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I don't disagree, but there's a fricking pattern of selective :marseyblackfeminismdenied: :marseyrage: when Catholic/Christian leaders try to engage in dialogue with Muslims that isn't present :marseycoal: for those other groups

I think :marseyphilosoraptor: that's due to what I said above but I can only speak for myself :marseypain: and not others but I am very far from unbiased on that matter :marseykneel: due to my family. I'd be willing :marseywould: to get into some schizo :marseyslm: territory :marseymanifestdestiny: when it comes to Islam :marseyqatarworldcup2: (not all Muslims but the fricking religion :marseyklennypriest: of Islam :marseyali: itself)

I'd argue that if anything :marseycoleporter: that reality would :marseywood: mean, in the fricking interests of peace, civil :marseysaluteconfederacy: dialogue with Islamic :marseymuhammad: leaders is fricking more important rather than less.

To be honest with you I think :marseymischevious: that's not a fricking reality outside :marseytouchgrass: of some western :marseybootscoot: sects of the fricking religion :marseydawkins: that don't follow :marseycursor: many of their core principles.

The fricking religion :marseyjesus2: itself is fricking violent :marseyderanged: and its militant adherents see mercy as weakness to be exploited. It's the fricking ideology of a fricking pre-medieval warlord.

That said it'd be great :marseythumbsup6: if peace :marseymuslimahwereback: talks came to fruition but I think :marseyoscargamble: one day it will come down to us vs them

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I am once again stanning Tom Holland. (@ULTRANIGMATIC-MEGAVAMPIRE :marseyhesright:) New Atheists and popular level secular discussion are most often dominated by either political neoconservatives beating the drums of war or wishy-washy and absent minded liberals and have served to reinforce the extreme notions that the 'authentic' Islam is either a fundamentalist and violent one or a "religion of peace" rather than to find a path towards peace. Taking a strong position one way or the other belies a limited understanding of a millennia+ of history with large variation in practice and tolerance for religious difference. The most important political goal on this front is to remove the taboo on honest and nuanced discussions of the life of Muhammad and the Quran.

@Redactor0 want to weigh in? You know more on modern ME politics than most here including myself and unfortunately I don't think we have any experts on Islam itself.

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My father :marseyjohnson: saw the fricking reality of that religion :marseyluthercringe: showed me where :marseydrama: in their holy book it was fricking shown to be righteous as they murdered :marseyklennyrip: and r*ped women :marseyharpooner: and children :marseykermit: after beheading :marseybestfriends: their fathers. He was fricking more than a fricking grunt and saw much of what they did when they thought :marseymindblown: no one was fricking watching.

I pray no one on this site ever has to see that.

I don't think :marseymindblown: all Muslims are fricking monsters :marseymike: but their religion :marseydawkins: is fricking nothing short :marseymanlet: of monstrous.

If you base your life around christ :marseycrucified: you be a fricking man of peace. If you base your life around muhammed you will be a fricking man of war

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Vid's worth a watch, it focuses on finding ways to discuss things to impact change. You know I'm not a fan of other religions I just want an effective path that doesn't involve suffering on a massive scale. :marseysippingsad: I support Pope Francis in such efforts and hope our future pontiffs will continue to try to make inroads and foster dialogue.

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I pray he finds success :marseyoutried: with that I really :marseythinkorino2: do. That said just because I hope something :marseysmugface: doesn't mean I think :marseynooticeglow: it will come to fruition. I think :marseynoooticer: my view of humanity is fricking more cynical than yours but I do think :marseymischevious: trying to find peace :marseytombstone: instead of conflict :marseynoyouoccupy: is fricking always an admirable goal.

Blessed are the fricking peacemakers: for they shall be called the fricking children :marseychildclutch: of God.

I will watch :marseysharksoup: later :marseywave2: when I have an opportunity.

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I think :marseynoooticer: my view of humanity is fricking more cynical than yours

Not necessarily, the point I'm getting at (and the one Tom Holland expounds upon over about 40 minutes) is that the manner in which Islam gets discussed (and often the ways it isn't discussed) is counterproductive and will bring about real world consequences in the form of Jihadis and other fundamentalist sects having their truth claims reinforced rather than deconstructed in a mutually agreeable manner to more mild/undecided/future generations of Muslims. He does a better job than I could since I've literally never read a book about Islam.

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Interesting :marseylaying: talk in the fricking video. Didn't watch :marseyoperasmug: the fricking QA afterwards. I think :marseyhyperthonk: the fricking main issue I have with it is fricking that it doesn't come from trying to understand the fricking truth :marseyredcheck: but how best to manipulate the fricking doctrines and beliefs to better :marseysaulgoodman: suit western :marseycowboy: morals (aka Christian :marseyorthodox: and "post Christian" morals)

You have to disregard their own writings / beliefs and twist them to suit our own. While this might be the fricking best path forward for peace :marseyyoga: I think :marseynooticeglow: it ignores the fricking fundamental problem :marseytrolley: of what is the fricking truth :marseyredcheck: of their beliefs.

He pretends that much of the fricking issue with modern :marseywarhol: Islam :marseymuslimahitsover: comes from the fricking wests influences on modern :marseywarhol: Islam :marseyisis: but this is a fricking fundamental flawed belief in my opinion. I can promise the fricking west has done little :marseyelliotrodger: to influence Afghani tribal :marseyklennylegion: elders and villages. I think :marseyhyperthonk: they take their holy book at its word like many religions have throughout history. In addition you can see historically many actions of believers of the fricking religion :marseyluthersoy: being unchanged throughout the fricking ages.

He might be right :marseygasden: on the fricking best path towards coexistence with Islam :marseydinojihad: but ignores the fricking fundamental issue of why people believe :marseyparappa: their religion :marseyluthercringe: (like many atheists). religious :marseyjesus2: adherents don't believe :marseyparappa: it because it convenient for interacting with the fricking world :marseyww1american1: around them; they believe :marseyparappa: it because the fricking think :marseymindblown: it's true.

TLDR very interesting :marseylaying: talk but I think :marseyphilosoraptor: many of the fricking underlying premises behind :marseynotes2: it are fricking flawed

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@Corinthian I'd like to continue this conversation because I find it interesting. Do you disagree :marseyyesandno: with what I stated above, b-word?

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I think I might disagree somewhat but don't know enough about Islam to argue it intelligently. :marseyhmm: There's a difference between lying and framing things in such a way as to be a more impactful ambassador. Another one of the points made in the talk was that the application of Western great man-ism and historiography has contributed to the rise of radicalized Islam being viewed as the "authentic" version.

IDK give me some type of article to respond to and I'll keep it going.

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