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All the women on that thread talking about how their psych meds caused weight gain surely possess the self awareness to see that makes it a double red flag rather than a reasonable excuse, right? :marseyclueless:

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:marseymanysuchcases: it's wild how out of touch they are with normal people


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lol the intention about bragging about that stuff is supposed to be 'my life is so hard I need the happy potions just to get through the day aren't I strong, don't you wanna give me pity'

irl people see them as kind of borderline druggies, I've never known anyone get impressed by that stuff

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What do you mean "kind of" lol

People prescribed benzos/opiates/amphetamines are junkies simple as, the thin veneer of legitimacy having a doctor and pharmacy rather than a dealer lends them isn't fooling anyone with half a brain :marseypills:

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It's an easy but stupid spiral to get into. You're depressed so they prescribe you an anti-depressant but that makes you sleepy so they prescribe you something else that makes you gain weight so they prescribe you...

I've lost a friend to the spiral. Stopping taking all of the drugs would probably make her 10x better.

Do you wonder why therapy is being pushed so hard at the moment? It's because it's the easiest gateway for pharmaceutical companies to get into zoomers.

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Used to be you'd go to a Church and they'd tell you to be grateful for your blessings and pray, now they bill your insurance for $800 a month and the "priest" is some dumb b-word feeding into your self pity and medicalizing it :marseysigh:

One of the many reasons I only date conservatives and BIPOCs :marseyhesright:

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They also prescribe these things to teenagers who don't know enough to question things, and you just kind of have to take meds if your parents really want you to. By the time you're an adult if you're in that situation you're already pretty fricked.

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You're depressed so they prescribe you an anti-depressant but that makes you sleepy so they prescribe you something else that makes you gain weight so they prescribe you...

Why not just use amphetamines?

  • Makes you less depressed

  • Prevents you from feeling sleepy

  • Makes you lose weight


It's the perfect drug!

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Wow are there any downsides?

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Only if you are a kitty.

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Do you wonder why therapy is being pushed so hard at the moment? It's because it's the easiest gateway for pharmaceutical companies to get into zoomers.

Tbf Psychiatry is different than talk therapy. It's usually doctors who are burdened with cases and have people who basically nag them for drugs.

Most of them are talking about Seroquel which doctors will hand out without a shrink


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I have a friend like this and it started with shit the VA recommended him :#marseyaware:

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The "impressive" part is a lie we tell to people who are unwell. It's a way to say "hey you're fricked up but don't be so proud that you neglect getting better. It's actually Cool and Brave that you're in treatment". The problem is people with low willpower just latched onto the last part while losing sight of the end goal of getting better.

Of course the medical industry at large can't reveal this or the whole thing unravels.

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The psych meds may be a red flag but the binge eating is real. I took Seroquel for more than 10 years and it's totally possible to fall alseep eating / eat while you're basically asleep. I only didn't gain weight because I binged fruit juice popsicles and didn't keep any other food in my place. It actually is a pretty good excuse for gaining weight.

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A pharmacist replied in the thread and explained it's pretty well known


It's always a big decision to take these things with balancing trade offs, but a lot of people chase them down from their doctors looking for happy pills

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>they also gained weight regardless of consumption

Reddit pharmacist

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Quetiapine/Seroquel is a serious anti-psychotic medication. The fact that doctors give it out like candy shits me, they will prescribe that shit to teenagers with a bit of angst and/or depression.

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My roommates in college sold Xanax, rather unsuccessfully absolutely horrible ebita.

I would pig out Every time I would steal a bar or two. A bottomless pit. I guess because you lose all shame when you take that shit

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It turns you into an r-slur, you were giving into your base instincts. Because all you can do on xans is eat, shit and talk gibberish.

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The only men who want to date fat chicks are guys with extremely low self esteem or guys with a fetish for it. It makes them so mad they can't morally brow beat men into wanting to date them lol

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:marseyfoidretard: :stoningpills:

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Quetiapine is a pretty heavy antipsychotic, too. Like that's not a fricking SSRI or some shit for your basic depression.

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Meds can't increase caloric intake

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The real reason is that now she has what she wants in a relationship (steady, consistent support etc) then there's no reason to keep putting in the effort to look nice and be on find-a-partner mode. It's an old story really, go back to any point in history and you'll find men complaining about this.

Why are you waiting for the lease to be up? Just breakup now if you are grossed out by her. It's creepy that you are staying with her while also thinking/talking about her in this way.

I wonder if any of these redditors have actually been through a breakup in an actual adult long term relationship. It's not just seeya bye, there's all sorts of shit you have to arrange when you're sharing a house for example

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Another reason why living together before marriage is a mortal sin

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The people who cry about incels are usually the biggest incels. They don't have normal relationships, and they don't associate with people irl much, so they don't see normal relationships.

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they're like the people with a horrific dating past who try to give you relationship advice

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You can just say women

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I wonder if any of these redditors have actually been through a breakup in an actual adult long term relationship.

What are you talking about? They've spent years grooming their partner on groomercord.

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The way you talk about her I find it wild you would care about how you are perceived

He just really needs to know he is right 🙄

They say this like every foid in advice subs isn't there to seek validation for her r-sluration.

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They say that because that's how they think themselves. Foids never just directly want something, it's always done as either a social statement or some request for validation.

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They only get worse over time too as anyone genuinely seeking advice finds them out of touch and leaves. Redditors especially seem to treat anyone with standards like they're a high school bully, it's like they never got over being shoved in a locker and have to make every interaction a good vs evil to make up for it


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Gaining weight in a relationship is abuse and should be treated that way.

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:marseyhesright: should be in the ten commandments right after thou shalt not kill


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If the Bible is the word of God then why doesn't it have any weight loss tips? Checkmate Christcucks.

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Help your fat partner lose weight by releasing a swarm of locusts into your pantry :#marseymoreyouknow:

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  • Alternate your eating patterns, seven fat years followed by seven lean years.

  • Reduce your portion sizes by giving a tenth to somebody else.

  • You can't live by bread alone, you also have to eat the flesh and drink the blood of the Son of Man.

  • Try adding some locusts and wild honey for variety.

  • Always season with salt, don't lose your saltiness.

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Begone thou sinner!

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Like this :mar#seylaugh:? am I doing this right? :marseyconfused:

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Every mother gets fat permanently, it's science chud :marseyindignant:

Funny thing is that user is a waste of space that spends all day watching tv, 100s of comments today in movie and entertainment subs


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Pregnant women are kinda gross and thats part of the consideration when you plan to have a kid (assuming you plan it)

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After reading this guys post i am truly thankful for having a boyfriend that still loves me and wants to be with me even though I have gained 40 pounds since dating him in the past 2 years we've been together. He loves my body thin or curvy and I am truly grateful for that


I totally agree with you. So many men are overweight, yet their wives/girlfriends could care less about it (unless it's causing health issues), yet the moment a woman gains 15 pounds some men treat it like the end of the world. People's weights fluctuate it's a normal human thing.

Idk, my weight never fluctuates significantly, especially not 40 pounds lmao. Fat frick.

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Mine fluctuated 40 lbs once.

I was fat as frick and my foid rightfully called me out on it.

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You're allowed one

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There's also a wilful ignorance about what men find attractive vs what women do too. Women are going to care less that the man's a fatass than vice versa because that's just how it works.

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After reading this guys post i am truly thankful for having a boyfriend that still loves me and wants to be with me even though I have gained 40 pounds since dating him in the past 2 years we've been together. He loves my body thin or curvy and I am truly grateful for that

The only kind of guy who would put up with this is a guy with no options. Imagine boasting about you LVMs

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If 20 of those pounds were in her tits

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And butt.

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>Women for some men are just the uncomfortable piece of meat around the kitty.

They say this unironically, never thinking that men for some women are just the uncomfortable piece of meat around the wallet, lol

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6'5 at 200 lbs and you're complaining her weight? Someone who is carrying absolutely zero mass shouldn't be throwing stones in class houses.

You're a literal stick. :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

22 BMI (using the New BMI) = skin and bones, allegedly

(Poster says they're 5'8 200 lbs - 30.1 New BMI)

I'm 6'6 and 260lbs. My partner would laugh you out the door for having the muscle mass of a prepubescent child. :marseychonker2:

27.7 BMI (using New BMI) = healthy, allegedly

(This :marseybraveheart: guy consistently gets baited in multiple threads, and posts nothing but impotent rage. Unwitting dramacoin farmer.)

Tons of fatties from this comment thread alone.

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why do they talk like this? “beefy squatty goodness” sent a chill down my spine, even typing it out was uncomfortable. it's like how they use the word “crotch goblins”… are redditors incapable of talking like humans

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I fricking hate "powerlifters", they are just fatties who stumble into gyms every once in awhile.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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i remember seeing this morbidly obese woman's 6mo gym progress, she would be covered in sweat and clearly worked hard. over the 6mo her circumference was only a few inches less, but you could tell that al the extra fat was turned to muscle.

people acted all confused or said she was just pretending to work out, but there was a clear difference in bf%. powerlifters have half assed self control, it's why they'll brag for years about being able to deadlift 400lbs for one short butt rep that they struggle through the whole time. they don't seem to have the endurance of someone who is often physically active

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They always smell terrible too.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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That reminds me of the cliche Reddits being like “I am 6'2 300 breaded bear of a man and I cried like a baby at the end of End game”

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Good post (low effort, like me). The sneed levels are off the charts in there.

From what I'm gathering, women are failing at accountability, and it's the men's fault once again.

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Only beanpoles can be so callous.

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200lbs at 6'5" is borderline overweight (but it sounds like this guy is a gymbro so he gets a pass)

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Another heckin' fatphobic incel chud :marseysipping::marseydownvote:

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Now this is a quality troll

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Idk who to hate more the fat b-word or the tall gym bro

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