I spent my entire free day reading up as much as I could on the Maker ( Earth 1610 Reed Richards ) and here are my thoughts.

Shortest possible summary:


Reed Richards grows up beaten with a belt by his dad, bullied by kids three grades below him at school, has Ben Grimm as his friend who saves him from bullies since childhood. Goes on exploration mission where Doom fricks up a formula and creates the fantastic four in an accident.


Normal fantastic four adventures. Reed gets into a free candy van ( travels to alternate universe ) with zombies inside but survives. Reed hooks up with Sue Storm, gets mind r*ped into becoming a workaholic, gets cucked by Sue Storm, gets unmindraped and apologizes to Sue, keeps getting cucked by Sue, more adventures, gets back with Sue, World destroying tragedy occurs and Sue's Dad dies, gets cucked by Sue again because he told Ben to watch over Sue while he saved the world instead of ignoring millions of deaths and focusing on only Sue instead, fricks up further by asking Sue to marry him at her dad's funeral. Fantastic 4 disbands. Reed returns to live with his dad who used to beat him with a belt when Reed was a kid.


Reed then gets contacted by Sue Storm from the future who informs him that cucking Reed destroyed the universe. Reed then does the next logical thing and fakes his death in an explosion in his house which kills his dad ( idk if anybody else was in the house I can't remember every single detail ) and then tries to take over his Earth to save it. He loses and is lost in another dimension. While lost in this dimension, Reed becomes immortal, does not need to eat or shit anymore ( I am not 100% sure if that was always the case but I missed it or if he gained those additional powers because of being lost in the other dimension ).


Reed comes back with a city called "City" which is a giant fully sealed city sized space where time moves far slower than outside. So a few weeks outside is a thousand years inside. Reed then takes his "children of tomorrow" who grew up over generations in the city and again tries to take over the Earth. Reed destroys Marvel Gods and the most powerful mutants. Gets defeated by Tony Stark's Brain Tumor. ( This is not tongue in cheek he actually gets defeated by Tony Stark's sentient brain tumor ). He is imprisoned.


Reed escapes prison with the help of future Sue/ Kang and takes over the world. Fixes world hunger, stops wars, collects infinity stones which have emerged because of all the instability he has caused resulted in them popping up thousands of years before they were supposed to which is what future Sue wanted to save the universe. Future Sue cucks Quicksilver and Tony Stark's brain tumor turns out to be an infinity stone which Reed removes from his brain while killing him, its okay though, Tony Starks brain waves hack the network so he is alive in electronic format and later gets his body back. Reed loses the fight to conquer the world and control all the infinity stones and gets locked up again meanwhile Future Sue/ Kang tries to go back further in time to save reality. Reed cries like a b-word ( Again not hyperbole he actually cries like a b-word cradling himself like a toddler having a breakdown ).


The 1610 universe gets invaded by universe 616 Galactus and Reed escapes prison again and goes to the main 616 Universe Reed Richards Baxter building to steal the data on how to defeat Galactus. Sees Valeria ( Reed's daughter from 616 universe ) there and gets sad like a b-word because he never got to marry his Sue and have kids. Returning to his Earth, he saves his planet by opening a portal to a dimension without worlds to devour while the heroes push galactus though the hole and Reed closes it.


Reed confesses in a destroyed baxter building to Sue that they should have gotten together while Sue says lol no. Cucked again. Sue goes on a few more adventures until she meets an alternate reality version of spider ham ( Miles Morhames ) Spiderman from a universe where all superheroes are different animals and spider ham is a pig with spiderman powers. ), and you won't believe this but, Spiderpig ( Miles Morhames) tells Sue that the realities that have the highest odds of surviving are the ones where Sue has a child with Reed Richards because their kid is always pure kino and improves the survival odds of any reality it is born into. The pig knows this because he has seen this in many realities and his own reality died because Sue did not have a kid with Reed. Sue wants to be in denial but ends up meeting Reed and Reed is like kino lets frick but Sue instead locks him into an energy field and it looks like she is going to snip snip his peepee and take the sperm directly from the source all science way instead of the s*x frick way.


Sue has a child, but turns out it is not Reeds and in flashback we find out Reed talked Sue out of having his kid and convinced her to have faith and have Ben's kid instead. Oh yeah I forgot to mention at some point in all the stuff that happened above, Reed got cucked by Ben his childhood protector who ended up having a child with Sue now. Reed acts like he is happy with the outcome as well and pretends to be a good guy with the good guys.


Around the same time or perhaps only a few weeks or months down the line Reed has built another city and has been exterminating alternate realities in what are known as incursions ( its a whole other huge storyline, the only point you need to understand is that two Earth's can see each other in the sky and one Earth needs to be destroyed for the other to survive ). Reed has been killing all the Earths that pop up in the sky without anyone else knowing about it. Now it is the showdown between the last two Earth's and Reed makes friends with the evil villains from the main Earth 616. Reed uses "City" 2 and his "Children of Tomorrow" V2 as a distraction in the final battle as he escapes in a ship meant to survive traveling in a vacuum without reality.


Reed awakens with the Villains in battleworld where 616 Doom is now God ( another whole other storyline all you need to know is that Reed is now an evil peepee ). Reed cooperates with 616 Reed to take down doom. Gets to the powersource of Doom in this reality and betrays 616 Reed and tries to convert him into a monkey through a reverse time bubble while calling 616 Reed sentimental and gay (bad). The living battery Molecule Man says but I like homosexual content and kills evil Reed instead. Reed has been cucked to death by life.

Reed is moved into a new continuity of universe 616 but his storyline here was shit so I skipped it all for the next few years until we get to the interesting part.


Reed is a prisoner but manages to escape using body horror science frickery shenanigans. He then goes on a collect resources adventure and builds himself a teleporter to another reality where he wants to take over and create a universe in his image or at least his memory of his previous universe. He even invites Miles Morales who was the only other survivor of his past universe but Miles says no fam am good so Reed goes to new reality alone.


In new reality Reed says,"I am the one who cucks", and cucks all the superheroes before they became superheroes by not letting their origin story happen by doing shit like fricking up the fantastic four by giving them the wrong formula that makes their ship crash without giving superpowers, or not letting the spider that gives peter parker spider man powers bite him.

Reed Richards builds his "City" with time slowdown powers for the fourth time and is ruling the Earth for the 2nd time. He gets cucked by Tony Starks Dad and gets locked inside his own city for 24 months while the world is free to try and escape his designs and superheroes make a comeback with Tony Stark ( teenager ) trying to save reality and prepare for Reed when he comes back when the city reopens.

That's the general gist of Reed "The Maker" Richards from Earth 1610.

My opinion of the man:

I like Reed "The Maker" Richards for the primary reason that he has an entire arc for why he ended up the way he did. He is pretty much Mr Fantastic if Mr. Fantastic had a shitty childhood, only found horrors more often than not when he explored all of reality, and never managed to successfully form a family of his own. He is the answer to the question," What if you raised the smartest person in the universe in a shitty environment butt who still believed in fixing the world?" and the answer is you get a goody well behaved boy whose path to heck is paved with disappointments and many many disillusioning moments until only the core intellect and the desire to dominate and succeed remains.


Just like 616 Mr Fantastic is not a normal Reed Richards in that he is the extreme positive representation of a Reed Richards across the multiverse, one who has been transformed into a family man as much as a genius scientist. In a similar vein Reed "The Maker" Richards is also an extreme outlier in the multiverse, a version of Reed who is the culmination of failures in his personal life filled with personal miseries. While the majority of Reeds in the multiverse represent genius intellect that in time abandons family to instead focus on saving everything and everyone, 616 Reed is the man who chose family, and 1610 Reed is the one who chose family but failed to get one. Which is what makes him such an interesting deconstruction of what the original Mr Fantastic is. For he isn't just a colder Reed Richards, or an abandoning his old life Reed Richards, he is our main Reed Richards if he was still as caring a man but without things working out with his loved ones. He is the one who embraced his ego instead of his humility. Who embraced himself because nobody else could embrace him in any way that mattered. Someone twisted into a monstrosity not with one bad traumatic experience, but all the little small ones where not a single one itself can be said to be the thing that turned him.

I also like Reed "The Maker" Richards because in his "The Maker" persona he does lots of crazy shit like create his own civilization, take over the world, save the planet, Destroy Asgard, manage to fight off a living singularity, survive the death of the multiverse, try to turn the main Mr Fantastic into an actual monkey by reverse evolving him. All the zany evil bullshit with rule of cool science fiction gizmos. Doing all the shit that he did he ended up being one of the greatest villains created by Marvel in the 2010s and is probably still one of the greatest villains in Marvel after Doom.

In the end the most disappointing thing to me about The Maker is that after secret wars for many years it felt like his potential as a villain was wasted, until the Ultimate invasion arc took off where he again became the superior evil scientist archetype. Coming back more powerful every time.

Another thing that annoys me is that the "City" goes through 1,000 years of time while a month passes outside, so why doesn't he just spam 6 months of outside time instead and get 6,000 years ahead with his "City" people and then take over the world. I know it is a plot contrivance but it is still annoying that he stays in the time bubble only long enough to still be barely defeated by the heroes.

It also feels very r-slurred that Reed Richards kept chasing after Sue Storm instead of just, idk, getting laid with as many foids as he wanted from whichever dimension he felt like going to. I know that love exists, but come on, getting cucked by the same foid multiple times and still not trying anybody else? Really?

Overall Score for Reed "The Maker" Richards: 8/10.

Strong points:

1) Genius nerd character.

2) Good plot

3) Has an actual arc in which he evolves and changes as a person.

4) Does dumb universe breaking shit during his good guy phase and does crazy evil sci-fi shit during his evil phase.

5) Can be defined as complex

6) Cool body horror designs at times with unique uses of his stretchy abilities.

Weak points:

1) Keeps getting cucked

2) Had a few years of shitty stories involving him after "secret wars".

3) Turned evil a little too fast for my liking, like going from 80 to 100 and somewhere the 90 point is missing in terms of losing his shit. ( I wasted hours looking for that missing 90 before realizing it just wasn't ever there in any comic. )

4) Hasn't really collected any meaningful wins other than surviving the death of all reality that one time.

What I am hoping for from the future of Reed "The Maker" Richards:

I want him to win. I want him to come out of the city unashamedly evil and just start winning all over the place. Then I want him to make peace with the heroes in a sort of stalemate because The Maker isn't pure evil, he is an butthole who has no problem with being morally bankrupt to get what he wants but doesn't actually have a "Be evil for the sake of being evil" setting and is willing to negotiate with the heroes of his universe for a longer peace where he rules his own kingdom. Then have The Maker become a second cooler no family version of Reed Richards from the main universe, with both of them going on adventures to explore the multiverse. I think that would be kino. One Reed Richards winning with his family and morality, and one Reed Richards winning without a family or morality.


Good character. Great arc and evolution of the character. Some stories with him in them were trash. I want more of the Maker when he is done right. Like a cosmic horror alien intelligence entity in a human form where the human part randomly shines through.

What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments.


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bruh it is not going to take me an entire day to read the wiki page.

I read the entire Ultimate fantastic four from issue 21 and followed Reed Richards all the way till the death of his universe.

Reed in Earth 1610 is like he would have turned out alright if just two fewer shitty things had happened to him. Or if Sue was a trad wife type foid. I think that is the real secret to trad wives, trad wives exist for the purpose of bringing out the maximum potential in a moid.

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reasonable crash out tbh

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Yeah. The woman I love wants to break up with me because I left her in a coma to go stop the world from collapsing and now she ends up hooking up with my childhood best friend while I am stuck living back at home with my dad who used to beat me up as a kid and call me a loser even though I was already on my way to building a working teleportation device as a child does feel like a reasonable cause for a crashout ending in a villain arc.

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Why not find a Sue who isn't a selfish b-word in another world? You could probably build a harem of them fairly easily. Sue from postapocalypse earth, Sue from Skrull slave world, Sue from Brood earth, Sue from Jihadi muslim world , Namorita from the human supremacy earth, Benjimina Grimm from Nazi Earth, Benjimina Grimm from Dystopian Christian theocracy earth, Benjimina Grimm from Victorious Superhuman Jihad earth, Joan Storm from handmaid's tale earth , black Sue Storm from Confederate victory earth, Victoria Von Doom from nazi zombie victory in Europe earth, Victoria Von Doom from Nazi victory with enslaved asgardians, Penni Parker from modern day civil war earth, Pakira Parker from horrible Japanese r*pe and slavery pornography, Sue Storm from Soviet victory world, Joan Storm from incel victory earth, Sue Storm from legalized cannibalism world, Victoria Von Doom from Steampunk Nazi regime world, Sue Storm from "I can't believe it's not the Age of Apocalypse", Joan Storm from genderswapped "Days of Future Past", Reed Jessica Richards from English dystopia ruling Ireland world, Joann Storm from the postapocalypse slave fetish arcology timeline, Sui Baolei from the "America commits genocide against the Chinese" timelein, Sui Baolei from the "China turns into Pol Pot's Cambodia somehow

Timeline, Sei Baolei from the "Japan wins ww2 continuity", etc. I was going to write a hundred but I doubt anyone else finds this funny, and yes I am saying he's fricking gender swapped versions of all the friends and allies he feels have betrayed . He's a sick frick.

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because Reed Richards from the 616 continuity has a weird fixation with his Sue Storm. Like he knows that the other alternate reality version isn't really his Sue Storm. I guess it is sort of like being married to one of two identical twins. Somebody might say why not just go after the other if one is not interested, and you just go because they are just not the same person at the end of the day.

I think this is in a strange way an advantage that Marvel has over Rick and Morty, in that having an infinite multiverse still doesn't take away from the value of individuality and being the you from your reality, whereas for Rick Sanchez every alternate Rick is him so it doesn't matter which one does or doesn't replace him from an alternate reality with only one minor difference.

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Honestly the worlds being so similar you could just slide into your dead alternative's life never made any sense to me. He looks like you, he has your name, and you've got a lot in common, but there are still going to be enough differences that people are going to pick up on it. Trauma from "A near-death experience" is going to carry you most of the way, but those in the know are going to notice you're not yourself. They're going to be talking about events that you don't remember and get a lot of your preferences wrong. For example the Wolverine of Earth 8631 is a teetollar, has stainless steel ww2-era claws because the super-soldier program on his world expanded and ended the war early , remembers his past about as well as an ordinary person does, and raised the Magneto of his world as an adopted son after rescuing him from a concentration camp alongside General America's All-Winners squad. You think you could grab him and drop him in as a replacement in the 616 X-men and no one would notice? He'd be wondering why the heck these chintzy off-brand Sentinels don't recognize him as a superior officer are are trying to kill him and he can't find Dopealope Cola, Brad's Drink and Hydrox cookies in the grocery store. Also Nightcrawlers a Catholic now instead of Greek Orthodox? What the frick is "Pepsi-cola"? It sounds like medicine and it's way too sweet. Why the frick are people hassling him for being a mutant? Don't they know he beheaded the Red Skull and the Yellow claw? Why is Trump President, why is Norman Osborn a psycho instead of the president, and why do we have men in dresses claiming they're women?

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You got your multiverses mixed up.

So in the Marvel and DC multiverse, the multiverse is made by higher beings, so you have infinite possibility, but it is almost never infinite in the sense of every decision you make made a different reality so only a single difference can create another reality. Instead you get infinite universes where each universe is different from the others in some noticeable way.

Rick and Morty's universe is more of the every decision you make creates a different reality infinity, in which case if I today went to brush then an alternate universe can split off where the only difference between that universe and mine is that in one today I brushed and in the other today I didn't brush my teeth. So every single thing before that choice of not brushing is going to be exactly the same.

This is what Rick does when he changes realities, he goes to a reality where the other Rick did everything else the exact same except for something that happened different on the last day or last minute. Which ensures that they can easily fit into their new reality without arousing suspicion.

They're going to be talking about events that you don't remember and get a lot of your preferences wrong.

In the cases where that happens, Rick can just abandon that reality and go for another where his and that reality Ricks preferences are more similar or experiences are more similar, or maybe the family just asks fewer questions.

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Eventually the differences are going to butterfly into weird shit but I can see how that works. Except that Rick and the Scientist known as Rick are the only ones who refused to join the council. Do most Ricks just join the council and then spend as much time as possible avoiding those frickers? That sounds like a very Rick Sanchez thing to do.

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I honestly got no clue as it would all be speculation.

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i dont even need the extra stuff. fumbling sue is bad enough

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Nah I feel like you can recover from that alone when you could at any time spend 1 weeks worth of brain power to discover 10/10 hookers with no STD's dimension and move there for the rest of your life or until your mood improves.

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:marseynotes: You never know man, a lot of dramarards are slow like that

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Look on the bright side, 20 years from now all the slow ones would have been aborted early in current year.

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not like us yt shorts watching chads

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I don't watch youtube shorts. I have been actively recovering my brain.

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>literally a yt shorts screenshot in this very post

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I googled the images individually and one of them happens to be a screenshot from a yt short.

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