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I don't get it :marseyconfused:

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Can you dumb it down a tad, something's not clicking in my mind

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First domino is not heavy, it falls over easily and will not topple the others because it doesnt have le significance

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Yeah he could have done that in his cap at least.

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I'm Bimothy hello :marseywave2:

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shut the frick up bimothy

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It's transphobia, he thinks it's worth to sacrifice trans people, because nothing will go wrong as a result, and he is wrong.

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Cardboard hands typed this

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Go back to your groomercord server

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Go back to your groomercord server

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:marseytrain2:s would make gays eat that pooner-snatch and lesbos suck that girl-peepee. You're a traitor to all gaykind you :marseytrain:-lover.

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Gays should be thankful that they can frick poon now.

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The whole point of being gay is never having to see a disgusting festering girl-hole.

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Don't look at it, just put your peenor in.

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That's even worse, your whole peepee will be covered in girl-juice.

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as opposed to shit and hiv

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A guy-juice is noble and pure, a girl-juice is disgusting and impure.

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Gay rights aren't going away and neither is anything below it but trans rights are flimsy and easily fall over.

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Innovative :marseyclapping:

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>If women's rights fall then free speech is next

Women are the ones who complain the most about free speech lmao.

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Wrong. Free speech inherently is always on the side of women because without women there is no freedom :marseyindignantwoman:

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More like, without women there's much less speech. Har har har.

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Free Love


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>Freedom of Expression and Free Speech are separate things

What did they mean by this? Strikes me as some s*x vs. gender shenanigans that I'm not aware of

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There had to be court cases which established that nonverbal "expression", like wearing a shirt or waving a flag are covered under the first amendment.

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freedom of expression is probably goth girls vs handmaids :marseygilead:

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s*x vs. gender shenanigans

There are three levels of woke:

  • Zero: s*x and gender are the same and immutable

  • One: s*x and gender are separate, with only gender being mutable (at least with present technology)

  • Two: s*x and gender are kinda separate but both mutable; trans people change their biological s*x

I'm at "one," and I think it's the most defensible. Level "zero" starts falling apart to explain things like kathoey culture. Level "two" is pseudoscience.

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Completely wrong. Correct:

Negative One: s*x and gender are the same and immutable

Zero: s*x and gender are separate, with neither of them being mutable, but may not be necessarily the same

One: s*x and gender are separate and s*x is mutable

Two: s*x and gender are the same and immutable. S*x has nothing to do with what genitals you have, or in fact anything material or measurable. If it seems like someone flip-flops between two sexes, in fact whatever s*x they declared themselves to be most recently is the s*x they've always been, and any other s*x they've declared themselves as was a mistake. (So both are mutable in the "we've always been at war with east asia" sense)

Negative one is an indefensible counter-reaction to wokeness. Zero and one are both separately defensible disagreements over how "s*x" is defined, with the one side believing it comes from genetics, the other from genitalia. Two is the presently accepted understanding by progressives.

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One: s*x and gender are separate and s*x is mutable

Wouldn't it be "gender is mutable" instead? Isn't that what the whole point of "gender-fluidity" is?

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:!marseytrain:s want people to accept their gender identity unconditionally regardless of anything. In order to not be hypocrites, this forces them to accept the gender identities of r-slurred children who are unknowingly parodying transgenderism in the same way "I identify as an attack helicopter" does. Gender fluidity is not interned into :marseytrain: ideology in any way outside of that, there's no attempt at a theory of how gender fluidity comes about, because everyone knows that it's a stupid larp that makes them all look dumb but can never say as much.

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Quite the house of cards

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Fair enough on "two," but why did you flip which one is mutable for "one"?

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Transgenderism is supposed to be a neurological condition that a person is born with that causes them to have a gender different from their s*x. If gender was mutable, this would be trivially solved: you would change the gender to the one that matches their s*x, and then they would be fixed. This is called "conversion therapy" and is understood to not work. The alternative is to change the s*x (or at least the gender presentation) to match the gender. This is the accepted treatment of transgenderism.

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The alternative is to change the s*x (or at least the gender presentation) to match the gender.

I think the semantic gap between us is because there are actually three things in play:

  • A person's biological s*x: basically chromosomes and functional genitalia

  • A person's gender presentation: clothing, prosthetics, cosmetic surgery

  • A person's sense of whether they are a man, woman, etc.

I was defining s*x as the first, gender as the second, and ignoring the third. It seems, when you say, "One: s*x and gender are separate and s*x is mutable," you are ignoring the first, treating the third as someone's "s*x," and then something a bit more complex with the second.

From my understanding, conversion therapy is when someone is pushed to have the second match the first. The "affirming" approach is to encourage changing the second to match the third. I don't think your framework quite captures this distinction.

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The different ideologies disagree on the definitions of things, which they use to hide the underlying differences of values. Cons think that people should just put up with whatever mental issues they have in order to look normal. Libs think that people with mental issues should share the load by causing issues for everyone around them while dealing with their issues. If we define s*x as something immutable, then no matter what a :marseytrain: does they can't change their s*x and hence will always be a weirdo. If we define s*x, say, in terms of hormones, then anyone's who's even started transitioning already has (according to us) no meaningful difference from the opposite s*x and therefore can't be excluded from bathrooms, changerooms, brazilian waxes, etc. If we define conversion therapy as just encouraging people to act normal, then it works fine and might help a person put up with being the wrong s*x. If we define it as trying to change a person's underlying sense of what gender they are, then it doesn't work, and in fact causes harm.

Since definitions of words are ultimately arbitrary, the definition that makes the most sense is the one that best aligns with your ideology. Fights over definitions are understood to be fights over the underlying values, since once the definition that makes your opponent look stupid is accepted the battle is basically won.

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Fights over definitions are understood to be fights over the underlying values, since once the definition that makes your opponent look stupid is accepted the battle is basically won.


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yeah frick you BIPOC

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The difference between saying BIPOC and wearing a ahegao jacket

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its like how canadians have free thought but not free speech

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:marseynerd3: Pterodactyls are not dinosaurs

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Nothing in that comic frame claims that pterodactyls are dinosaurs. It shows a pterodactyl expressing a desire to turn people into dinosaurs.

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They are if he says they are, he can make them dinosaur pterodactyls.

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@C333 Is this true?

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It's a pterosaurs not a dinosaur


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!nooticers There's a child next to "Free Love" :marseydoomer:

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I'm the guy behind literacy who isn't moving forward.

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The biggest offence with the original one is that only trans rights are color coded.

Stinks of bias if you ask me. :marseyshapiro:

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if trans rights falls to the left the chain is more safe and nothing bad happens?

this has transphobic implications

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Goddarn that's r-slurred

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trolley problem

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Nah, I want at least 5 of those dominos to fall

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All of them but good start

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the trans movement is a parasite on the gay movement. while gays were fighting for their rights, the people who would now be considered trans women were calling them cute twinks and queers while jerking off in their wives' underwear in secret. once gay men solidified some rights for themselves all the crossdressers decided they wanted a piece of that so they can jerk off in their wives' underwear in public, and of course gay guys are expected to take all the fallout after it all goes wrong

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You should move the :marseytrain: to the right side, trying to push the Trans rights block into the others and knock them all down, while the other people try to stop it

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it didn't fall down so this is a pro trans comic.

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Oh I get it. The people have to try to hold up those large cardboard boxes with words print on them while they get filled with bricks. That's a great way to build a set of brick walls!

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We had those other things without what they refer to as "trans rights" so this isn't even historically true. The only reason it could start to go in reverse is because the people pushing this stuff have overplayed their hand and deserve a Christian nationalist ethnostate.

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