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Why :marseyconfused2: is there a height :marseylongsurfing: filter but no weight filter :marseychonkerfoid: on dating apps :marseyappicon:?




Because weight doesn't define health.


A weight preference is not wrong. But there is a faction that is very LOUD that are trying to convince everyone that a weight preference is wrong. Those people need to shut the heck up.

You aren't a BBW. You are obese.

This causes a :marseysneed: storm.

Lots of healthy women's weight can vary by 20 lbs depending on the time of day and where she is in her cycle. Mine always has, and that is one reason I had to stop weighing myself everyday and just stick to weighing myself at the same point in my cycle at the same time of day in order to have a better idea for if I was gaining or losing weight or maintaining. So you could end up with situations where men claimed a woman lied about her weight when she really didn't.

Not only that, but lots of women just wouldn't put their weight into a dating app, so it would be a bit self defeating.

Sorry that chubby ladies offend you so much.


A weight filter would serve no purpose. People carry weight differently. A body shape filter would make more sense.

Edit: A lot of people could easily just lie, too.


Hypocrisy my guy


others have answered your main question but I just want to point out how problematic it is to think those who are bigger aren't healthy or health-conscious, or that someone being skinny automatically means they are either


Being overweight 100% correlates with worse health, that's not "problematic" it's just the truth


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No one is saying preferences are wrong.

He says on a highly contentious post about not wanting to date fatties.

The real issue is when men treat women they aren't attracted to (like fat women) much worse than they treat women they are attracted to, regardless of the context.


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I think the Redditor is saying that men are less courteous and respectful towards obese women than thin women, regardless if they are attracted to them or not. Which tbh is probably broadly true.

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Everyone is less nice to ugly people. There are studies that hot people are favoured in job promotions or just get more help in everyday life. And being fat is one of the easiest indicators of someone being ugly.

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Not me! I'm nice to fat people. And stupid people!


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And stupid people!

Thanks :marseyheart:

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Kek. Probably? We don't treat fat women like they are even human. And that's a good thing.

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Yeah I think it's a fairly obvious subconscious cue that most moids have. Like if I see an obese person in Walmart I am going to assume they are poor and lazy most likely.


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And your assumption would be correct. We're living in a post-truth era though.

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It couldn't come soon enough

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When I see a fat, I see a person who is slow, lazy and doesnt care about themselves


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Same is true with foids and uggo scrotes and manlets tho. Not that thats a bad thing.

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Just wow

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Treating “humanity” with any reverence is the problem here

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Almost everyone treats unattractive people less courteously and respectfully regardless of if they're actually attracted to them, obesity just happens to be an incredibly noticeable unattractive trait and women are so accustomed to the simp treatment that they think they're personally wronged when they don't have men tripping over themselves to get their attention.

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I've heard :marseyjacksparrow: that women :marseysuffragette: can't remember giving birth :marseychestburster: because it was so traumatic. Seeing a fat woman :marseyarthoe2: is the same for me. !thin

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I've taken shits like that after kfc and morphine

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Fat women also have vile personalities

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True of most thin girls too.

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They're at least frickable tho

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>The real issue is when men treat women they aren't attracted to (like fat women) much worse than they treat women they are attracted to, regardless of the context.

Now this is a bold faced lie. I find myself actually able to be friends with women I'm not attracted to.

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