

!animalposters !cats

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Pet him for me pls


edit: are there any contact restrictions between the kittens/cats anymore or has that all been lifted?

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Sheila is not getting along well with the older girls. Thats the only cat problem.

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Be honest - is this Sheila starting shit or Socks/Tush starting shit?

Also does Socks still let Rusty have her fav perch at the top of kitty tower?

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The top perch is open to anyone

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So, Socks was ok with Sheila at first. Tush, however, ended up severely wounding Sheila (yes, I trimmed their nails), so now Sheila's on Socks' shit list

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Socks hates Sheila bc she lost a fight to Tush? :marseymath:

Anyways I hope Sheila recovers well, poor girl's had a ROUGH life, although I guess not nearly as rough as it would be without your support.

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They got nowhere to go, they'll assimilate.

Thank you kindly, Tempest

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I've received reports of racial discrimination in your reporting. As part of Title VII if a statistical disparate impact can be demonstrated in your choice of subjects for your photography you can be held legally liable and required to pay a fine of 5000$ or the equivalent amount in armpit pictures given the current exchange rate.

Please take the appropriate measures to ensure your photographs contain at least 50% African-American cats (perhaps Brock who is the most handsome) as part of your main cast (background extras don't count) from now on or I will have to pursue legal action against you (send you pictures of my balls).

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Brock was in the top perch in that frame silly

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as part of your main cast (background extras don't count)


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perhaps Brock who is the most handsome

WRONG it is RUSTY who is the most handsome.



see even ZOZBOT agrees!!

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Racist and homophobic.

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send you pictures of my balls

That'd be awful. I'd really hate if that happened to me. :marseysweating:

Brock is the best boy :marseyblack2pat:

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R.I.P to that girl you called a slut in class today, she was a virgin🔐 . the pregnant girl walking down the street, she got r*ped . the boy you called lame he has to work to support his family . the girl you pushed down the other day, she's already being abused at home. the girl you called fat, she's starving herself . the boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying👼 . think you know them? You have no idea... Guess what? 99% of y'all don't know what people going through

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