Henry VIII, the dramatard King? :marseynorf: :marseykingsmug:

>second son/spare

>marries his sister in law

>hates foids, wants a son to be his heir

>get's cucked by the Pope after asking for an annulment

>breaks with the Church, founds the Church of England and divorces

>married a foid who left him horny, she gives birth to another daughter

>accuses his new queen of adultery and incest, she's executed

>marry again, this time the foid finally gives him a "legitimate" son, she dies

>gets married again to German lutheran princess, get an annulment

>gets married again to a 17 year old, she cucks him, she and her lover are executed

>gets married again to some respectable widow, she survives

>brings the kingdom to the verge of civil war due to religious break-up. Executes thousands of catholics including loyal collaborators

>becomes a fatass after a jousting accident, sires a bunch of bastards

>fails to invade France

!historychads what's our assessment? I know !catholics won't be positive

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