Original Character Sharing Thread

Us !edgelords love making OCs. Share yours!

Sario is one of my greatest creations, I made him in math class while not paying attention. Everything about him can be found on his info sheet.

Jay Zee is an alternate timeline version of Jables from Tenacious D. In this timeline, he has special powers that let him control life, entropy, and time. He (incorrectly) believes himself to be a vampire, and kills people to drink their blood. His first victim was Kage, who now haunts Jay Zee as a vengeful ghost. Jay Zee seeks to kill the members of the New World Order in order to drink their blood and gain their powers.

Here's Steven Robotnik, pictured with his girlfriend May Birch. His father, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, gave him the Black Insanity Amethyst before being killed by Sonic the Hedgehog. The Amethyst allows Steven to assert his will over reality, giving him god-like reality warping abilities. However, his abilities do not end there.

Against foes powerful enough to resist reality warping, Steven fights with his stand, THE VENGEFUL ONE.

THE VENGEFUL ONE is the embodiment of Steven's spite. It is a living portal to the Shadow Realm, and anyone who it touches gets sent there. It cannot be destroyed as long as Steven is suffering injustice. It wields the spine and skull of Mammoth Mogul as its weapon, with the Gray Chaos Emerald still fused within it. The powers of the Emerald, while less than those of an Insanity Amethyst, are still quite impressive, and allow THE VENGEFUL ONE to harm even the toughest foes.

Utumar the Somniferous is a dark wizard and has powers over nightmares. I drew him and didn't do much more.

Zombie Wolf wishes to join us.

Apparently Zombie Wolf thinks that he's as valid of a mascot as we are a house. I find this preposterous, but I pity him enough that I did not immediately shoot down his application. Thus, I will leave it up to a vote of !edgelords to determine if we will allow him into our midst.

Voting closes at 1400 EDT 4/17/2023.

Voting closed. Zombie Wolf has been rejected by a 7-6 vote.

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Announcing !edgelords

My fellow members of House Edgy, we have done it! Not only do we have a hole, but now we have a ping group as well! The ping group will make keeping track of our members much easier, as I'll just consider everyone in the group to be one of us.

Fundraiser for !edgelords

Vampire have a ping group, Racist has a whole bunch, Femboy has a few, Furry has a containment one, where's ours?

I'll spend all of my dramacoin on it as soon as I hit 10k, I currently have a little over 4k.

@Jumm_Kong has contributed 841 coins, thank you.

@Dbol_Debbie has contributed 1455 coins, thank you.

@Spysix has contributed 1323 coins, thank you.

@Don_wei has donated 2153 coins, thank you.

That's enough! Thanks, my fellow !edgelords.


@Aevann discuss.

House Edgy Member Registration

Hi all! Some people (!jannies !powerusers !illuminati) have decided that we're too dangerous to give mechanical implementation, hoping that a lack of such would prevent us from functioning as a House.

Do not worry!

I will just manually keep track of all of our members on this handy dandy public ledger.

Founding Members



















Sworn Enemies




The founders of all of the other Houses.

Tl;dr on the recent janny drama



Your own leader said that "racism is inherently edgy." !chuds

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We did it, Edgybros.

After 9 months, two weeks :marseysal:, and one day, we did it. We've got a hole for our beloved House Edgy.

@Spysix @Don_Wei @elvisfrickingpresley @Dbol_Debbie @Arachnotron69 @Ducky thank you for being the best House brethren on this website.

During this time, we've also managed to slay two of the Major Houses, Racist and Vampire! Unfortunately, due to being undead, Vampire got better. Looks like we'll need to stake them harder next time.

This hole is a safe place for !incels and !catholics.

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