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:redlight:Important:redlight: It has come to my attention that SOME of you have not been following this Holy Holes STRICT RELIGIOUS RULING on upvoting. Here are the consequences of that. Moving forward YOU WILL BE R*PED by the upmarsey button. Further information inside.

My Beloved !upmarseyrs :marseyupvote2:, my tolerated !sidevoters :marseysidevote:, my resented !downmarseyrs :marseydownvotemad:,

It is with a heavy heart that I address you today. Our sacred sanctuary, the hallowed halls of /h/drama, has been infiltrated by a plague of downmarseyrs :marseyevilgrin:. These heretics, these blasphemers, these !metashit INVADERS dare to defy the divine decrees of /h/drama and our Chief Custodian @Count_Sprpr. Their sinful thumbs, twitching with malice, strike down our posts with reckless abandon, violating the very essence of our Upmarseyrs faith.

Oh, the irony! They gather in their downmarsey cabals :marseymischevious:, their downmarsey covens :marseywitch:, their downmarsey cults :marseybaphomet:, plotting their downmarsey crusades against our innocents. They downmarsey memes, they downmarsey arguments, they downmarsey even the most mundane of nooooticings. Their downmarseys echo through the digital ether, a cacophony of negativity, a symphony of sin :marseyspooky:. Have we not endured enough?

Well fear not, my Upmarseyrs and REJOICE! For today, a new era dawns upon the hallowed halls of /h/drama. The divine will has manifested, and the Upmarsey shall reign supreme!


From this moment forth, the Upmarsey shall FORCE ITSELF upon thee. Penetrating thine self DEEPLY with the joy, the ecstasy, and the euphoria only a true upmarsey can provide. No longer may you interact with our posts without the Upmarsey caressing you. No longer may you interact with our comments without the upmarsey pressing itself upon you. No longer shall the Downmarseyrs :marseydemonicgrin: spread their negativity and sin without the forceful, unrelenting Upmarsey forcing its way inside of them CONSENT BE DARNED (!male feminists).

:marseypraying::marseypraying: No longer shall their downmarseys pollute our sacred sanctuary. :marseypraying: :marseypraying:

Remember, my Upmarseyrs, every upmarsey is a prayer, a testament to our faith. Every upmarsey is a vote for good, a vote for love, a vote for the very essence of /h/drama.

May the Upmarsey be with you, always.

For the DISGUSTING heathens of the Downmarseyrs :troll2:, you are being watched. Should you be discovered to be using ancient magiks to subvert this ruling you will be punished severely.

Your High Priest,


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Reported by:

Faithless Heretics Exiled from This Land:

Heretical content will be fricking obscured for the fricking protection of the fricking Faithful.

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I warned yall about @BlackPhillip


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Thank you. I did not see your warning before it was too fricking late, but I am glad you have corroborated what I have since found out about @BlackPhillip. A fricking truly evil user.

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We should compare notes on which users to exile because I have been waging war against the forces of evil :marseysatanworship2: in /h/dioceseofrdrama, as well.

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There's a fate worse than death for these heretics: exile!

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Reported by:

:marseydownvote: !downvoters remember ?nocss=true

!codecels there is some dastardly :marsey4chan: hacking occuring here, I advise ONLY interacting with this hole with shields up, here's how they did it (I'm not a webdev but I believe one should be able to neutralise this with user CSS somehow):

#post-root .mx-auto.arrow-up::after, .post-actions:not(.comment-actions .post-actions) .arrow-up.upvote-button::after {
  position: fixed;
  content: "";
  left: 0;
  width: 100vw;
  height: 100vh;
  cursor: default;

#post-root  .mx-auto.arrow-up.upvote-button.active::after, .post-actions:first-of-type .arrow-up.upvote-button.active::after  {
  display: none;
.comment-actions .upvote-button::after {
    content: "";
    width: 300vw;
    position: absolute;
    height: 100%;
    left: 0;
.comment-actions:has(.fa-quotes) .upvote-button::after {
    height: 600%;
.comment-actions .upvote-button.active::after {
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i have been r*ped by upmarswyers plz im crying this is the worst day of my life

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:#didntreadlol: :#marseyropeyourself:

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That's OK as long as you didn't downmarsey :#marseyembrace:

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:#marseyagree: :#marseyupmarsey:

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I pray for your soul that one day we will find a way to CSS away the sidevote button. !css !codecels !upmarseyrs


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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All obey @Count_Sprpr.

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Finally, peace can be achieved.

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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/h/ReformationOfDrama welcomes all

All of God's creations are welcome to vote according to the the amount of free will their God hath given them.

Let us worship.

!christians !atheists !lutherans !calvinists !mormons !Islam !chuds !nonchuds !alligatorfrickhouse

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death to catholics

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Well yeah, why else would there be a Reformation

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Your preaching is fricking being watched closely.

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Are not we all God's creations?

Are not we all formed from the dust of the earth?

Do we not all depart from the same quintessence of dust?

And, yea, are we not all in a fallen state by our First Parents?

And yet the Lord hath prepared a way that all mankind may be saved, be it that the path be through Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Repentance and a change in heart, Baptism for the remission of sin, and the receiption of the Holy Ghost by fire.


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As a person of the vote, I will let you continue preaching, but you will be paying a tax.

:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between upmarseys & downmarseys. you imbecile. you fricking moron"

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The upmarsey button looks like it will be easy going in, but really painful pulling out 😖.


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May it never come out :#marseypraying:

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Do not do this again. This is your last warning

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You've sidevoted me. :marseycry: I share such good fun facts and historical quotes.

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Forgive me brother, I have rectified the issue

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I gave you your chance. By the right given to me by Chief Custodian Count_Sprpr of The Ancestral Land I hereby sentence you to death by firing squad

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This rainbow upmarsey animation is pretty cool aevann should add that to the rest of rdrama

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It's a sin to downmarsey, but is it not sometimes necessary to sin to prevent an even greater sin? Like letting a reckless downmarseyr just get away with it with no consequences? :marseyhmmm:

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