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Disney adult couple gets kicked out of 32k a year private club. Spends 400k on legal fees to get back in


Disney adults are such a strange confusing group of people.

This couple spent roughly 125k a year to go to Disney land with 32k to belong to this random club.

They got thrown out because she used "foul language" and he "was intoxicated" once. They have spent 400k in legal fees to get back in and lost. The woman says she'd give a kidney up for the change to rejoin?

This can't just be standard Disney adult weird shit right? No way they're just getting fancy meals and pictures with Mickey. This is some strange s*x cult or something right? That's the only way I can this being a thing

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I love the subtext throughout this article that makes it clear that they're both alcoholics who were kicked out for repeatedly getting drunk.

The husband:

The worst of them [member violations] came on Sept. 3, 2017, when Scott was discovered by park security keeled over a bench in California Adventure near the 1901 Lounge.

A park guard said he smelled alcohol on his breath. Scott says it was a "vestibular migraine" triggered by red wine.

"We were there for a Fantasy Football draft, and so there's 15 to 20 people on the tab. It was two bottles of wine, there were beers. So I had two of the beers and I had a glass of wine between 12 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. It was 9:30 p.m. that I was found on the bark bench."

He wants us to believe that he had three drinks in nine hours and passed out alone on a bench for unrelated reasons.

The wife:

My friend knocked over her drink with her sleeve. And the waiter came up and she's like, "May I get another mimosa?" He is like, "I can give you water or I can give you tea."

I had two glasses of wine. Everybody there knows I pour water in my wine. I'm not really drinking two glasses of wine. Everybody knows that. … Believe me, when we're talking, we know we sound crazy. My friends talk about it. We're like, "I know we all sound insane."


For bonus fun they tried to subpoena Rebel Wilson who also used to be a member. Surprisingly she didn't appear in court.

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Everybody there knows I pour water in my wine


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The ancient Romans did this so they could drink more wine


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Technically they put wine in their water, not the other way around.

Go back to school.

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they also put lead in their wine


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from reading what they said about why they wanted to be in the club in the first place it seems like hubbo just got badgered into one his wife's fantasy goals and then decided it was a good enough place to get drunk and entertain people. wife is all like " my childhood was dominated by disney music" and husband is like "yeah it kinda cost a lot but it ended up being pretty sweet"

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Imagine having all that money and this is the loftiest your ambitions get. How pathetic.

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In fairness an abnormal migraine disorder like vestibular migraine can absolutely be triggered by red wine and look very similar to drunkenness. I knew someone who had a migraine disorder that would make her slur her words and fall over/stumble into things, among other stuff.

THAT SAID, these neighbors were definitely getting sloppy drunk and screaming obscenities at the waitstaff and so on. There's no way a dude politely acting drunk elsewhere in the park was "the worst incident" of anything. They're leaving tons out and I'll eat my hat if they aren't both total nightmare people.

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>I knew someone who had a migraine disorder that would :marseymight: make her slur her words :marseyshakespeare: and fall over/stumble into things, among :marseyamogus: other stuff.


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Nah neighbor she wasn't drinkin. I'd be chilling with her in the middle of the day not a drop of alcohol anywhere and she'd get hit with it and start falling over. Actually mad scary if you didn't know what was up.

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a "vestibular migraine" triggered by red wine

Gotta remember this one for the next meeting with my probation officer. :marseynotes:

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A prostate migrane

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Do you think the orgies have FastPass?

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The frick, in 2012 there was a $50,000 initiation fee and then annual dues of $15,000. Their wait list for membership was so long, they closed it for 5 years. I refuse to believe that many people want to become members unless it's some weird s*x club and they get blowies from Mickey or something.

Then again, it was the only place that served alcohol for a while, which might make it worth while. Have a drink while your kids scamper around the park.

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It's an unlimited membership for them (with line skips) and 100 guest tickets per year. Can cover the cost easily just by selling those tickets.

Getting to :rape: Snow White and shit in Walt's apartment are just the minor perks.

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How many years of selling your guest tickets to recoup the $50k initiation fee?

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Sell them at $200 a ticket and you're making 5k a year, so 10 years.

Real question is why they're spending half a million suing to get back in.

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i think the wife has an obsession with being a disney person and wears the pants in the relationship.

but really tho- why would anyone ever wanna petition to be part of a social club that wants them gone. its like saying IM GONNA FORCE YOU TO TOLERATE ME AND I HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH ANY ASPECT OF MY LIFE.

i can understand that type of behavior from spurned r-slurs on the internet, but successful enough people to pay 40k a year dues? i get that you can sell tickets but it sounds like these fools wanted to actually be there.

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I doubt many of the members are actually scalping tickets. The value is fine though, just need to be someone in position to take advantage of it. The country club this guy owns probably charges 5k for dues and isn't even remotely exclusive.

I think she was always there, and wasn't exactly classing the place up. Notice they were done when one of her trashy friends spilled a drink, not when he passed out drunk in the park.

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The correlation between wealth and IQ at this point has to be like 0.1

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For 1st gen wealth, it's probably close to 1, offset by 2nd+ gen wealth being close to -1.

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Getting to :#rape: Snow White


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It's a swinger club

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People on reddit said its just a generic looking resturant with Disney museum stuff

its definitely a social thing

also the husband wanted to drop the suit multiple times but the wife keeps insisting they keep paying for it

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Can confirm, I piggybacked off of someone once.

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Club 33 is the exclusive Disney club for high-rollers. It acts like an elite society but they charge you 4k for a shot of adrenochrome and make you pick your masked orgy dates three months in advance.

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:marseyaleister#crowley: :#3::#3: :marseyaleist#ercrowley:

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376 up neighbors


That makes this the second most upmarseyed post of the last year. !followers how? Does like half of the rDrama site really just not upmarsey normally? Unless it's something like this that triggers universal centroid smugness? Because the upmarseys look like regular dramneurodivergents. Not some alt account bot neighbor.

Fricking weird. Upmarsey more posts you straggots. We have to be better than WPD :marseyindignant:

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!downmarseyrs report for duty, remember to only engage this hostile environment :marseyunless: with ?nocss=true

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Ur comment :marseysoypointdubz: is good I'm just a conscientious objector to the creed of /h/drama

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@Count_Sprpr upmarsey inflation

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He makes it so people auto upmarsey posts or something

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Oh :marseywtf2:

Like how I clicked reply and it automatically upmarseyed you. God, what a straggot.

Carp capy @August ban this shit. It's not genuine rDrama upmarseys.

@Count_Sprpr :marseyropeyourself: immediately.

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You think we didn't consult @Aevann before implementing the final solution? How naive. !metashit


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Oh wow!!

literally everyone knew the jannies did this. Wow, what a secret! A twist. R-slur.


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:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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Big whoop. Get it up to 500.

Cute twink


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lol this is great. moids gonna be so mad.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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WTF they've actually found a way to declare war on !sidevoters too!!!! :marseypoggers:

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@Aevann @carpathianflorist drama coin fraud

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That was good drama, not "a :marseytrain: did a thing".

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The trump getting shot threads didn't do numbers like this. What are you talking about.


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I'm very confused why this post blew up so much

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:marseyagree: Especially since it's days old. !redscarepod gods already covered this


Proving once again that !redscarepod gods are superior to us in every way


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I'm gonna go kms now

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You're a liar! What did you do!


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I did nothing. I have no idea why it blew up. This wasn't even the best drama posted here today. Maybe the mods can see if something weird happened

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The mods are the ones who caused this...


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You made a GOOD post

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I upmarsey every comment and every post I see :marseyupvote2:


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I remember way back when you only updooted lolcows. Like it was an insult if you had anything but 1 when posting.

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I used to get updooted :marseysweating:

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Cool. :#marseykys2:

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I remember when Marsey's weren't used by cute twinks who cared about updoots too. I remember a lot

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>Marseys weren't used by cute twinks

That never happened

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Ya they sucked peepee, but even they werent :marseysalutepride: enough to give a shit about internet points.

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Then downmarsey me :marseyindignant: I just want coins :marseyjam:

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I upmarseyd cause I just love manchild/womanchild drama and disney adults are the purest version of that. No politics, no weird shit, just pure soi.

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How fricked up was she? Everytime I go to Disney i get white-girl wasted and i cant help butt cuss like a sailor as I walk the park. More than once cast memebers have had to remind me that "sir, we're glad that youre enjoying yourself, butt this is still a park for children." For some reason as long as youre polite and say sorry, they just leave you alone. They dont even try to cut you off and ive pushed the limits if there are even limits. I bet she was on pills or something too


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You must have to be really drunk to actually get kicked out. The number of people that black out doing multiple laps Around The World in Epcot (I am 4% of them) don't get escorted out, and the employees will happily sell you a dozen drinks at once lol

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It's the only way to survive Disney

Magic kingdom is heck if you don't sneak in tequila

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I renewed my Disney+ subscription

I like to live dangerously in the Mouse's house


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They're just happy you didn't go vanilla gorilla on them

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Based. That aounds like the only acceptable reason to go to disney land, and only acceptable way to behave there.

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!probably pretty fricked up now that im reading it lol !slots 222

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So they go to Disney every other day not to play on childrens fair ground rides and pose for photographs with Princess Elsa, but to get shit faced on whiskey and red wine and served lobster and wagyu steak by a fricking private chef before getting caught by park security vomiting over the fricking Lilo and Stitch statue and yelling at teenagers to go frick themselves, b-word?


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My friend knocked over her drink with her sleeve. And the waiter came up and she's like, "May I get another mimosa?" He is like, "I can give you water or I can give you tea." After five minutes I go, "Wait a minute, did he just cut us off?"


And I went to talk to the manager, who would not look at me. Finally I leaned into him and I said, "What the frick is going on?" And he goes, "That's it."


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17278347330109043.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17282249849557173.webp

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60 years old...


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I think Disney adults are swingers so it's probably a s*x thing

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What a terrible way to select for swingers.

:marse#ychonker2: :marseych#!onkerfoid: :marse#yautismchonker: :marseyc#honkerfoidpuke: :marseyr#adfem: :ma#!rseydisney:

Or maybe only the poors are fat :marseythinkorino:

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How did this get 285 upmarseys?


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Half the votes are triple digit score or less

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But there's 285 names. Explain.


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This is definitely a generic adrenochrome ring

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I see disney adults, I :marseyupvote2:... simple as. Love to see their drama.

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I don't get what the big controversy is. If they're paying that much, just let them be drunk. You can afford to hire a couple people to follow them around and make sure they don't aspirate on their own vomit or drown in shallow water.

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It's Club 33. It's some kind of illuminati club. Holly Madison is a part of it, but she's so Tik Tok brained it's no surprise she's in it. They have secret doors apparently around Disney World where you can hang out.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Midlife crisis for trashy people.

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this is what the movie Kinds of Kindness is about

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:marseywtf2: everything about this is insane :marseycrazy:


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