Lardbuckets lie about plusss size:marseysoylentgrin: :soysnoo: :marseychtorrr2:

COPE OD THE CENTURY :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycopeseethedilate: :marseycope: :marseycope: :marseycope:

COMPLETELY WROOOOOOOOOOOOOONG :soyreddit: :soysnoo4: :soysnoo2: :soysnoo3:

"What's with the misogyny lately? You guys to leave the basement now and again" :soysnoo6:

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lol did they just make womens sizes bigger and bigger every year so fatties don't feel so bad about themselves?

my sister is 5'10 and has shoulders like a fricking linebacker and I think buys size zero clothes?? what the frick do actually small women wear????

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lol did they just make womens sizes bigger and bigger every year



Women at a normal size now have to shop in the actual little kids department or shell out for higher end petite clothes. It's pretty bad.

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The idea that Marilyn Monroe's dress size would equate to a modern size 16 is a common myth but is not accurate when considering changes in sizing standards over the years.

Marilyn Monroe's measurements, according to various sources, were around 35-24-35 inches. During the 1950s and 1960s, clothing sizes were very different from today's sizes. A size 16 in the 1950s is not equivalent to a size 16 in 2024 due to vanity sizing, which has led to sizes becoming larger over time for the same measurements.

Today, Marilyn Monroe's measurements would likely correspond to a modern size 4 to 8 in the United States, depending on the brand and specific fit of the clothing. Therefore, a woman who wears a size 16 today is significantly larger than Marilyn Monroe was in her prime.

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Actual chatgpt comment

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Chucksneedpt :#sneedchad:

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Found 145 Coins!


Seeya, cityslickers

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Thank you for explaining something that was obvious from the photo

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ahh thanks for this. I remember this meme being a thing back in the 90s but not a 16. It keeps getting bigger as the years go on. She was definitely not 16 lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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The 1990s was the start of the Assissance as St Mixalot preached upon the cheeks "36-24-36? Only if she 5 foot 3"

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I remember a video being posted here of plus size stores in Asia. The main interest was that they were all named some variation of 'the fatty fat bitches store', but the main thing I noticed is that the fat hoe models they advertised with would still be considered rail thin by burger standards and the largest item in the store still would have not fit this 'sexy' octaroon foid.

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Lol the Cow Cow store. So based

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Or just shop Asian clothes stores

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:soysnooseethe: cultural appropriation!!!!!

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This 5ft 95lb girl I know literally only buys boys clothes for outdoor gear. She's not even mad about it, a $300 women's ski jacket is like $120 for child size lmao

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I knew a 5ft 95lb girl who was totally interested in me, but not until after she gained 50lbs and poonered :(

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I hope you don't ask her to dress like a boy during

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only the wives of p-dophiles would shop in the kids' section

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this is why you can trust the sizes but not BMI. Because the sizes adjust as the science is adjusted but BMI is based on static numbers which is not science :marseysoylentgrin:

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BMI isn't accurate sweaty she could be a bodybuilder there's literally no way to know

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Daily reminder that prime frank Zane had a BMI of 26ish while taking half a G of Dbol (3 times what bodybuilders today take)+a trt dose of test (5-10 180).

but apparently random fat foids on reddit have more mass than him lean which invalidates BMI.

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You should chat with @WeihnachtenSalvador he loves talking about BMI

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He already chatting with me :marseythumbsup:

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Frank Zane was a skinny nerd

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Vanity sizing is real

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It's called vanity sizing and it's even happening to men's clothing. It's been quite blatant for women's clothing for many years now though.

It's literally just cope, to convince people they aren't as fat as they really are. Woman on the left would have a hard time even finding clothing at all in the 1950s. She would need everything custom tailored.

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Women's sizes literally scale up and down depending on various factors to help them cope around acknowledging their weight. You need a fricking spreadsheet to understand what's really going on with them. It's insane.

The one guys are probably most familiar with is bra sizing, the cup size (letter) scales with the bust measurement (number). A 30DDD is smaller than a 42C (but would obviously still look better since a 42 bust is :marseychonkerfoid:).

Current hyperfixation:

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small women wear

Today a woman that is 5'3 and less than 125lb is considered anorexic

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My mom is 5-8 128 lols

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A woman her height should be at least 200lb to be considered healthy in 2024 !

It was just couple of weeks ago I found out an 5'3 and 100lb girl is considered giga anorexic and basically an walking dead

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Lol I fricked a chick who was 5-7 120 a few weeks ago it was terrific.

Human body isn't meant to be hefty

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My quads are bigger than her waist


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my gf (male) is 5'7" ~125 which is not exactly skin and bones and she legit cant find jeans at stores here, probably doesnt help being in !dixie though

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I'd imagine so. It's so easy, if your "size 16" fits the same as everyone else's 17, foids will buy yours because it's a smaller number

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Women's clothes :marseyoverallenthusiasm: aren't sized like onesies

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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They legit make size 00 and 000.

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Nobody would even give a second glance to either of these fatties if Audrey Hepburn was in the room.

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Wrong, not everyone like frog looking foids

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Frog pheno is very hot

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That's a man

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5-1 btw

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No email address required. Don't care didn't ask+it's a nice place to aim

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You don't need to aim with that 6head lmao

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She kinda looks like terry davis

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Not finding fat women attractive

Gets virgin shamed

Reason: fat ugly woman think by calling a guy virgin will hurt his ago and manhood and he would want to prove other wise and start sΔ›x fat unattractive woman.

Conclusion: very strong tactic I suddenly want to sΔ›x fat woman with pike-axe in Minecraft, obviously

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being a virgin is better than having an overweight girlfriend. Source: Turned down one chubby girl and two ugly girls when i was a virgin

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16 year old me was too desperate to turn anyone down lol

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I'm so sorry that happened bb


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Fat women having s*x with desperate men is basically r*pe.

Stay strong king

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Drunk dramatards posting Ls :marseyitsover:

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I was buzzed my first time, lol. A lot of my big life milestones involved booze. A lot of the low points, too.

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More for me :marseycoomer2:

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Going hoggin is alright and !dixie pass time but you want make sure you can climb out the pigpen

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It's funny how every "justice" movement in the last 10 years started after adult virginity rates started climbing, and they all found some way you were bigoted for not finding them sexy. All while calling you an incel.

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I may be an incel nazi but I'll get laid eventually, you will always be fat

  • Winston Churchill

No i won't

  • Lady talking to winston churchill

So are you saying you wish you weren't fat?

  • Winston Churchill
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girl on the left is still a nice piece of frick meat !coomers !male feminists

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fat BIPOC lmao, do dramatards really

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That's not going in my sandwich. :marseynope:

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Coomercide NOW!


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Marilyn Monroe's Plus-Size Body Myth : NPR

AUGUST 5, 2003

"The truism that the world's sexiest woman would be fat by today's glamour standards has been repeated unattributed in hundreds of articles and books.

"Nice try, but image activists will have to come up with other arguments," Seigel says. "Marilyn Monroe was not even close to a size 12.

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@kaamrev would have pinned u if u asked

I stand with Israel :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael: :marseysaluteisrael:

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Lmfao all the :malefeminist: having to announce to the world how morally and ideologically pure they are for finding the piglet on the left more attractive. i would totally turn down a date with Marilyn Monroe just to sniff at some fatties armpit after seeing her devour 3 pizzas and a large milkshake in one go! :soyjakhipster:

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Being an architect is pure suffering nowadays, fat foids are all r-slurred and do nothing but cope and seethe

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What does that have to do with architecture?

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Increased weight loads when you design buildings

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Misinfo I think. I don't think she was 16. I've seen 10 and 12 floating around. She looks more like that than 16.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Vanity sizing is one thing, but what I'll never understand is how women's clothing even works with just the one number. Men's clothing is easy: waist, inseam, arm length, etc. But what the heck does size 16 even mean?

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16 means you're a fatass and shouldn't leave the house

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One's heart is 100% of the time under more stress than the other's.

I wonder what a cardiologist would say about these two women?

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If the fat chick lost weight shed be way hotter than Monroe. Living off pills, daily drinking and chain smoking caused her to hit the wall at like 25.

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chain smoking

If only, she might be thin

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If she didn't live on cigarettes and otc amphetamines, like 90% of women in the 50s, she would have made the other lady look trim.

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Left is hotter

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