4/20 rDrama bimonthly census results, badges

The Census results are in and badges have been distributed!


Unfortunately I realized after the first two that I'd been writing "21" instead of "22" for the year and I was too lazy to fix them, so these are rare, limited edition (TEMPORAL FLUX EDITION) badges. This is reflected in the tooltip when you hover over (or for mobile chads, tap on) the badge and look at its name. Wow!

Those of you who voted correctly and selected Columbine :marseyeric: :marseydylan: Day have received the coolest badge, the Columbine Enthusiast (TEMPORAL FLUX EDITION) Badge


This day was a terrible tragedy and set off the epidemic of school shootings still persisting in the West to this day. Many lives were taken, more were ruined that day. Shame on everyone who voted otherwise. You get inferior badges.

The Hitler :marseyhitler2: Day segment of the voting populace received the 21st Century Hitlerite (TEMPORAL FLUX EDITION) Badge. It is lackluster, because they should be ashamed of themselves, and it is cast in silver, because they will never be winners.


The Weed :marseyjoint: Day demographic received this hideous Duterte's Most Wanted (TEMPORAL FLUX EDITION) Badge. It looks like butt because I had people trying to trick me into what color is actually green and I got flustered and also weed is gay and so are you. Stop doing drugs, losers.


And, finally, those of you who voted "Wednesday :marseysexypepe: day" do not get a badge. Of course it's Wednesday. What a boring fricking answer, why would you get rewarded for that? Instead, you've received the (minor) payout from the Census, a paltry like 474 dramacoin. Use it to live a little and maybe get some imagination. God you're dull. Bet you have leftovers on New Years Eve and go to bed at 10:30. Nerds.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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@carpathianflorist can I get the Hitler suicide badge? Voted for wednesday day because I fricking hate the weedbros and redditors who make a big deal about 4/20 but I still want a cool badge lol

:marseytwerking: :marseytwerking: :marseytwerking:

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