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tenant gave me a mouse lmao :marseymouse:

tenant brought me this because i am the super :marseyjanny2:. she was using the road salt bucket as a sort of moat so he wouldn't jump out of the tupperware i guess lol. i gave him some more food and transferred him to a taller container with tongs. every unit in this building is clean af and she's one of like... 3 people that doesn't have a marsey, surprised a mouse would bother setting up here

my irl marsey is eyeing it :marseyworried:. he's insanely cute and a very good little mousey, didn't try to escape the tongs when i tried moving him, but it seems cruel to keep him when he would just be menaced nonstop by this apex predator probably just going to let him finish his peanut butter and drop him off outside someone's house that i dislike. open to advice on what to do to make him more comfortable until i move him out. my dad chopped a gigantic rat that was in my closet in half with a cleaver when i was a kid and i think that's all the rodent based violence i need in my life for now

!animalposters please advise

Happy World Sparrow Day



No, this isn't a sequel to "Cocaine Bear" -- it's the real-life story of a wild cat rescued in Cincinnati that had been exposed to cocaine.

The exotic cat -- known as a serval -- tested positive for cocaine after being rescued in Cincinnati, according to animal control officials. Servals are medium-sized wild cats native to sub-Saharan Africa.

The serval, named Amiry, was rescued at the end of January after escaping from a vehicle during a police stop and climbing a tree, according to a March 9 Facebook post from Cincinnati Animal CARE, which responded to the incident. Ray Anderson, the shelter's community engagement manager, told CNN that the cat's owner had been pulled over by police for an unrelated traffic violation.

Hamilton County Dog Wardens, a division of Cincinnati Animal CARE, worked to retrieve the "highly agitated, highly upset" serval from the tree. The cat fell from the tree during the rescue attempt and fractured his leg, according to Anderson.

At the shelter, staff set about determining just what kind of cat the feline was, according to the Facebook post. They took a sample for a DNA test -- and also tested him for narcotics.

Drug testing rescue animals is a fairly new procedure for the shelter, according to the Facebook post. They started regularly testing exotic animals for narcotics after a incident last year in which they seized a capuchin monkey named Neo who tested positive for methamphetamine.

The testing confirmed that Amiry was indeed a serval, which are illegal to own in Ohio, and that he had been exposed to cocaine. Anderson told CNN that the shelter was unable to disclose how much cocaine Amiry had ingested while an investigation into the case is ongoing. "At this time, we have no evidence to tell us that it was intentional," he said, adding that the cat may have accidentally consumed the drug in the home, in the car, or in the outdoors.

In the Facebook post, the shelter said Amiry's owner cooperated with the investigation and relinquished the cat into the shelter's custody.

"His owner was cooperative and paid for Amiry's care until all ownership transfers were finalized, which is when this story went public," wrote the shelter.

The wild cat is now under the care of the Cincinnati Zoo, according to the Facebook post. In a blog post on Wednesday, the zoo said that Amiry is "eating well" and moving around his new habitat indoors and outside.

The zoo explained that servals are expert hunters that are specially adapted to the needs of their natural habitat -- but they don't make great pets.

"They spray and mark their territory, need vast amounts of exercise and specialized care to thrive in human care," wrote the zoo. "At a place like the Cincinnati Zoo, we are able to provide our servals, and every animal, with the space, exercise, mental and physical enrichment that each species needs."

The zoo told CNN in an email that they hope to provide a permanent home for Amiry in their [Cat Ambassador Program.]( Cat Ambassador Program (CAP,during the Kroger Cheetah Encounter.)

"Since he is used to being around people, we are hoping he is a strong candidate to join our ambassador program," they wrote.

They added that Amiry didn't have to be treated for intoxication and continues to be "clinically normal" aside from his still-healing fracture.

The Ohio Dangerous Wild Animals Act prohibits the possession of servals, although "savannah cats," a popular hybrid created by breeding a serval with a domestic cat, are permitted.


I hate most bears but I really really like panda bears

Happy birthday to :marseychinchilla2: !
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Look at this fat little bastard.

@X (formerly chiobu)



is this a chincilla

teeny cat



i may adopt two chinchillas soon, but i want to prepare for the future as i'll have to go to college in a few years, and most of them only allow service animals or emotional support animals. so i'm just curious if a chinchilla can be an emotional support animal :)

Average diagnosis seeker

Humphrey does his first community service! :!marseylove:

Keeping the walkway clear of dangerous debris! :!marseysheepdog:


they're so dumb lmao :marseypepe2:



:marseygrad: + :!marseysheepdog: =
Lost the chins in the divorce.

Well, breakup. Why do rodents have me sad? :marseycry:

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  • Groups of mice were given pure Pepsi, Coca-Cola or watered down versions

  • A control group got tap water, and they could drink as much as they wanted

  • 15 days later, the soda-drinking mice had bigger testicles and more testosterone

The country's most popular sodas might refresh the parts other drinks can't reach - by giving men bigger testicles and making them more masculine, a study suggests.

Research on mice showed adult males who drank Coca-Cola or Pepsi had higher testosterone levels and larger genitals than their peers.

The unusual finding appears to contradict previous studies that have shown sugary drinks and processed foods make men less fertile.

But there is some evidence that high caffeine intake can ramp up testosterone production in the body, which leads to greater sperm production and larger testes.

Experts are not suggesting that men should rush out and drink lots of Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Previous studies have linked sugary sodas to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and tooth decay.

Experts from the Northwest Minzu University in China set out to show that sugary sodas were bad for male fertility.

They cited previous research which showed that carbonated drinks had negative effects on female ovaries.

One group of 30 male mice was kept in a cage, and their water bottle was filled with 50 percent Pepsi mixed with tap water.

Another 30 mice were kept in a different cage and given pure Pepsi.

The same was done for two groups of mice but with Coca-Cola. A fifth group was used as a control and given pure water.

All mice could drink as much as they pleased for 15 days.

The mass of the mice's testicles was measured on days zero, five, seven, 10, 13 and 15.

On day 15, the mass of the mice's testicles was significantly higher in the groups that drank Coca-Cola and 100 percent Pepsi, compared to the 50 percent Pepsi and control groups.

'The outcomes demonstrated a high dose of Pepsi-Cola or Coca-Cola could promote testis growth and development,' the study said.

Testosterone levels were also recorded, and concentrations were found to be enhanced at the end of the study.

On days 10 and 15, the group which drank pure Pepsi had significantly higher concentrations of testosterone than the control group.

After 15 days, the control group's testosterone concentration was around 23 nanomoles (nmol) per liter, whereas the groups which drank pure Coca-Cola and Pepsi had a concentration that was roughly 30 nmol/L.

The mice who were allocated the pure Coca-Cola also had higher levels of the male hormone than the control group.

The results suggest that large doses of Pepsi and Coca-Cola could improve testosterone production in male mice.

However, the mice used in the study are non-copulating, meaning they do not mate.

The long-term effects of carbonated drinks on testicle mass and testosterone production are also unclear.

The findings were published in the journal Acta Endocrinol.

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This is moonmoon :marseyrat:


I had a dream

That the Chinese were roasting chinchillas in the mall and handing out free samples.

I didn't take any bc I'm vegan, I just played with one of the live ones.

:marseycry: Traumatised mayo chin hiding after BIPOC moid keeps trying to surprise s*x her when I let them out :!marseychinchilla2: :!marseydisagree: He's not handling the rejection well :#marseysulk: Luckily he has the typical short-term memory of a moid and forgot about the incident soon after and started bouncing around, while the poor mayo is still hiding and being vigilant :marseycry: :marseychinchillapat:

I suspect he's an exhibitionist or something because he only tries to surprise s*x her when I let them out :marseythonk: I don't see him try any of his moid nonsense in the cage and in the morning they still cuddle together and sleep :marseyhmmm: Maybe they bang but the mayo doesn't want to be part of his fetish idk



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