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  • HailVictory1776 : Never forget the USS LIBERTY. THE GOYIM KNOW TRANS LIVES MATTER

The United States 'Liberty' after it was attacked by Israel in 1967, killing 35 and wounded 171 people : SnapshotHistory



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No way this was an accident

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Its an accident? :bruh:This shit gets brought up so much i thought the official story was that it was intentional.

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It was intentional. The USS Liberty had sig int equipment that presumably was picking up on communications from nearby Israeli forces while they were fighting Egypt. Way above was also the NSA intercepting said communications and which documented a large part of the incident. Basically, the Israelis were killing hundreds of Egyptian POWs and noticed the US ship nearby. They flew out a recon plane that would've been easily able to identify that it was not Egytpian because they had nothing like it. Liberty radios out that they're an American ship. Then, the Israelis send out their aircraft which strafes the ship. Liberty sends more messages saying they're American. Then the Israelis send out two waves of torpedo ships to finish the job.

Body of Secrets by James Bamford is your best source on this. It only took decades of FOIA requests to get enough information to write about. Even then, he doesn't conclude that it was intentional, but he sure hints at it given all the warnings given off by Liberty, the incessant attacks by Israel, the lack of any Egyptian ship nearby nor which had the profile of USS Liberty, and the stakes at play of being discovered of killing POWs.

When the CIA had a recommended book list on their website, they listed three of James Bamford's.

!chuds !nooticers !bookworms, this is recommended reading.


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Nah, it's total bullshit ranging from literal autism (absence of theory of mind) to intentional lying.

Israeli's actions once they started to suspect that the ship was American don't make any sense in the conspiracy theory framework, that's autism.

Intentional lies include for for example people who "forget" to mention that USS Liberty strafed the torpedo boats first, after which they returned fire and torpedoed her, then stopped the attack once they got closer and saw the English designation on the ship.

Just read the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident


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>tfw a racist can immediately draw the same conclusion as someone with access to all the details.

The chosen don't make mistakes, they make choices.

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Nah, frick you, neighbor bot.


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White people and discovering once every 150 years that the orthodox jew doesn't consider you equals. name a more iconic duo.

Jewish lives matter too aevann

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What's wrong with killing POWs :#marseysipping:

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Why fire at the ship and then let it limp away if your concern is to keep them from bringing information back home?

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Someone gave the r-slurred orders which were later rescinded by someone higher up (and with at least half a brain)? Who knows because you'll never get the full story, but it's plausible.

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The Jews want you to think they don't make mistakes or aren't complete r-slurs.

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Some how inbred and unbearable r-slurs but also genius machinators with Nobel prize winning IQs. Sounds like us!

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They aren't all brilliant. They just want you to think so.

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Pretty brilliant tbh

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