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fun fact: even though argentina attacked a NATO country, article 5 wasn't invoked because NATO only protects territories above the tropic of cancer as defined in article 6. this is why hawaii is technically not protected by NATO

:marseyneat: pretty neat imo

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this is why hawaii is technically not protected by NATO

japan getting ideas


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Yes because the part of nato that everyone fears wouldn't by definition be drawn into a war on the US.

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they can claim to be returning it to the native hawaiians and get all the american leftoids to support them

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Leftoids are obsessed with Hawaiians race based claim to the island. They'd defend it to the last man from any other race owning it.

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Every native Hawaiian is a :marseymutt: by this point.

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Tell it to the blood and soil lefties.

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Blood and soil you say?

...Leftists you say? :marseykaisergeno#cide:

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They live in your head, tell them yourself.

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Keep yourself safe you r-slurred cute twink.

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Pretty much, I think there's probably a few thousand actual natives left.

The other "natives" are just mayoids with .5% Hawaiian ancestry, asians, or some kind of hapa. And I guess Portuguese who are considered different than other mayos for some reason?

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I call native Hawaiians "Sea Mexicans" and nobody has punched me in the face yet so I think that's pretty apt.

Every native I've met is mixed something.

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You're thinking of Filipinos

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I call Puerto Rican et al "Sea Mexicans", it feels more accurate

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It's funny how the natives of such a beautiful place can have such ugly souls. My brother-in-law said he experienced the worst racism of his life when he visited Hawaii, and he's visibly Indigenous Canadian.

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Oh no not the island nation of $11 gallons of milk and fat drug addict abbos on EBT

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"Japan did not have enough of a logistic tail to invade California, let alone Hawaii, let alone Midway."

This sounds like cope by the people in the US military during ww2.

Japan absolutely could have overrun California in 1941. They did not do so, only because it did not fit their strategic goals. If they did so, they would have been counter-attacked by an army lead by Patton.

So here's something that could have happened:

December 1941 or January 1942: Japan conquers the western US as far as Denver. At this point I should point out that I am not a weeb. In fact I do not like Japanese culture. I am an American conservative. I am just skeptical about the whole "Japan did not threaten the west coast" thing.

January 1941: Goerge Patton pushes back with infantry divisions. He pushes the Japanese back into the sea.

January 1942: America institutes its island-hopping campaign, as in real life. America overruns Hawaii and Midway. Japan has ignored northern Australia as in real life. By this time, America has developed nuclear weapons. Tokyo is vaporized by multiple nuclear bombs. Japan surrenders.

Februrary 1941: The American southwest is still recovering from its occupation from a hostile power. There are concentration camps set up by the japanese in places like Phoenix, San Francisco, Deadwood, etc.

March 1941: "B-29's have delivered thousands of nuclear weapons upon Moscow; rendering western uninhabited for millions of years."

2xst century: White people, speaking a form of English, establish a colony on Europa, a moon of Jupiter.

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That's a lot of words that I didn't read because my powers of clairvoyance tell me this post is r-slurred

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I'm not sure this is historically accurate.

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Have never seen a more r-slurred take on Japanese capabilities during WW2. Well done :kiss:

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Nice pasta, go eat more glue

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All those words won't bring daddy back.

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What HOI4 mod is this from?

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he got touched in mr. robutt

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Imagine if we allowed them to ever have a standing military again.

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Yes, it's just protected by the US...

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One time the Soviets tried to get Mongolia into the Warsaw Pact. The bloc countries in Eastern Europe said it was so transparently just trying to force them into a conflict with China on the other side of the world that even they wouldn't do it.

:!marseycomrade: :marseylaugh:

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Yeah it sure would be hilarious if a military alliance forced people into wars on the other side of the world they didn't care about


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Can you cool it with the antisemitism

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I get where you're going with this. It doesn't hide that a century of doing whatever is the opposite of what the British say has led you to extreme poverty and not being taken seriously by the world.

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Oh so only 95% of NATO's strength defends Hawaii. A huge loss.

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yeah this is why the US doesn't really care. Also while hawaii is technically not protected by NATO, invoking article 5 is a political decision, so if the US convinced enough people NATO would invoke it anyway

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Hawaii has fallen, billions must eat pineapple

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Must eat spam

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technically nato doesn't even matter as how many countries came to the US defense after 9/11? I will gice you a hint: Israel still exists.

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we invoked article 5 after 9/11 :marseyconfused:idk what you're on about

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No country defended the US, not even the US. Proof NATO means nothing.

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Wait you like Castle too? You should be my soap opera bestie. It's the only American romcom that even approaches what the Hong Sisters do.


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Castle was kino and I miss talking about it with my mom.

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It was kino up until Castle and Beckett got engaged. Season 4 and 5 were especially great imo

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Agree. You can't keep up the will they or won't they thing forever so eventually there has to be some progress in their relationship but that also kills the whole premise of the show.

This is why Korean romcoms (at least around 2005-2015) are best. They actually planned out an ending of the story where you get the wedding and all that payoff and wraps everything up at the right time.

Or there's a really great plot twist at the end that isn't a wedding but even more meaningful like My Name is Kim Samsoon or Arang and the Magistrate.

!biofoids This is who actually am. We should watch old k-dramas together. I'm unironically seething that I've been here for years having to deal with moid nonsense.


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A bunch of irrelevant yuropean countries sent their militaries into Afghanistan because article 5 even France

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what does affghanistan have to do with 9/11?

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Is this some kind of BOT?

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Nah, but Afghanistan has nothing to do with 9/11. Osama Bin Laden allegedly was behind 9/11, but is not from Afghanistan, the ruler of Afghanistan was Mullah Omar and the Taliban which had nothing to do with Al Queda.

The real group responsible for 9/11 was the Israelis. Just think about, do you know any Muslims capable of flying a couple planes into two towers? Only Jews are capable of being that precise, Muslims lack the intelligence or the ability to do that. Also, why do these terroist groups target every country, but Israel? Look up how Mussad funded ISIS and planted agents among them for more info.

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!jidf get him

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i thought you said you were leaving rdrama what happened

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North American Traitor Organization

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So what if Argentina (or any country below that line) had nukes and nuked a NATO country (that didn't have nukes themselves) what then?

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They would probably still invoke article 5. At the end of the day, invoking article 5 is a political decision, you just need the 32 member states to agree to invoke it, and if a NATO country got nuked i'd find it hard to believe that they wouldn't do it.

however if they did refuse to invoke it, they would absoultely cite article 6 as a reason

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What's art. 6?

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so article 5 states that an attack against one is an attack against all, and article 6 clarifies that this attack has to be

on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France, on the territory of Turkey or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer

tldr: article 6 states that article 5 can technically only be invoked when territories above the tropic of cancer are attacked ("territories" being defined as land under control of the state)

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:#nerd: :#siren:

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how do we not have a thatcher marsey

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we do though


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We have two, tho

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rip to a fricking real one

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Dramatards are too busy recoloring pepes and submitting them as marseys

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Reported by:


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the funniest dude of our generation, no cap

it's either him or Louis CK and its a tough contest. Louis can have the slightly later generation.

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the funniest AMERICAN dude of our generation, no cap


The :marseybong:s might be a dessicated husk of a once great empire, but they always had better comedians than you :marseysaluteusa:s.

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Norm is canadian, leafs are heavily overrepresented in US comedy given our population. Our comedians are actually famous outside of our own country

you gave us Gervais and this guy:


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sorry for trying to adapt to the american market (fat. unfunny.)

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ty u. frankly sick n tired of seeing bongs pretending to have a leg 2 stand on when speaking w there betters

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>Norm is canadian

Like i said, American.

>you gave us Gervais and this guy:

I'm not a :marseybong:. Eww, gross!

I'm worse, I'm from 'the colonies'.

Gervais is a decent comedian, it's just his face that's offputting, like a toddler that you know's going to gnaw your face off the moment you break eye contact.

As for 'this guy' (I honestly cannot remember his name) he was just another British actor (I saw him in Doctor Who and The History Boys) until he went to America, the only place a 'comedian' with as little talent as he has could actually make it big.

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Which colonies? the one with the potty spiders? the one with hobbits? the one with designated streets?

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Potty spiders.

And, speaking of spiders, we're also responsible for the expression 'we're not here to frick spiders', which I thought must be some foreign nonsense when I first saw it on a bumper sticker a few years back.

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he really isn't funny. never made me laugh. Funniest guy of our generation is Garrison Keillor followed by Jonathan Goldstein.

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Norms humour is complex, he's not just telling straight up jokes which doesnt work with some people. You have to like dry shit and be patient.

He's like Patrice Oneal, he's wayy funnier in interviews and off the cuff

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you are an r-slur

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My absolute favorite was how he set that guy up:

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Garrison Keiler is great but unless you're 80 he's probably not a part of your generation nig

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i went to one of his live shows a while back. performance was genuinely heartwarming n def worth the price of admission. :marseyzoomer: r just mindbroke by tiktok n whatnot, his shits still gud if very very niche

i was easily the youngest person n the audience by prob 30 yrs btw

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Would love to see him live. I grew up on Prairie Home Companion because my parents were NPR listening hippies, lot of good memories.

I played some for my wife a year or two after we first met and she wasn't in to it at all lol

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this is the fvndamental problem of foids. they dont vnderstand that lake wobegon is an echo of rome eternal

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That's all the news from Lake Cyprus, where all the women are Kallos, all the men are legionaries and all the children are doli incapax

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Who dat

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prarie home companion host and other is creator of wiretap

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Norms funnier

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!macacos !neolibs I love Maggie Thatcher so much is unreal :#marseyheart:

>the Junta was made of liberals


While the Economy minister Martínez de Hoz implemented market reforms no military junta is going to be a bastion of social and political liberalism. The “Proceso de Reorganización Nacional” or National Reorganization Process was probably the most chaotic and incompetent military dictatorship in South America besides the Bolivian ones to the point even among Argie rightoids it's hard to find open Military Dictatorship cucks/nostalgics, something that is quite common in Chile and Brazil (my granny included).

This seems to be changing though as Milei's VP, Victoria Villarruel is the daughter of an army colonel who fought against the Leftoid guerrillas (The Montoneros) during the 70s and they're trying to do their best to rehabilitate the milicos.

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Don't you know? Everything I don't like is neoliberal! :soyjaktantrum:

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Milei seems to be doing well so far

On top of monthly fiscal surpluses and falling inflation, the gap between the official and black-market exchange rates is now only about 20%. Foreign reserves have grown by over $7bn. And the government successfully extended the maturity of stacks of peso debt, reducing pressure on the treasury. The IMF is pleased; markets are starting to believe. Argentina's country-risk index, a measure of the chance of default, has dropped reassuringly (see chart). On the economy, Mr Milei deserves an eight or nine out of ten, enthuses Andrés Borenstein of Econviews, a consultancy in Buenos Aires, the capital.


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I like to follow their progress on https://marginalrevolution.com


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(30% of my posts are stolen from MR)

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>liking thatcher

>even ironically


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my granny included

How is Eva doing?

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Wasnt the junta also


Hard to argue thats liberal....

E: never mind that's chile. Whatever, theyre basically all the same, dark skinned moor/heya-hoya/bong mutts.

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Argentina used cargo planes, more efficient, more lefties per flight

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