So how this is going to go, is I will be writing a short description after each percentage of people who thought the dissolution of Yugoslavia was a mistake in each Balkan Nation, ordered from highest to lowest. Yugoslavia is a very controversial topic as it does encompass the topic of Serbia, and rising tensions within Europe
1: Serbia, 81% (Big Shocker)
Being the Head State of Yugoslavia, it's pretty obvious most Serbs Reminisce of the days of the Yugoslavian Nation, Serbs nowadays are filled with heavy nationalism (like most Balkans) and aren't in a very good position economically or warfare wise, so going back to that highly powerful Balkan State is what Serbs normally wish for, and also trade routes Establishing connections with Austria and having an actual sea route from Croatia and Slovenia would be great for the Serbian Economy,
2: Bosnia & Herzegovina, 77%,
Bosnia & Herzegovina is often a misunderstood and overlooked nation in today's society, to their east, an angry patriotic conservative war machine, and to their west an unsolved border dispute with Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina is in a tight position, with both a problem of language as it is Serbian just in the Latin Alphabet. and a Problem of Land, it has Zero Sea Routes just like Serbia because Croatia is the only Balkan country to have a long shoreline, Slovenia has a small one which is semi useful, but I digress, unlike Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina has ties to the EU Economically, Bosnia & Herzegovina is the 2nd most likely successor in my opinion to the reform of the Yugoslavian Monarchy, I am saying this as a later on entry will be explained to greater detail,
3: all of the three minor Yugoslavian ex members, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Slovenia respectively 65%, 61%, and 45%
I am grouping these nations together as these are the least likely to actually reform Yugoslavia and all follow the same jist, see these are very Ethnically Questionable small Nations, North Macedonia is Argued to be Greek or Bulgarian, Montenegro is argued to be Albanian, and Slovenia argued to be Croatian or Italian, all of these countries don't really make sense to be "An Independant Nation" as all are One: Small in Landmass 2: Horrible In Economy even worse than Serbia (except for Slovenia) 3: Ethnically these people are a strange ethnic group, Like Belgians and Swiss they don't really have an ethnic Identity, Belgium and Switzerland at least have good enough trade, The only reason these countries would want Yugoslavia to reform is for a higher level of protection and ethnic identity.
4: Croatia, 23% (The Turning Point)
Croatia is a rather interesting nation; they are arguably the most powerful Balkan in the Yugoslavian Peninsula for General Statistics, they have the best GDP in terms of the area, Good Trade Connections, Good Allies as they are in the EU unlike Bosnia & Herzegovina which has simple trade connections, and a strong population, this country, is EASILY the most likely to reform Yugoslavia if they ever choose so, with an insane amount of upsides, if military fanaticism were to rise within Croatia, The Balkan Peninsula could be quickly and swiftly dominated, ignoring only North Macedonia and Montenegro on the way as they are NATO Members, what is the problem with this is Croatia really does not care, they like the current state of peace so they do nothing, but sit back tightly on their sea shore as the average Bosnian yells "HEJ, JEBENA KUČKO! VRATI MI MOJU PLAŽU!" at them
5: Kosovo, 10% (Big Shocker pt2)
See, Kosovo is a nation derived from a steep history of Yugoslavia, being Owned... and Owned... and Owned... until they just said frick it and left, Kosovo is the TRUEST example of an independent Nation, they don't want to expand, they just want to sit down tight in their spot, no conflicts involved, most of the people of Kosovo HATE war. and that is why none of them like the idea of Yugoslavia.
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