This was the tank a year ago when I started it, I was completely new to aquariums so it took a while to find out what plants are easy to keep.
Initially I just wanted a blue shrimp tank, but I decided to add some skittle shrimp and tetra to the tank for fun.
Unfortunately the mixed colors of the shrimp make them revert to wild type after a few generations! A few months ago I moved the tetra and wild type shrimp into a bigger tank.
Now the tank has a single betta named Ladybird in it, as well as a small colony of blue/black/wild shrimp.
Ladybird got fat and is currently on a diet.
I'm thinking of adding new plants and more skittle shrimps since the soil seems to still have some life in it, but other than that I'm really happy with it.
Anyway this was it.
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Get a pea puffer.
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Ladybird would destroy them.
I almost went with a pea puffer tank on my 20 gallon tall but I backed out since I wouldn't be able to put shrimp and I'd have to do more cleaning.
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But they're so cute.
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This isn't about Mizzy being eliminated and Burt burting off to Payton
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I have very high PH water. In my experience carpeting plants are difficult to adapt to high ph, and you need your parameters at a lower range.
For reference my ph was 7.6 when this tank started, but when the fluval soil lost its buffering effect after a few months the ph rose to 8.2
I still have very healthy fish in high ph, it's just certain plants aren't going to thrive.
Ludwigia repens is the goat. It looks amazing and grows easily.
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