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Y'all Seein' Eye added to shop; plus #8ball, leaderboard, and more

You can now purchase the Y'all Seein' Eye award in the shop for 150 000 DC. This allows you to be able to view you profile visitors, and you get a fun Texas-themed badge with it. Carp fought hard against adding this because he hates fun and he hates Texas, but the forces of good prevailed in the end. For all you badge collectors (art courtesy @McCoxmaul):

EDIT: In light of further mod discussion and public reception, the Y'all Seein' Eye has been removed. Rest of changelog still stands.


Eight-Ball Fortunes: You can now put #8bαll in your comments for a random magic eight-ball fortune. Like #fοrtune but a less eclectic, more standard set of answers.

Leaderboard: https://rdrama.net/leaderboard now has a table of contents at the top so you don't have to scroll so much, plus a floating back-to-top button in the bottom right. We also now have a "Top 25 Most Blocked" hiscore table at bottom.

Confetti: As you likely noticed, confetti recently become less ghetto. It's not changing any more. If you want the (((coin))) shower back, beg hard enough and it might become a new award. No promises, though—the (((cabal))) is very restrictive about certain award themes.

Minor Patch Notes:

  • Randomly chosen agendaposter PFPs are back—no more Astolfo only. We added a few more images too so our chuds can really feel represented in their pictures!

  • User count on the sidebar is still undergoing formatting changes. The random flavor text ("x chuds currently agendaposting", etc) will be back soon.

  • Chat is fixed.

  • User profile pages now have many more HTML id attributes in the markup. This should make customizing profile CSS somewhat less of a pain. Feel free to ask if there's other elements you want a class or id on.

  • More Marseys are still coming Soon™. Carp is very bad at computers.

The 8-Ball Says: Yes definitely.

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If you want the (((coin))) shower back, beg hard enough and it might become a new award

I really liked the coin shower effect but it never felt completely like confetti imo so I'm glad it was changed again. As for the coin shower I think it could be repurposed if we ever get a dramacoin multiplier award

@carpathianflorist would an award that allows the target comment/post to get X2 dramacoin multiplier be a good idea?

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Waaaaaay too easily exploited. We’ve had people upvote themselves tens of thousands of times. Manually. Never underestimate the depths at which rDrama users dwell. They are why we can’t have fun things like that.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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What if it was luck based? Something like 50/50 chances it gives you a x2 multiplier or otherwise -1 dramacoin per up/downmarsey

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no 👀 I assumed it was neet codecels writing scripts n codecel shit holy frick that’s pathetic (ignore me simping n upvoting manually my mutuals 💀)

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