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Thatcher = 2nd Gen Antifa

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Thatcher was punk as frick

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And they're still assmad about it to this day

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I like this one because it gave the bongs an excuse to play with the sea harrier and their rslurred ski jump carriers

Current hyperfixation: https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146091388618665.webp

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I'd give a lot of the credit to the AIM-9L Sidewinder with the new all-aspect seeker so you could shoot it head on. It's a big part of why Israel went like 100-2 against the Syrians in the same year.

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Why did either of these countries care about this island so much? It seems pretty insignificant to fight over for either party.

My first and only real exposure to the war was the Top Gear special where the Argentinians chimp out over a license plate.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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A little bit of oil, a little bit of national pride and a little bit of scientific research

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The Brits got it before the Spanish and the Argies want it because it's close to them.

The French were first, and afterwards the last Spaniard was evicted (1811) from the island before Argentina was created (1820)

So it's pretty r-slurred

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Argentina doesn't even have a good case for owning it then?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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They have a good case. The British have a good case too.

It should be possible to reach a compromise, like the British keep the islands and the Argentines get the EEZ or something. But humans are way too neurodivergent and r-slurred for that.

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>They have a good case.

lol no

This would be like if the USA tried to conquer Bermuda

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Don't tempt us.

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Proximity to Argentina and a half century of Spanish La Plata colonial governance over the island as a prison colony. So, not really.

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Doubt that Is true for argentina education when colonies objectively Made the entire continent 1000x better and accelerated actual progress lol

Trans lives matter

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Wrong, chud. The only reason why South America is dysfunctional is due to CIA :marseyglow: meddling.

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It was a paradise of good governance before we got there.

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The level of booty-blasted argies ( :imwhite: ) get decades after being blown the frick out by bongs at the very very butt-end of their global relevance will never be anything less than exquisite :marseyxd:

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Don't forget the self hating Bongs and the Ir*sh tagging in to seethe about the last time the Uk was based

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Seriously, this event was so old that it was used as a "that's so out of date" joke thirty years ago


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>"fascist imperialism"

>the Junta was made of Liberals



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The Falklands was such a Chad war

>ArgieChads just invade Britain and say "do something"

>BongChads say "bet" and scrape together a gutted fleet to sail halfway across the world to frick them up

>Royal Marines shoot a destroyer with a shitty ATGM

>Tiny helicopter blows a hole in a submarine and forces it to surrender

>Britain sends mothballed nuclear bombers on 9000 mile trips to bomb Argentina as a frick you

>A WWII former US cruiser is sunk by a nuclear attack submarine firing WWII unguided torpedos

>Britain secures assistance from a man with a she full of electrical parts to see how they can strap Sidewinders to a Boeing 707 so it can hunt and smoke an Argie 707

>Gurkha's behead people

>Argentina pilots do 10-foot altitude bombing runs with dumb bombs

>SAS troopers have to read the instruction manual on a stinger since they've never seen one, instantly use it to shoot down a Mirage III

>Britain says frick it when their helicopters are blown up, walk across the island and kick Argentina's butt

Just cool bros doing cool bro shit

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Ahh, argie cope. It warms the cockles of my heart, it does.

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This guy got peepees in his heart lmao what a cute twink


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When your kids are in the kebab


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@SonAmyHeartbreakCompany doth wonder...

!latinx !neolibs !historychads assuming that he succeeds in turning Argentina into the perfect ancap utopia he wants, would Milei ever consider retaking Las Malvinas? Or at least try to negotiate a takeover? I know he's pretty nationalistic, but as a lolbert guy I'm not sure if that's something he would desire (especially since those cringe af Peronists tried to earlier and fricked up hard)... :marseyquestion:

trump for prison

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Is there literally any way in which he could succeed at that, though? I imagine if things got actually dire for the brits down there they'd tap on America's shoulder for air support, and a single US carrier group could probably rout the entirety of Argentina's navy and air force.

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A lot of frigates with plenty of anti-naval missiles might work. It would take 5 years tops (:lol:) to get there, but everyone in the world would notice.

The other problem is maintaining the supply. Assuming they can carry out the amphibious assault with 5k soldiers, they'd need to keep shipping supplies over, but at that point the UK and eventually the US could blockade the islands.

It would be really expensive for them to gain a shitty little set of islands.

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Depends on America's appetite for wasting gunpowder on protecting British overseas territory yet again. Sometimes they send a million men to die over it, sometimes they tell the queen they'll dissolve her banking system if she doesn't surrender.

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It only took a little baby British helicopter carrier with one of those gay takeoff ramps with Harriers on it to win the last one. (Tbf it was actually really close and if a few rolls of the dice went the other way Argentina would have won.)

The Argentinian military was actually pretty strong then. They had a good air force with modern weapons, the French Super Etendard/Exocet, which unfortunately for them was defective kinda like how the French sold everyone hemophilia drugs infected with literal AIDS at the same time. I'm a hardcore francophile but that was a bad time.

Anyway my point is, Argentina's military capabilities now are minimal. They (rightly) decided not to pay billions of dollars keeping it up the last 40 years. It would take at least a decade to buy new stuff and train guys on it before they could think of even taking on Britain's pathetic remnant of an empire.

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It's a miracle they won the Falklands war they simply didn't have the logistics to support such an operation and had to commandeer container ships to use as helicopter landing ships. If the Argentina's were a little more competent they would have lost.

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He's literal a fanboy of that c*nt thatcher so nope.

The way things are going the argies will get the fricklands plus reparations for RACISM from king abdullah al-kebab in about 20 years or so.

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The Milei administration is the most pro-British in recent memory

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It wouldn't work if he tried. The modern Argentinian military is a meme and ranks solidly behind even Chile who's way behind Brazil. The Falklands on the other hands is the most militarised possession of the UK in the world with a dedicated army and RAF base.

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He said it would be unfair to annex the Falklands while Argentina is in its current state. He claims once Argentina rebounds and becomes an actual developed country then the Falklanders themselves will want to join, in other words it is not on his priority table.

Also the Argentine Armed Forces are in a terrible shape, they're in no condition of taking anything from anyone, I know people here love to make fun of Bongland but despite being much smaller than during it's heydey the Royal Navy is still a formidable force, they have nuclear subs, 2 large aircraft carriers and F35 fighters.

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He said it would be unfair to annex the Falklands while Argentina is in its current state.

Based and reasonable-pilled. :marseyspock:

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Isla Malvinas is rightfully Argentinian clay. :marseysoldemayo:

Fight me britbongs :marseypunching:

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They should have listened to Thatcher and forcibly split up Germany

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Fight me britbongs :marseypunching:

Wasn't much of a fight last time, won't be this time either.

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Wasn't much of a fight last time

That's not what most of the guys in it said.

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Yeah most of the argies.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17120851996852868.webp !soyteens :marseygem: or :marseycoal: ?

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Argensimians therefore coal but TAD therefore gem

@BWC love sucking peepee (BWC only)

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>Today marks 42 years since Argentina tried to colonise and ethnically cleanse the Falklands Islands only for progressive decolonial thought-leader Margaret Thatcher to support land back and defend the indigenous people's right to self determination against fascist imperialism.

It's funny because it's true.

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they call it a war but it was more of a conflict

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>they call it a war but it was more of a conflict

A 'special (:marseygigaretard:) military operation'.

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>more of a conflict, really


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It was intense though! Prince Andrew lost the ability to sweat after his time there


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the argentines tried to assassinate prince andrew during the war. i cant remember exactly why they failed, but they were going to torpedo the ship he was on while it was docked

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Maybe he diddled the wrong argentinian?

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They sent guys to Gibraltar to try to hit a ship there but I don't know of any Prince Albert Other Notorious Pervert connection.

Gibraltar is also where the SAS murdered 3 IRA terrorists in cold blood in front of thousands of people, which iirc led to the funeral massacre by the prot terrorist. And then the funeral for them, British "plainclothes soldiers" (this is actually the term they used :marseylaugh:) made a wrong turn and accidentally drove into it and security dragged them out of the cars and killed them.

This is about when Americans we can't let these tards manage their own countries and we've got to impose peace on the r-slurred children of the world.

Really makes you think :marseyhmm: about what Netanyahu is actually afraid of.

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British "plainclothes soldiers"

Doesn't that mean they were technically spies and thus legally executed? No war crimes here :marseyiratyping:

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Yes. It is an actual war crime going back forever. You're not a legal combatant if you're hiding in civilian clothes.

The British always wanted to treat it like this was just law enforcement and there wasn't a war going on. Despite there being places in the country that could only be resupplied by helicopter because a hostile army controlling the territory. A lot of people died because they would never own up to what they were involved in.

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"War crimes" are really more like guidelines than actual rules

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And then the funeral for them, British "plainclothes soldiers" (this is actually the term they used :marseylaugh:) made a wrong turn and accidentally drove into it and security dragged them out of the cars and killed them.

The funniest part was that the soldiers' IDs said they were from Herford (minor German town), but since the Irish can't read, they thought it said Hereford (SAS HQ) and brutally executed them

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  • Sphereserf3232 : Internalized anti-blackness is horrible in any form :marseyblm:
  • JollyGrillhad : Sphereserf I'm going to r*pe your butt until you die, question asking gimmick BIPOC

Kinda related.



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the funniest dude of our generation, no cap

it's either him or Louis CK and its a tough contest. Louis can have the slightly later generation.

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the funniest AMERICAN dude of our generation, no cap


The :marseybong:s might be a dessicated husk of a once great empire, but they always had better comedians than you :marseysaluteusa:s.

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Norm is canadian, leafs are heavily overrepresented in US comedy given our population. Our comedians are actually famous outside of our own country

you gave us Gervais and this guy:


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>Norm is canadian

Like i said, American.

>you gave us Gervais and this guy:

I'm not a :marseybong:. Eww, gross!

I'm worse, I'm from 'the colonies'.

Gervais is a decent comedian, it's just his face that's offputting, like a toddler that you know's going to gnaw your face off the moment you break eye contact.

As for 'this guy' (I honestly cannot remember his name) he was just another British actor (I saw him in Doctor Who and The History Boys) until he went to America, the only place a 'comedian' with as little talent as he has could actually make it big.

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Which colonies? the one with the potty spiders? the one with hobbits? the one with designated streets?

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Potty spiders.

And, speaking of spiders, we're also responsible for the expression 'we're not here to frick spiders', which I thought must be some foreign nonsense when I first saw it on a bumper sticker a few years back.

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sorry for trying to adapt to the american market (fat. unfunny.)

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ty u. frankly sick n tired of seeing bongs pretending to have a leg 2 stand on when speaking w there betters

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he really isn't funny. never made me laugh. Funniest guy of our generation is Garrison Keillor followed by Jonathan Goldstein.

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Who dat

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prarie home companion host and other is creator of wiretap

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Norms funnier

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Norms humour is complex, he's not just telling straight up jokes which doesnt work with some people. You have to like dry shit and be patient.

He's like Patrice Oneal, he's wayy funnier in interviews and off the cuff

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you are an r-slur

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My absolute favorite was how he set that guy up:

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Garrison Keiler is great but unless you're 80 he's probably not a part of your generation nig

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i went to one of his live shows a while back. performance was genuinely heartwarming n def worth the price of admission. :marseyzoomer: r just mindbroke by tiktok n whatnot, his shits still gud if very very niche

i was easily the youngest person n the audience by prob 30 yrs btw

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Would love to see him live. I grew up on Prairie Home Companion because my parents were NPR listening hippies, lot of good memories.

I played some for my wife a year or two after we first met and she wasn't in to it at all lol

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this is the fvndamental problem of foids. they dont vnderstand that lake wobegon is an echo of rome eternal

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That's all the news from Lake Cyprus, where all the women are Kallos, all the men are legionaries and all the children are doli incapax

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