically 10-30 seconds, where you said something vague and indicating horniness. Then you'd film clips in succession, showing a progression of you stripping, teasing, all the way to masturbating and then climax.

The goal was to get a set of videos that could be sent as though they were plausibly being filmed live. People would send out the first video en masse; a certain percentage of subscribers would respond, and then you'd say sexy things and then send out the second video, for a certain trivial price (typically $3 or so) to unlock. A certain percentage of those subscribers would pay to unlock the video; then you sext a bit with them, then send out the next video in the series, usually for a slightly increased price. Eventually you work your way up to the final video, typically a climax, which could be just 30 seconds in length but often sold for $20-30.

I asked a manager once if he typically had girls film multiple drips at different times of day, because if you have light pouring through a window for a girl who supposedly lives in a place that's dark, it'll be a dead giveaway that it's not live.

He said no, it doesn't matter. The men basically never notice or care.

At one point, trying to understand agencies more, I created an account as a horny man, attached a credit card, bought access to a high-earning girl I knew was run by chatters, and bought through a drip series.

It was shockingly bad. She texted me something like "hey babe you horny", and I was like 'yes," and she said "let me show you what i'm doing" and then sent me a video of her in what was clearly a well-lit studio, she was wearing stilettos and dressed in a skimpy santa outfit, with perfectly curled hair and heavy makeup, bending down to show off her butt in a performative pose.

There was no way she had just filmed that. It was insane. But it didn't matter.

It took a long time for me to come to terms with the fact that for most men, they don't care about reality when it comes to their supposedly connective porn. They aren't tracking you for signs of genuine enjoyment; to them, your personality is simply a vessel with which to certify that your breasts are genuine. I know a girl who was typically very warm and direct, made personal connections with the men who subbed to her. She experimented by making a free page (a type of OF where you don't have to subscribe, but instead charge higher money for access to individual stuff on the feed), and on this she hired a real trashy chatter, who would spam men nonstop with stuff like 'HEY BB U UP? MY KITTY HORNY XOXO LOOK AT ME WET NOW'. And yeah - her income shot up.

Almost forgot to post this in January :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: jeez
Hopefuel for personalitycels
BRVTAL :marseytruthnuke:
GenZ vomits up the tfwnogf pill and inserts the ______maxxing suppository


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